Author Topic: Disgusted  (Read 3820 times)

Offline GooseAW

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« Reply #60 on: August 05, 2005, 08:13:47 AM »
If I fly buffs to a field and find the city flat I guarantee I'll flatten every hanger I can get my sight on, starting with the VH! I have earmuffs! :aok

Offline Edbert1

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« Reply #61 on: August 05, 2005, 08:20:34 AM »
I think both "sides" of this age-old argument have valid points. But one detail keeps being overlooked...why drop the FHs at a field that no enemy is upping from when the capture is iminent?

Offline midnight Target

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« Reply #62 on: August 05, 2005, 08:22:38 AM »
Always attack a plane with less alt, less E, and less opportunity to manouver than you have.

A plane on the ground fits all three nicely. I think I'll continue to vulch 'em till they puke.

Offline rshubert

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« Reply #63 on: August 05, 2005, 10:45:27 AM »
Originally posted by humble
And the BK shot is a comment on your squad's well-known and often repeated propensity to concentrate on air-to-air (furballing) aspect of the game, and your also well-known and often repeated disdain for anyone that disagrees with your position. If the shoe fits, wear it.

As a general rule I avoid commenting on any thread generated by a toolshed hero (I could care less about who "wins" the digital dirt land grab. However, I am a bit amazed you'd throw rocks at the BK's....overall as good a bunch of sticks {not just as furballers} as you'll find. Tactical aircombat is the heart and soul of this game...only thing the bases do is help frame the fight.

Sooner or later the sequel to AH will come out....[bulldozers low] and you'll have a game you can really sink your teeth into:)

Check carefully humble.  many (not quite all)  of the BKs are some of the noisiest rock-throwers on the boards.  It's there in black and white.  Well, gray and black now.  And frankly, you're one of the bunch.  See cracks like "digital dirt land grab" and "tooshed heros" for evidence of your viewpoint.

You are one of those l337 pilit gomers that thinks that your way to play the game is the only valid way.  Many of us disagree.  It being a free country, and all that, we will do what we want to, and you can continue to do what you want to do.

Tactical air combat, by the way, is a multifaceted discipline.  In the real world, air-to-air combat isn't the be-all and end-all of warfare.  It certainly wasn't that way in WW2, or any other war that I have heard about.

They built tens of thousands of b-17s, lancs, Ju-88s, etc, etc. during the war, and none of them are very good dogfighters.  They were used for SOMETHING, weren't they?  And no, they were not intended as targets for the fighters.  On both sides, many thousands of sorties were made to attack airfields and infrastructure, in order to advance the LAND campaign, and the SEA campaigns.  Why should we limit ourselves to one aspect of the air war?

And before you get started, I do realize that this is not a WW2 recreation--it is a ww2 vehicle simulator/game.  That being said, I am just as likely to get a 'feel' for ww2 air combat as you are, fighting your spit (or whatever) against a typhoon or Fm2 or P40 or whatever.  Have fun, and be assured that I am having fun, too.

Offline rshubert

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« Reply #64 on: August 05, 2005, 10:49:49 AM »
Originally posted by Edbert
I think both "sides" of this age-old argument have valid points. But one detail keeps being overlooked...why drop the FHs at a field that no enemy is upping from when the capture is iminent?

Define imminent.  If the goon is five minutes away, it ain't "imminent" in my book.  A lot of things can change.  Enemy fighters can arrive from an adjacent field, killing all the (low and slow by definition) vulchers.  l337 suicider pilits can up from the field and kill the goon.  The mission planes could run low on fuel, ammo, or both.

My thought on that is to destroy the enemy's local resources, thereby eliminating one source of resistance, then concentrate on interdiction of enemy reinforcements coming from other locations.

It works most of the time.

Offline humble

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« Reply #65 on: August 05, 2005, 11:17:23 AM »

1st I'm not not a BK (I'm an "AK"...thats what BK's want to grow up and be:))

2nd The BK's are wonderful to fight with or against. Win lose or draw if you run into a BK you know that its on till its over:)...

3rd I'm not "against" any style of play. I recognize the difficulty in gaining any real proficiancy in "furballing" and have no problems with others either "opting out" entirely or looking to contribute to the "cause" in other ways while learning.

4th I'm also not "defending" the vulchfest....thats not true furballing.

Your the one throwing rocks, Isn't that your original post?

I'm simply letting you know that none of the "trimmings" really matter anyway. In the end all that counts is the old "thunderdome" concept of aircombat...

Two guys, two planes and you have a chance for 5 min (give or take) of totally absorbtion...and when your done and you wipe the sweat out of your eyes and work the cramps out of your hands and neck and realize you havent been breathing for the last 90 realize that thats why you keep coming back.

Thats what you and the "other side" dont comprehend. It's not "anger"....its annoyance....your simply getting in the way.

"The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it."-Pres. Thomas Jefferson

Offline FiLtH

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« Reply #66 on: August 05, 2005, 11:36:25 AM »
Its that arrogance that turns alot of people off. As the generator of said "toolshedder thread" I'll have you know, although I bomb alot and enjoy the game as a whole, I have been known to use a fighter from time to time, and will give most, a good fight atleast.

  Ive been playing for a little while.


