Author Topic: Australian Hanged for drug smuggling  (Read 1901 times)

Offline Hawklore

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Australian Hanged for drug smuggling
« Reply #45 on: December 02, 2005, 11:12:44 AM »
If he was guilty..

Good for them..

If not..

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Offline Jackal1

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Australian Hanged for drug smuggling
« Reply #46 on: December 02, 2005, 12:24:25 PM »
Originally posted by beet1e
No probelm, no probelm at all :p But how can Singapore distribute something that was never there in the first place? :rolleyes:/B]

Man you can play dumb when you want to. It never comes across real well, but...................Hmmmm.. are playing dumb aren`t you?

  The Burma connection. Try to keep up, will ya?

And I ask again - have you ever BEEN to Singapore, or any other part of SE Asia???

The again part should have been your first clue. Notice it wasn`t answered the first time? You have entered a no-fly zone.:)
I guess you are on the path to explaining how your two trips to Singapore automaticaly makes you an authority on the subject, right?
Yups are a hoot.
The overinflated, pompous are a hoot.
Mix the two together and you get hilarious. :)
« Last Edit: December 02, 2005, 12:34:31 PM by Jackal1 »
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Offline Sandman

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Re: Re: Re: Australian Hanged for drug smuggling
« Reply #47 on: December 02, 2005, 12:33:47 PM »
Originally posted by NUKE

You think it's imoral to execute a criminal who broke a known law with a known penalty of death, yet you consider the abortion of an innocent fetus, who has broken no law and who is a viable human life, to be moral?

Where exactly did you get that impression?

Offline USHilDvl

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Australian Hanged for drug smuggling
« Reply #48 on: December 02, 2005, 12:44:36 PM »
Darwin wins again!!  

Foreigner running 26,000 doses of heroin in a country where even the flight attendants warn you that you'll end up dead...brilliant.  What a thinker.

Nitwit self-absorbed punk thinks vandalizing cars, while a guest in another nation, is a hoot...then cries when they give him a good beating for it?

To me, at least, there is a distinct difference between running heroin in massive amounts (and paying the price) vs. inadvertantly running afoul of local law and being treated with undue harshness and inflexibility.

The arguement for or against capital punishment aside, why does a major drug runner deserve much in the way of advocates?  This guy didn't just have a 'lil sumpthin' for himself stashed away...he was transporting in bulk!!  Did he think it would be no big deal?  I'll bet he knew exactly what he was getting into, and his only regret was getting caught...and dead.

Might consider the end result of 26000 doses of heroin vs. the end result of this hanging.  Can't say that our system of dealing with drugs works real well, can ya?

I know no one is advocating giving this guy a fruit basket and sending him on his merry way, but I have a hard time giving a damn in this particular instance.  

Good riddance to bad rubbish on this one.

Offline BluKitty

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Australian Hanged for drug smuggling
« Reply #49 on: December 02, 2005, 12:45:41 PM »
Originally posted by Donzo
It may be considered pretty harsh punishment, but the laws are on the books.  If one chooses to ignore or be ignorant of the laws, well, sorry.

Wasn't it in Singapore some years ago that some guy was caned for valdizing cars or something?  People were in an outrage about that.  But once again, the laws were on the books.  If you do not like the laws, either move, refrain from passing through places with laws that don't suit your whacked perception of how things should be, or follow the laws.
Simple really.

If you say so .... In the U.S. at least, there are soooooo many laws no one person can know them all ... it is impossible, and remember ... ignorance is no excuse.  :huh


Originally posted by Mickey1992
60%+ of all burglaries/robberies/thefts are drug related, meaning the suspect is usually committing the crime to finance a drug addiction.  When that just-fired drug addict breaks into your house/car so that he/she can buy their next fix, then your opinion might change.

Well addiction mixing with the black market is bad..... don't ignore the facts of the 'Black Market',  it is a violent underworld WITHOUT drugs, drugs simply make the problem worse adding in addiction.

Would they need so much money for these things if not for the insanely inflated black market prices?
« Last Edit: December 02, 2005, 12:55:22 PM by BluKitty »

Offline Seagoon

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Australian Hanged for drug smuggling
« Reply #50 on: December 02, 2005, 12:49:08 PM »
Hi Laz,

Originally posted by lazs2
well... I guess it could be said that if you are not a government sponsored a highly placed drug smuggler you will get the death penalty.

