Author Topic: An observation.  (Read 1060 times)

Offline bustr

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An observation.
« Reply #15 on: December 07, 2004, 04:58:25 PM »
It's threads like this that makes me beleive there is a God and he likes us. Other wise Hitech would never be able to put up with our crap, and he would take away the best regualre quality entertainment most of get on a consitant basis.:aok

Age gives me one great perspective: Tinpot you dont KNOW how good you really GOT it with this game...................:lol
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline Tinpot

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« Reply #16 on: December 08, 2004, 06:53:52 AM »
Personaly I didn't think I was being rude. Forthright maybe. Frank maybe in my opinions. But not rude. I apologise if you thought me so.Maybe we just have different definitions of the term.

I accept the response. I'm not a programmer so do not have tech knowledge. However I do think that the game seems to be less about realistic WW2 combat and is more of an arcade game with WW2 aircraft.

On the plus side it is the most accessible WW2 flight game I've tried so I'll stay.

To be honest though , and maybe this is a request for those players that have the time knowledge etc. I don't see how giving us a winter map would hurt the game. Nor do I see that bringing night back ( that's why lancs have black underside paint !) or putting the weather back in would hurt the gameplay. It must be do able as it was there before.

Oh and I now accept that Hitech do respond. so I guess I've been corrected. fair enough. How about that night clouds winter thing?

:) :)

Offline seabat

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« Reply #17 on: December 08, 2004, 09:33:39 AM »
"How about that night clouds winter thing? "

As you said, it was there before.   The reason its not here now is because of player request.    I guess the real question would be is "why is your/my request more valid than the other guys?"  The other point(s) of view can be found in the many other threads regarding the subject.  Personally I would like the weather back but don't care about the night because of the ability to change gamma.   But then my request is not more valid than the other pilots.

The winter map?   Player designed maps have been included in the rotation.   Not sure if anyone has submitted a winter map for the MA.  I seem to remember a winter map in the CT but that was a two country design and I think made to AH1 standards (if that makes a difference).   It was interesting for the CT and fit the parameters of the set up.   The question to ask for a winter map is "what would the benefit to the MA be?"   The only thing I could come up with is it is just different terrain to look at.   Planes would still be green, brown, silver, yellow, or blue.  The ground war and the air war would still be the same. The CT map only provided me just that, something to look at while traveling to the fight.   After the fight started, everything was still the same including me dieing.

Offline Tinpot

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« Reply #18 on: December 08, 2004, 12:07:23 PM »

Never did I suggest my ideas were in any way superior to anyone elses. I do think I have a right to voice them though! Ok so a winter map would only give us something new to look at, but hey with weather added we could dive out of the clouds, and it would spice up bombing runs. Maybe we'd have to resort to area bombing through the overcast? And anyway variety is the spice of life whats long with something different to look at? I liked the desert canyon arena we used to have that was pretty cool.

Offline SlapShot

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Re: Ok
« Reply #19 on: December 08, 2004, 12:52:22 PM »
Originally posted by Tinpot
Personaly I didn't think I was being rude. Forthright maybe. Frank maybe in my opinions. But not rude. I apologise if you thought me so.Maybe we just have different definitions of the term.

I accept the response. I'm not a programmer so do not have tech knowledge. However I do think that the game seems to be less about realistic WW2 combat and is more of an arcade game with WW2 aircraft.

On the plus side it is the most accessible WW2 flight game I've tried so I'll stay.

To be honest though , and maybe this is a request for those players that have the time knowledge etc. I don't see how giving us a winter map would hurt the game. Nor do I see that bringing night back ( that's why lancs have black underside paint !) or putting the weather back in would hurt the gameplay. It must be do able as it was there before.

Oh and I now accept that Hitech do respond. so I guess I've been corrected. fair enough. How about that night clouds winter thing?

:) :)

Somehow the statement ...

The current system is a load of rubbish. Its a nonsense.

... comes across a being very rude in my interpretation of that post.

There were a million more tactful ways of ending that post, rather than telling someone what they have created is "a load of rubbish." I too would summarily dismiss anybody that carries that tone when posting ... it simply doesn't deserve a response or recognition.

Next time you think along those lines, think about going to the next con and when HT sits and listen with full intent to whatever it is that you wish to discuss with him and at the end tell him its  "a load of rubbish." Don't think or expect that you will get his attention again at anytime during the remainder of the con. Somehow I don't think that most would have the sack to say those types of things it HT in person, so why say it here.
SlapShot - Blue Knights

Guppy: "The only risk we take is the fight, and since no one really dies, the reward is the fight."

Offline rabbidrabbit

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« Reply #20 on: December 08, 2004, 01:06:09 PM »
It wasn't even from this thread.  HT dug it up from somewhere else and used it to attack him here which just went to make his point but anyway....

Offline seabat

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« Reply #21 on: December 08, 2004, 01:08:45 PM »

My apologies if the statement indicated an arrogance on your part.  That was not intended.

What was intended is that an idea that I or you have which we think is good, would add to gameplay, or be really cool can (and will be) viewed as bad, a hindernace to gameplay, or just dumb by another player.   How would you chose which viewpoint to implement?   Both sides could present great reasons but one will be unhappy with the final choice.   No change to the overall gameplay, just some happy and some not.   If that is the result, why bother with the change?