Offline dedalos

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« Reply #67 on: August 05, 2005, 11:48:13 AM »
Originally posted by rshubert
Check carefully humble.  many (not quite all)  of the BKs are some of the noisiest rock-throwers on the boards.

So, the way it works is, you start throwing rocks at someone and then accuse him of throwing rocks.  Like it or not, killing the FH on a capped field is not the right thing to do and has nothing to do with furbaling.
Quote from: 2bighorn on December 15, 2010 at 03:46:18 PM
Dedalos pretty much ruined DA.

Offline Vudak

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« Reply #68 on: August 05, 2005, 12:08:11 PM »
Originally posted by kj714
"But I've attempted to bring troops to three bases.

I got through all three times"

Correct, you do not have the proper depth  of personal experience to draw upon.  Do 97 more goon runs and then share your conclusions.  Also make sure that many of them are combat situations, not field sneaks.

Not a slam, just saying three runs doesn't   really do goon running justice.

Eh, I'm not saying I could keep it up the whole time by any means, I am willing to say I could do a better job then many of the current goon pilots.  The other day I saw a guy hovering around 15k over the field in one, just waiting to be picked off by the 15k reinforcements who showed up en masse because the FHs went down...  Shrug.

For my lack of goon pilot experience I do have oodles of goon shooting experience...  They generally are right where you expect them.
352nd Fighter Group

Offline tactic

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« Reply #69 on: August 05, 2005, 12:49:06 PM »
Toooo many GENERALS sometimes giving directions.  One General yelling "leave the hangers  up",  One General yelling "put the hangers  down".  

Next is, one General yelling "Pork the whole base",  other General yelling "dont pork the whole base"..  I'm so confuzed :eek:  

One General is vulching, the other General is tring to capture the base.    One General is yelling "ok who killed the hangers!"<--- more like.. "what a-hole killed the hangers , we're vulching"  ,  other General is saying  "wtg on the hangers, now get your arse to the town , goon waiting"     Screwed if you do!  screwed if you dont!  go figure  :(      lmao!

Offline Vudak

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« Reply #70 on: August 05, 2005, 12:54:51 PM »
Originally posted by tactic
Toooo many GENERALS sometimes giving directions.  One General yelling "leave the hangers  up",  One General yelling "put the hangers  down".  

Next is, one General yelling "Pork the whole base",  other General yelling "dont pork the whole base"..  I'm so confuzed :eek:  

One General is vulching, the other General is tring to capture the base.    One General is yelling "ok who killed the hangers!"<--- more like.. "what a-hole killed the hangers , we're vulching"  ,  other General is saying  "wtg on the hangers, now get your arse to the town , goon waiting"     Screwed if you do!  screwed if you dont!  go figure  :(      lmao!


352nd Fighter Group

Offline Stang

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« Reply #71 on: August 05, 2005, 12:57:25 PM »
Resources, lmao.

Offline rshubert

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« Reply #72 on: August 05, 2005, 01:11:47 PM »
Originally posted by dedalos
So, the way it works is, you start throwing rocks at someone and then accuse him of throwing rocks.  Like it or not, killing the FH on a capped field is not the right thing to do and has nothing to do with furbaling.

Actually, dedalos, I simply stated that the BKs are known as furballers, and they commonly have used the statement "clubbing baby seals" to refer to shooting down "dweebs, newbies, suicide porkers, toolshed killers, bomber heros".  Those are YOUR terms, not mine.  How many times have you used them?  Yeah, you, dedalos, and you, Furball, and YOU, edbert.

The reference to "copyright" was a tongue-in-cheek and (if I may say so) rather gentle dig at that position, shared by the BKs and some others on this BBS.  But nooooo, once again anybody who DARES to disrespect the mighty furball l337 pilit heroz is taken to task by the whole crew.  

Bunch of babies, aren't you?

Offline rshubert

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« Reply #73 on: August 05, 2005, 01:15:18 PM »
Originally posted by Stang
Resources, lmao.

You can't possibly keep your attention on anything long enough to "laugh your bellybutton off".  That takes time and concentration, or really good beer.

I hear they have an online version of quake.  Why not give it a try?

Offline dedalos

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« Reply #74 on: August 05, 2005, 01:18:28 PM »
Originally posted by tactic
Toooo many GENERALS sometimes giving directions.  One General yelling "leave the hangers  up",  One General yelling "put the hangers  down".  

Next is, one General yelling "Pork the whole base",  other General yelling "dont pork the whole base"..  I'm so confuzed :eek:  

One General is vulching, the other General is tring to capture the base.    One General is yelling "ok who killed the hangers!"<--- more like.. "what a-hole killed the hangers , we're vulching"  ,  other General is saying  "wtg on the hangers, now get your arse to the town , goon waiting"     Screwed if you do!  screwed if you dont!  go figure  :(      lmao!

Nah, its easy really.  Just do what you think it is right ;)   Take a look, and based on the situation make your decision.  CAPed base means no one can make it off the runway.  Hit the VH or town cause the FH is meaningless.  If fighters make it to the air, well then hit the FHs cause there is no cap.  If no one is trying to actualy take the base or no one knows about a goon on the way, well, then why are you there with ord?  There is only 1 answer to that question.  To stop the fight!
Quote from: 2bighorn on December 15, 2010 at 03:46:18 PM
Dedalos pretty much ruined DA.