I sort of agree with the whiney liberal fartwinkle.... why not allow people to do as many drugs as they want?  if they die they die... It's a womans (or a mans) right to choose?  if they go to work on drugs the employer can fire em...or not.   drive on drugs?  lose your licence... what's the big deal?

sandman... do you ever add anything to a thread?  I mean....  ever?  Don't you have a geo to fill with cash or something?


We used to go over to Holland on the weekends to buy dope in Amsterdam. The experience of watching the junkies in parks, hungrily eyeing a bike they thought they might be able to steal to get another hit, or getting solicited by girls in their teens who were desperate for a fix almost made me stop doing drugs myself (I managed to avoid that by clinging to the arrogant belief "that could never happen to me".)

Today as a Pastor, I have worked with and counseled individuals, families, and children whose lives have been mangled by drug use. I've met mothers with children who are literally malnourished because they take food stamps and other items they get from WIC and the countless assistance programs and buy more crack. We had one mother who actually sold the formula and diapers we provided for her children. Making crack legal wouldn't make the problem better, it would make it far worse, and no we can't put all of these children into foster care while their mothers and fathers slowly commit suicide taking as many people as possible down with them.

You are also no doubt aware that the majority of DUIs don't stop driving merely because you pull their license. One of my friends in Seminary and his Pastor were both killed one evening by a driver stoned out of his mind whose license had been revoked long ago and who had already done time and "rehab" for these violations. He got a few years for that, but sans a major change in his heart, he'll be out and doing it again soon enough.

As bad as the "war on drugs" is, trust me no one, not you, not me, not the users, and certainly not their children deserves to live in a society with legalized narcotics.
SEAGOON aka Pastor Andy Webb
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Offline Sandman

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Australian Hanged for drug smuggling
« Reply #51 on: December 02, 2005, 12:52:34 PM »
Originally posted by Seagoon

As bad as the "war on drugs" is, trust me no one, not you, not me, not the users, and certainly not their children deserves to live in a society with legalized narcotics.

Yeah... but we don't want narcotics. We want cannabis. ;)

Offline beet1e

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Australian Hanged for drug smuggling
« Reply #52 on: December 02, 2005, 12:59:24 PM »
Originally posted by Jackal1
The Burma connection. Try to keep up, will ya?
Yeah? What about it? So Burma is a leading trading partner with Singapore - how does that make Singapore in the business of distribution of drugs? Did you know that most of the heroin that comes into America originates in China which, in case you didn't know, is America's third largest trading partner. Does this mean that America is in the business of drugs distribution?

Hey, great logic! :aok:

Duh... :rolleyes:

Offline NUKE

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Australian Hanged for drug smuggling
« Reply #53 on: December 02, 2005, 01:13:11 PM »
Originally posted by Sandman
Where exactly did you get that impression?

Sorry, it was a question......although that it what I got the impression of. Maybe I was wrong.

Btw, was great to see you in the game the other night. Thanks for the check six too. Be neat to fly with you again.

Offline BluKitty

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Australian Hanged for drug smuggling
« Reply #54 on: December 02, 2005, 01:19:32 PM »
Originally posted by Seagoon
Hi Laz,

We used to go over to Holland on the weekends to buy dope in Amsterdam. The experience of watching the junkies in parks, hungrily eyeing a bike they thought they might be able to steal to get another hit, or getting solicited by girls in their teens who were desperate for a fix almost made me stop doing drugs myself (I managed to avoid that by clinging to the arrogant belief "that could never happen to me".)


As bad as the "war on drugs" is, trust me no one, not you, not me, not the users, and certainly not their children deserves to live in a society with legalized narcotics.

well i've speant some time in NL as well

Opiates are bad... that's a given ... but what about the Black Market? It's bad wouldn't you agree? people will call Marjuana a gateway drug because it gets you into the black market..... Violence can even surround pot, but it's not addiction, it's not the pot, it's $money and the black market.  Violence surrounds mafia crime as well, which is often centered around a black market.  

