Author Topic: Is that terrorist bellybutton Arafat dead?  (Read 2797 times)

Offline Suave

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Is that terrorist bellybutton Arafat dead?
« Reply #90 on: November 05, 2004, 03:56:43 AM »
Originally posted by Holden McGroin
Population statistics of Israel

Jewish 80.1% (Europe/America-born 32.1%, Israel-born 20.8%, Africa-born 14.6%, Asia-born 12.6%), non-Jewish 19.9% (mostly Arab) (1996 est.)

Jewish 80.1%, Muslim 14.6% (mostly Sunni Muslim), Christian 2.1%, other 3.2% (1996 est.)

That's more religiously diverse than the US, and definitely more diverse than any other country in palestine. I wonder what horros those Muslim Isreali citizens are subjected to by the zionists :rolleyes: I'm betting they fear their neighbors a lot more than they fear their own countrymen.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2004, 03:59:19 AM by Suave »

Offline Naso

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Is that terrorist bellybutton Arafat dead?
« Reply #91 on: November 05, 2004, 04:28:13 AM »
I have met a guy that considered itself a palestinian.

He is from Nazareth, of Arab race (if it exist, since arabs are semitic), and (ear ear) Christian.

In the same time is a israelian citizen.

A good person with moderate views.

The thing that amazed me more was the fact (and I hope some of the IL friends we have here can confirm or discard the info), that ha said that he had a passport, id card, and car plate in different color from the other Israelians of judaic religion, dunno why.

Last contact just after the tanks retired from Nazareth, he survived.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2004, 04:39:52 AM by Naso »

Offline Naso

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Is that terrorist bellybutton Arafat dead?
« Reply #92 on: November 05, 2004, 04:32:22 AM »
Back on topic, the Ita news are pushing the theory that Arafat it's already dead, but the autority are holding the news because, since a muslim MUST be buried in 24 hours from the death, and the place for Arafat have yet to be decided, they cannot disclose the info to avoid riots.

Arafat expressed the will to be buried on the "temple/mosque explanade" that IL government dont want to happen.

Maybe there are secret discussions about a solution with a low level of tension.

Offline Naso

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Is that terrorist bellybutton Arafat dead?
« Reply #93 on: November 05, 2004, 04:39:19 AM »
On a final note,

Nuke, I suggest you strongly to read a good book of History of the middle east area, not modern history, you mind, but about ancient pre-roman history.

You will discover how many empires and movements have happened there, of wich the David's Israel reign, and the subsequent separate Israel and Giudas reigns have been only a little part.

In this way you may be set free from the political biased and partial historical visions that all the parts use to further their peculiar agendas.

A big load of BS from all sides.

Offline SirLoin

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Is that terrorist bellybutton Arafat dead?
« Reply #94 on: November 05, 2004, 05:16:36 AM »
Originally posted by NUKE

 Anyone who starts a war should go to hell.

Lol!..That is rich.:rofl

Offline Blue2

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« Reply #95 on: November 05, 2004, 05:36:11 AM »
Indeed it is

Offline bozon

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Is that terrorist bellybutton Arafat dead?
« Reply #96 on: November 05, 2004, 07:19:50 AM »
Originally posted by Naso
I have met a guy that considered itself a palestinian.

He is from Nazareth, of Arab race (if it exist, since arabs are semitic), and (ear ear) Christian.

In the same time is a israelian citizen.

A good person with moderate views.

The thing that amazed me more was the fact (and I hope some of the IL friends we have here can confirm or discard the info), that ha said that he had a passport, id card, and car plate in different color from the other Israelians of judaic religion, dunno why.

Last contact just after the tanks retired from Nazareth, he survived.

Naso, I think you have some things confused here.

Nazarath is inside 1948 borders. Definitly no tanks there. The different plates ID cards and passports are palestinians resident of the occupied territories and not Israeli citizens.
Almost all residents of Nazarath are Israelis.

The two states solution is almost beyond debate, except by vocal minorities. The only other viable option is giving Gaza back to Egypt and the west bank back to Jordan. Both will not agree to this since the last thing they want is the palestinians on their hands. Especially Jordan which is already rulled by a Hashemic minority and put a lot of pressure that the future Palestinian state will not have a border with Jordan.

