I watched it, and after punch one, granted, me, you, a bunch of bikers well versed in fighting and selling crank with illegal guns, and even your personal Kung fu instructor would stand there like a shocked normal person. Same with punch number 2 as it happened so quick.
But by punch three, anyone of my friends, EVERY one I can think of, would have piled on that large bloated fat black POS and smothered him. And like most bar fights, they wouldn’t kick the **** out of him, just hold him down till the situation was resolved. THAT’s why it is so disturbing. Anyone I ever have known would have stopped it with no secret kung fu ****. Just would have tackled the huge terd and might have saved the guy that was being attacked the damage the extra 4 punches while he was helpless.
I am torn right now wanting to tell stories about my best friends in Wisconsin being Black Belts in a Filipino Martial Art and why it WOULD make a diffrence in bar fights, or felony beating like this, but it will distract from the video and setup an argument with Lazs.
Bottom line is, the guy in the red shirt in the vid looked pretty scrappy to me, but he stood by like a avacado. He should be charged as well.