So is mixing these two very volitile situations a good idea?  Opiates/addiction with the black market?  I'm not so sure.... We have methadone clinics, How many oxycotinin was Rush on agin?

Maybe not outright legal drugs, but if you allowed some meathod to break away form the black market we would all be much better served.... Don't ignore the issue by confuseing black market effects with drug effects.  Addiction mixed with a black market is just a bad idea.

Offline Sandman

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Australian Hanged for drug smuggling
« Reply #55 on: December 02, 2005, 01:40:56 PM »
Originally posted by NUKE
Sorry, it was a question......although that it what I got the impression of. Maybe I was wrong.

Btw, was great to see you in the game the other night. Thanks for the check six too. Be neat to fly with you again.

It was an interesting few flights. I've decided that I'm going to fly nothing but the A6M-5 this tour. :)

Offline NUKE

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Australian Hanged for drug smuggling
« Reply #56 on: December 02, 2005, 01:44:09 PM »
Originally posted by Sandman
It was an interesting few flights. I've decided that I'm going to fly nothing but the A6M-5 this tour. :)

I like heading in low right to a fight and see how long I can last. That's gamey and all, but fun.

You ought to take a 190 A8 with me sometime. It's harder to live, but it can really shred stuff up pretty good.

Offline lazs2

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Australian Hanged for drug smuggling
« Reply #57 on: December 02, 2005, 02:33:44 PM »
when I was a drug addict and criminal I loved that drugs were illegal... it really drove up the price.   I didn't have to work and I got first choice on all the stolen property less industrious or vicious drug addicts would bring me...

I never seen a real drug addict work for long...  I never seen a law deter a drug addict.   I never seen a drug dealer who wanted drugs legalized.

just saying...

I don't have the answers but have come to believe that everyone who ever wanted to try drugs is trying em as we speak and anyone who is prone to becomeing an addict is gonna be one no matter what the laws...

to say that drug laws are keeping addicts from stealing from me is probly the most naive thing I have ever heard.

do not get me wrong... I have no more use for drugs than I do for abortion.... both are morally repugnant to me but... both are vices (or the results of vices) that we probly can't eliminate.   I would rather fight the real criminals in the thing.   rounding up druggies and experimenters is a waste of time...  make drugs leagal and make abusing them against the law.... by abusing... I mean potential harm to others...  like driving and working and such.    

A dose of heroin should be cheap... give em as much as they want.  Hell... if they can stand up after.... let em clean up trash in the park to get food stamps..  Let anyone thinking of doing drugs have that example instead of the noble rebel one we foster.


Offline AKS\/\/ulfe

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Australian Hanged for drug smuggling
« Reply #58 on: December 02, 2005, 02:50:12 PM »
The best drug detterent I've seen, and by drug I mean hard ones like heroin or meth, is to be around the crackheads and junkies while they are using.

I was always uncomfortable around the hardcore junkies, and cut my ties as soon as I could with them. It also made me not to want to touch that crap.

Offline Sandman

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Australian Hanged for drug smuggling
« Reply #59 on: December 02, 2005, 03:04:27 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2
when I was a drug addict and criminal I loved that drugs were illegal... it really drove up the price.   I didn't have to work and I got first choice on all the stolen property less industrious or vicious drug addicts would bring me...

I never seen a real drug addict work for long...  I never seen a law deter a drug addict.   I never seen a drug dealer who wanted drugs legalized.

just saying...

I don't have the answers but have come to believe that everyone who ever wanted to try drugs is trying em as we speak and anyone who is prone to becomeing an addict is gonna be one no matter what the laws...

to say that drug laws are keeping addicts from stealing from me is probly the most naive thing I have ever heard.

do not get me wrong... I have no more use for drugs than I do for abortion.... both are morally repugnant to me but... both are vices (or the results of vices) that we probly can't eliminate.   I would rather fight the real criminals in the thing.   rounding up druggies and experimenters is a waste of time...  make drugs leagal and make abusing them against the law.... by abusing... I mean potential harm to others...  like driving and working and such.    

A dose of heroin should be cheap... give em as much as they want.  Hell... if they can stand up after.... let em clean up trash in the park to get food stamps..  Let anyone thinking of doing drugs have that example instead of the noble rebel one we foster.