Just for the record, Zionism has a very weak historical claim to this land. The early zionists were willing to consider other territories for the future state. Israel turned out to be the best option (?).

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Offline Captain Virgil Hilts

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« Reply #97 on: November 05, 2004, 07:32:30 AM »
The area in question was ruled by the Ottoman Empire for an eternity. The Ottoman Empire sided with the Kaiser in World War I, and was defeated along with him. There was no Palestine, and there never had been. There was also no Israel at the time, although there had been. The area was called Trans Jordan. The British had "stewardship" over the area after World War I. They did call part of the area "Palestine".

The people who occupied that area were from any number of tribes and nations. They were for the most part Arabs of Muslim religious faith.

Even before World War II there were Jews immigrating back to the area and Israel was the territory they went to, which had been a Jewish area for centuries, and was before the British and before the Ottoman Empire.

At the time Israel was formally recognized as a sovereign nation, the Arabs of that region were also to have been given their own state to be recognized as a sovereign nation.

Unfortunately for them, and the rest of the world, the Arab nations immediately set upon Israel with the intent of destroying it and wiping out the Jews once and for all. Even more unfortunate for the Arabs living in the territory, they sided with the Arab nations, and the Arab nations lost.

The territory was controlled by Israel for the most part over the period of the next two decades.

The truth is, however, that those who call themsleves "Palestinians" and are occupying the territory known as "Palestine" are in fact refugees from any number of tribes and nations who had generally been sent to settle the territory by the Arab nations.

When that territory was lost to Israel in the next decades during the wars, those refugees originally stayed in Jordan. Again, an unfortunate situation occured. First, they were forced to live in what amounted to squalor by their Arab brethren in a part of Jordan as second class refugees, and they were not welcomed by ANY Arab nation. Second, those of Arafat's ilk created unrest, and threatened the ruler of Jordan, and Jordan violently expelled these refugees, who then, with no other place to go, returned to the territory known as "Palestine".

It was in fact their Arab brethren, and not Israel, who placed the "Palestinians" in the place and predicament in which they currently suffer.

Commonly ignored by many is the fact that Israel built homes for the refugees, but the Arab brethren of the refugees and those of Arafat's ilk prevented them from occupying the settlements, instead forcing them to live in the squalor of the refugee camps, to better foster hate and unrest, and also sympathy from the rest of the world.

As to the right of Israel to occupy and control the territory, oddly enough, that is actually guaranteed by international law. Because the territory was taken by Israel in a war in which they were attacked and they were acting in defense, they are allowed to hold that territory until such time as a formal peace treaty ends that war. With the possible exception of Egypt, under Sadat (who was assassinated for his efforts) no treaty was ever signed, so legally, the war still continues.

While far from being "lilly white", Israel has made far more efforts and more concessions than any of the Arab nations or the "Palestinians" and their "leaders", who are mostly comprised of the terrorist groups such as the PLA/PLO, Hamas, Hezbollah, and a few others.
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Offline Maverick

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Re: "Palestine"
« Reply #98 on: November 05, 2004, 08:37:28 AM »
Originally posted by Captain Virgil Hilts
The area in question was ruled by the Ottoman Empire for an eternity. The Ottoman Empire sided with the Kaiser in World War I, and was defeated along with him. There was no Palestine, and there never had been. There was also no Israel at the time, although there had been. The area was called Trans Jordan. The British had "stewardship" over the area after World War I. They did call part of the area "Palestine".

So what you are saying here is that it's all the Brits fault, right.

 :p  :D
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Offline NUKE

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Is that terrorist bellybutton Arafat dead?
« Reply #99 on: November 05, 2004, 09:00:23 AM »
Originally posted by GRUNHERZ

So to put it quite simply for one as dense as you, unless there is a seperate plaestenian state Isreal will invetably become like south africa. The only choice is whether it will be the isolated racist opressive south africa of apartheid or the democratic black majority ruled south africa of the 1990s...

Your choice bud...

You are calling me dense? Because I don't agree woth you? Nice.

