Author Topic: WW2OL new patch : News?  (Read 2374 times)

Offline AKDejaVu

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WW2OL new patch : News?
« Reply #45 on: December 24, 2001, 01:48:00 PM »

Nice one funkedup.


Offline Kieran

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WW2OL new patch : News?
« Reply #46 on: December 24, 2001, 02:41:00 PM »
Since we are dragging quotes from the WWIIO BBS, how about a testimonial by one of the biggest fanboys of all?

Okay, you wanna know what has cost you the most customers out of EVERYTHING?


WHAT is it that has caused the BIGGEST NUMBER of people to throw this game on a shelf and forget it?

The trolls? No. The crappy gameplay? Nooo. The cheaters and the griefers? No. NONE OF THOSE ARE THE ANSWER, RAFTER.

No, the SINGLE BIGGEST REASON we dont have more players than we do is...


Christ! YOU HAVENT FIGURED THIS OUT YET! WHY am I...RIGHT THIS MINUTE...talking on AIM to a new player who cant log into the system because it wont accept his SN and password?? WHY TF IS THAT, HUH??

His name is Martyw and he wants to play this game REALLY BAD. And I feel like CRAP because I cant do JACK to help him.

Why did he IM ME??? BECAUSE NO ONE AT CRS IS AROUND TO HELP. No phone number to call...its Christmas, guys, and people are getting GAMES...PLURAL....for Christmas. So what happens?? "OOHH WW2OL! YAY, thanks mom, this game looks like it r0xx0rs!! I'm gonna instal and play this RIGHT NOW, before I even try Il-2 Sturmovik, Max Payne, Barbie's Magic Playland, and all the other games you got me!!!"

Five minutes later, Junior is back. "Mom, this game suxx0rs, I cant get it to work and theres no one to help me...just take it back...I'm gonna try out Barbie now.."


Look, I started my tech tips site with ONE philosophy in mind: That this game is SO good, that all you have to do is play it a bit the way its supposed to be played and you'll be hooked, you'll be a customer. Why dont YOU adopt that philosophy?

WHY, after ZERO work on my part for MONTHS, is MY website CONSISTENTLY in the top 10 or so site on the webring? Thats NOT good. Thats BAD. That tells me people STILL are not getting what they need from you guys to SIMPLY MAKE THE FREAKIN GAME RUN!

So, in short, how do you get customers 'back'? HELP THEM MAKE THE GAME RUN IN THE FIRST FREAKIN PLACE!

That has been the problem ALL ALONG. You can advertise, you can D1CK AROUND trying to get new people to try the game...YOU ARE BLOWING IT DOING THIS!!

Rafter, look...say you have 100 new people you have talked into trying this game. Say 30 of them cant run the game, get ZERO support, and chuck it. You cant have that. You are wasting all the advertising this way. You have to make sure when people try the game that they actually TRY THE GAME...not just try to install it and make it work!

Can you tell I'm p|ssed off yet?

So look. Stop. Your biggest problem is customer loss due to tech problems, not because the game sucks. You stop losing customers because they CANT EVEN GET THE GAME TO RUN SO THEY CAN TRY IT...and MAYBE we'll have more people to play with around here.

Stop d1ckin around...I've been saying this for HOW MANY FREAKIN MONTHS????

Listen this time, please. I cant believe you even asked better read this post.


I mean, if that isn't a glowing report, I don't know WHAT is!  ;)

Offline Wotan

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WW2OL new patch : News?
« Reply #47 on: December 24, 2001, 03:22:00 PM »
kieran ur a bad man.......

stop that lol

Offline Vulcan

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WW2OL new patch : News?
« Reply #48 on: December 24, 2001, 04:14:00 PM »
Interesting Gunfighter, I read that thread you linked too and your ability to pull the two posts that are really not inline with the rest of the thread is outstanding. Feeling a little insecure are we? :-)

When you read the full thread it becomes blatantly clear that the player base in WW2OL is quite different to that in AH/WB. Most of the WW2OL guys are FPSers, mainly playig a lot of OFP, Ghost Recon, Rogue Spear, Rainbow 6, Delta Force 1 & 2, Max Payne, Return to Wolfenstein and so it goes on. Nothing wrong with that, you just have to realize the different tastes and what people are looking for in the game differs.

As for WW2OL, I'm suprised it made it too Xmas. Thats a good sign, as I think Xmas is end of financials for a lot of companies (well it is here) and thats usually when the plug gets pulled. So theres hope yet for people like me waiting to see if the full promised product will ever be delivered.

Gunfighter nice attempt at a cheap shot, but really the AH crowd is literate (yes even gunman26 can read), and all it does is provide amusement that out of 5 page thread you had to post a couple of the only AH-sucks posts   :)

[ 12-24-2001: Message edited by: Vulcan ]

Offline -tronski-

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WW2OL new patch : News?
« Reply #49 on: December 25, 2001, 04:08:00 AM »
Originally posted by Mr RiplEy:
Tronski did you buy it new or second hand?
I think ww2ol key is valid for one login only, after that you have to contact admins to fix it. Means you need to do that in any case if you bought it second hand.

New outa the box,

already mailed the "customer support(!?!)"

it'll be 3 days tommorrow. It's a bad time i know being Xmas and all, but diddly-em I had to work Xmas day!
No Joy tommorrow, will just return the damn thing ...WW2OL be damned


[ 12-25-2001: Message edited by: -tronski- ]
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Offline sling322

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WW2OL new patch : News?
« Reply #50 on: December 25, 2001, 04:35:00 AM »
Originally posted by Vulcan:
(yes even gunman26 can read

yeah....he may not be able to add but he can read.   :D

Offline K West

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WW2OL new patch : News?
« Reply #51 on: December 25, 2001, 10:24:00 AM »
I simply couldn't add or say anything more nor better than what already has been by several folks here over the past few days.  :D


Offline Zigrat

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WW2OL new patch : News?
« Reply #52 on: December 30, 2001, 11:27:00 PM »
i just wish there was a company with CRS's vision and HTC's ability to execute.

Offline AKDejaVu

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WW2OL new patch : News?
« Reply #53 on: December 31, 2001, 12:13:00 AM »
i just wish there was a company with CRS's vision

LOL! And here I was just thinking that CRS was a company in desperate need of a pair of glasses.


Offline K West

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WW2OL new patch : News?
« Reply #54 on: December 31, 2001, 08:01:00 AM »
Zigrat, imo the weak links in any endeavor such as WW2O are the players and the low viewable-contact limit.

 The low viewable-contact limit will always be the Achilles heal for any MMPOG like WW2O. It already is for WB's and AH in many ways (scenario wise). And it will not get better till the vast majority of players have broadband connections and developers are able to have thier MMP games take advantage of that.

 As for the players? They are the weakest link  :)   With no consequence to their actions but losing or not gaining points the majority of players will gravitate towards wherever the numbers are and to where where the explosions are being made. They just want to shoot and "make things go pop."   They're not bound by any military type code of conduct nor are there any equivalent real life" consequences for the success or failure of not supporting the group or completing a mission. Points, perks and ranks are not enough incentive imo.

 The historical or even serious combat minded player will always be the minority and frustrated by the lack of organisation and poor ability of the herd followers.

 IMO the question is not can someone do it but how WILL someone do it. And more specifically how do you "fix" the players so the "idea" works so it's not simply "Mechwarrior:1940?"

 After experiencing the last two years of AH and reading recent HTC interviews I've got a good idea as to who will come closest.   ;)