I agree that you or anyone else has a right to voice their opinion in a reasonable manner about the game.   What I dont believe is that we have a right to an answer from the designer.   That HTC takes the time to answer is a bonus.

Offline Tinpot

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« Reply #22 on: December 08, 2004, 01:08:51 PM »
I've seen a lot worse in here and it slightly bugs me that certain posters get to flame and belittle everything people say without so much as a comment from Hitech. There is some bias in here whether you aghree or not.

Oh and by the way read properly!
I ended by saying

"Oh and I now accept that Hitech do respond. So I guess I've been corrected. fair enough."

Offline Tinpot

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« Reply #23 on: December 08, 2004, 01:09:59 PM »
That last post was aimed at Slapshot.

Sorry if you thought it was you seabat

Offline SlapShot

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« Reply #24 on: December 08, 2004, 01:49:22 PM »
Originally posted by Tinpot
I've seen a lot worse in here and it slightly bugs me that certain posters get to flame and belittle everything people say without so much as a comment from Hitech. There is some bias in here whether you aghree or not.

Oh and by the way read properly!
I ended by saying

"Oh and I now accept that Hitech do respond. So I guess I've been corrected. fair enough."

It one thing when you flame me or other posters on this BBS, but it's a whole different ballgame when you tell the creator of the game that his work is "a load of rubbish. Its a nonsense".
SlapShot - Blue Knights

Guppy: "The only risk we take is the fight, and since no one really dies, the reward is the fight."

Offline hitech

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« Reply #25 on: December 08, 2004, 01:56:55 PM »
Tinpot, I would sugest you throw away that shovel and stop digging.

In the past 3 days you have.

1. Called my work rubbish.
2. Accused me of not listening to players.
3. Now accuse me of being biased

Tinpot: You are in my house. How would you handle some one who came over to your house and said those things to you.


Offline JB73

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Re: An observation.
« Reply #26 on: December 08, 2004, 02:10:01 PM »
Originally posted by Tinpot
This is a requests section which would indicate that Hitech listen read and act. However I've seen loads of requests for realy good ideas that might realy evolve and shake up this game a bit. Inever seem to see any of them acted upon! Pity realy. Seems people are not listening to us after all.

Please feel free to change my mind. ( politely!)
i must say i am actually impressed that HiTech and his fellow HTC staff get to read all of the things posted.

give you an example this "Gameplay and Feedback" forum alone in the last 7 day has had 589 replies to 33 topics. some people typing out 1/2 a page of text or more.

this is for the last 7 days mind you, and there was a weekend in there, so in theory Hitech had to read all of them in 5 working days, and Coad a game, run a business, have a personal life, oh yeah, and moniter 24 other forums on this board some MUCH more heavily used.

alot of people come along and post alot of the same ideas, maybe with a slightly different twist, but in general the same idea that has been brought up for the past 5 years this BBS has been here.

alot of these people also dont know or dont care to properly use the search button, and look for related items to see what was discussed there.

there are many of us who are regular readers of many of the forums here in our leisure time, and notice these "repeats". generally someone will pop in and mention that idea had been brought up before, only to me mocked and told "you dont work for HTC i demand an answer from them"

i only ask you this: should the HTC staff dedicate their time to re-hash ideas over and over again, or should they work on the game?

simply put if you dont get a direct answer right away, spend some of your own personal time looking for an answer that is almost definatly there instead of jumping up and down crying.
I don't know what to put here yet.

Offline mars01

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« Reply #27 on: December 08, 2004, 05:57:29 PM »
i must say i am actually impressed that HiTech and his fellow HTC staff get to read all of the things posted.

Exactly 73.


Sooner or later you will realise these guys are on top of things.  You may not agree with everything, but then you didn't write the thing and shell out the cash to make it available to the world and spend most of your time trying to make it better.  Crap at most you spend 180 bucks a year to get as close as you can to knowing the feeling of what it was like  blowing people out of the sky in a WWII airplane.  It's this or Fantasy Isle.  Good luck.:aok

Offline Stang

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« Reply #28 on: December 08, 2004, 06:17:26 PM »
Deleted for flame
« Last Edit: December 09, 2004, 08:51:34 AM by hitech »

Offline Tinpot

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« Reply #29 on: December 09, 2004, 10:19:45 AM »
On this BBS

I have read thinly veiled racism

Biggoted remarks about other players, nations etc

I have seen people trolling for arguments

and myself have been on the recieving end of some pretty sharp criticsm, nay insulting remarks.

None and I repeat none of which has ever been commented upon by the moderators.

If I caused Hitech offense I apologise. I do not think the current system regarding landing is very good and I believe I'm entitled to say so. ( or maybe I would be if i was another player! )

I did say that this is the most accessible sim i've found and that I will continue to play.

I would appreciate it if some of the same indignation shown to my remarks was shown to the many others (whose names I will refrain from mentioning less I get accused of flaming)

I'm sorry but I think it a poor show that some people get away with writing almost anything whilst you see fit to attack me

Big bow, thankyou and goodnight.