I love how you so easily went to the personal insults by the way.... a sign of desperation.

Earlier this morning I was unable to get back to this website, so don't think I left the debate. I'm off to work now.

Basically you have agreed that Israel should have it's homeland "wherever " they are able to secure one. Kinda blows all of your arguments right down the chitter, don't you think?

And by the way, I believe the "Palestinians" should have their own state.

Offline Naso

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Is that terrorist bellybutton Arafat dead?
« Reply #100 on: November 05, 2004, 09:50:27 AM »
Originally posted by bozon
Naso, I think you have some things confused here.

This is a given. :)


Nazarath is inside 1948 borders. Definitly no tanks there.

In fact I dont remember perfectly if was Bethlem or Nazareth, it's the place where is the "Church of Nativity", where a group of Palestinians barricaded when the IL army started the assault on Arafat Palace and all the Palestinian cities.

The different plates ID cards and passports are palestinians resident of the occupied territories and not Israeli citizens.
Almost all residents of Nazarath are Israelis.

I got it, so there's no dinstinction between Israeli of Judaic religion and Muslim or Christian religion.

The two states solution is almost beyond debate, except by vocal minorities.

In my memory there's something about a try that was done just before or during the english leaving the area, a try of "2 states in one" that failed basicly for the twist toward violence that the Hagana and other pseudo-terroristics organizations put on the process.

Am I wrong?

The only other viable option is giving Gaza back to Egypt and the west bank back to Jordan. Both will not agree to this since the last thing they want is the palestinians on their hands. Especially Jordan which is already rulled by a Hashemic minority and put a lot of pressure that the future Palestinian state will not have a border with Jordan.

A no-win situation for the Pals, uh?

Just for the record, Zionism has a very weak historical claim to this land. The early zionists were willing to consider other territories for the future state. Israel turned out to be the best option (?).



Now I am lost, can you expand this one?

Offline Blue2

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To Be Honest
« Reply #101 on: November 05, 2004, 10:04:07 AM »
History is important but this is now and something has to be done.

Sort out The Israel issue and a hole lot of pissed off arabs might be less likely to want to be terrorists. DSurely the American Govt can see that? Every one else in the world can ( apart from the Israelis )

I'm sure most Arabs would rather just try and sell us stuff, show us their history and give us a nice holiday, and haggle a bit over oil prices whilst living a nice comfortable life.


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Is that terrorist bellybutton Arafat dead?
« Reply #102 on: November 05, 2004, 11:27:24 AM »
So Nuke  now you support a a seperate Palestenmian state???

You certainly didnt say that before...

The reason I called you dense is because you didnt seem to realize thsat your apparent fanatical devotion to a single Isarael would lead to the destrution of a Jewish Israel, either through severe international isolation of an apartheid style Israel that denied their majority population the right to vote or conversely the ednd of a jewish voting majority in a fully democratic state.

So once again I pose the question to those who insist on a single Israeli state solution to this problem, how do you guys propose to deal with the fact that within a decaded such a state would have a majority muslim arab palestian voting population?  And why would staunchly pro israel pro jewish advocates of a single state solution want such a demographic shift in Israel?


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Re: To Be Honest
« Reply #103 on: November 05, 2004, 11:30:12 AM »
Originally posted by Blue2
History is important but this is now and something has to be done.

Sort out The Israel issue and a hole lot of pissed off arabs might be less likely to want to be terrorists. DSurely the American Govt can see that? Every one else in the world can ( apart from the Israelis )

I'm sure most Arabs would rather just try and sell us stuff, show us their history and give us a nice holiday, and haggle a bit over oil prices whilst living a nice comfortable life.

No, all of them they are inhuman monsters fanatically bent on endless destruction as an end and not a means...

Offline NUKE

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Is that terrorist bellybutton Arafat dead?
« Reply #104 on: November 05, 2004, 11:45:34 AM »
Originally posted by GRUNHERZ
So Nuke  now you support a a seperate Palestenmian state???

You certainly didnt say that before...


You never asked.

You were too preoccupied  thinking I was being fanatic about Israel.

I was talking about the Arafat and his "Palestinian" homeland that never existed in history.