Author Topic: Release the Hounds  (Read 2721 times)

Offline Hangtime

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Release the Hounds
« Reply #120 on: August 16, 2005, 04:15:02 PM »
Originally posted by FalconSix
Hahaha, whine all you want Hangtime. You not answering my question says it all. Ad hominem is your last resort.

Look kid, I did answer.. with facts, links, and historical proofs. Your credibility in this argument went down the toilet with the 'Iran hasn't lifted a finger' post. Now, run home and tell yer mommy she loves yah, I got more interesting fish to fry than yours.

Staga if yer refering to the US supporting Israel being ample reason for Iran's sponsoring Terrorist Financial and Logistical support... fer shame. Might as well blame us for supporting the UK's claim on the Falklands, her earlier Colonial Empire or the power vaccum created in the Middle East, Africa and Iran when they folded their tents and went home.

A complete history of Iran is a bit beyond the scope of this thread.. suffice to say we ain't the only 'western' power that's had hooks in Irans recent development as the BIG player in world terrorisim.. nor are we at fault for the Iranian Islamic Revolution, despite the indignant 'well, you just got what's comin' to yah' noises being made by the apologists.

Data point.. it's fast becoming apparent that what we're really up against is a massive cultural difference centering around the western concept of a seperation between Law and Religion and the Eastern concept of Religion AS Law. Our policys of 'democratization' of states inside what Iran percives as it's sphere of influence is intolerable to the Islamic Fundamentalists, and it's also becoming exceedingly apparent that 'diplomatic' efforts will be useless in the short term and frankly very dangerous in the long term. When they can destroy us, they will.

A decent readable Iranian history can be found here: Linky (start with the Pavlevi Dynasty)
The price of Freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle, anywhere, any time and with utter recklessness... home, or abroad.

Offline FalconSix

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Release the Hounds
« Reply #121 on: August 16, 2005, 08:08:05 PM »
Rule #4
« Last Edit: August 16, 2005, 08:13:33 PM by MP3 »