Author Topic: could USSR have been saved? (mature audiences only)  (Read 5985 times)

Offline Vad

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could USSR have been saved? (mature audiences only)
« Reply #225 on: December 18, 2005, 05:02:58 PM »
Originally posted by NUKE
Not the same political system, not even close. Mexico does not have a US constitution or bill of rights. Mexican law presumes guilt until proven inocent, US law presumes innocence until proven guilty. A HUGE difference right there.

By the way, is it possible in Mexico who doesn't have US consitution and bill of rights?


WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Democratic House leaders called Sunday for an independent panel to investigate the legality of a program President Bush authorized that allows warrantless wiretaps on U.S. citizens, according to a letter to House Speaker Dennis Hastert.

"We believe that the President must have the best possible intelligence to protect the American people, but that intelligence must be produced in a manner consistent with our Constitution and our laws, and in a manner that reflects our values as a nation," the letter says.

Offline MrRiplEy[H]

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could USSR have been saved? (mature audiences only)
« Reply #226 on: December 19, 2005, 01:23:35 AM »
There is a safety net in social security but for the most part it is too low to have a decent standard of living

The standard of living in the Soviet Union matches pretty closely to the level which you can achieve with western social security. In finland for example you get free housing, electricity, medicare, education up to university level and $500 a month to spend if you're a single person. For each child that goes up a few hundred so if you are a Somalian with 7 children you earn $2500 a month + the other benefits doing nothing.

For most people that level is unimaginably low and they find a job instead. But for many many refugees, especially gypsies, this sounds appealing and we're getting targeted by 'economical' refugees.

Stupid post.
You have never been in North Korea, and there are no researches what can prove your point.

I've seen documentaries from North Korea and the whole country is surreal. The people there are 100% brainwashed. Each family has a mandatory government radio in the kitchen which broadcasts daily propaganda. The frequent power cuts are explained to the people by saying that the imperialist Americans steal their electricity. :huh

The streets of the capital of NK are empty. You see nobody out in the middle of the day.
Definiteness of purpose is the starting point of all achievement. –W. Clement Stone

Offline Russian

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could USSR have been saved? (mature audiences only)
« Reply #227 on: December 19, 2005, 02:21:13 AM »
Originally posted by MrRiplEy[H]


I've seen documentaries from North Korea and the whole country is surreal. The people there are 100% brainwashed. Each family has a mandatory government radio in the kitchen which broadcasts daily propaganda. The frequent power cuts are explained to the people by saying that the imperialist Americans steal their electricity. :huh

The streets of the capital of NK are empty. You see nobody out in the middle of the day.
Is there a name for that documentary? I would like to check it out.

Offline MrRiplEy[H]

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could USSR have been saved? (mature audiences only)
« Reply #228 on: December 19, 2005, 02:47:06 AM »
Unfortunately it's been so long since I saw them that I don't recall the name. I've seen a couple documentaries anyway. At least one was from BBC and the other may have been finnish made. The idea was anyway that journalists smuggled film cameras inside NK off-limits areas. They control very strictly what you can film in NK and they arrange huge propaganda displays for foreign media. But even from those you can see how sick that society is - the preteen children playing in the displays are 100% robotic.

The show in itself looks great, but you could aswell look at a bunch of robots doing an automated task, not something you expect from a bunch of 8-year olds.

This is not the report I saw, but something similar. The film I saw actually displayed the illegal street markets and starving children filtering dropped rice from the mudpools in the ground for food.

The busy streets of the capital:
« Last Edit: December 19, 2005, 02:57:56 AM by MrRiplEy[H] »
Definiteness of purpose is the starting point of all achievement. –W. Clement Stone

Offline Suave

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could USSR have been saved? (mature audiences only)
« Reply #229 on: December 19, 2005, 03:45:45 AM »
Yeah NK is a fascinating place. I like their TV/radio in everyhome "the box". It only gets 2 state run stations that broadcast propoganda. You can reduce the volumn but you can't turn it off.

Oh yeah, and their president is a guy who's been dead since '94.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2005, 03:48:58 AM by Suave »

Offline Staga

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could USSR have been saved? (mature audiences only)
« Reply #230 on: December 19, 2005, 04:58:20 AM »
Originally posted by Estel

You are taking wrong start point. It's incorrect to compare Russia and Tawain. Why? Because of territory and population. How many people live in Tawain and how many in Russia? Tawain with paradise climate and 23 millions of population (this is population of Moscow and St.Petersburg) and Russia where we have only few regions where we can grow food for 3 months in year and climate with 9 winter months.

It's more correct to compare Russia and Canada. But Canada didn't had revolution and wars from 1900. At least on their own territory. We builded industry from zero twice. After Civil war (maybe you remember, that USA didn't meet Antanta engagements to help Russia) and after WW2. And nobody helped us. Only prevented.

North Korea? Maybe you forgot, but USA is number 1-st who is preventing NK from prosperity. With economical sanctions and permanent military threats. They are forced to spend money and make every effort to resist your indefatigable wish to make them another sheep in consumers herd. Only they want is to live where they want and to live how they want.

Maybe you could compare Finland and Russia: After WW2 large percentage of our industry was producing goods for Russia as war reparations (= free for you): For example only ships manufactured for Russians would had made over 20km long solid line and other goodies transferred from FInland to Soviet Union needed over 140000 rail cars.

Oh... let's not forget about those 45000 square km Soviet Union took from us so we had to find new jobs, homes and farms for 430000 people.

We have no paradise climate, no oil, not much minerals and we have Russia as our neighbour.

What Finland is today is a prospering country without corruption, with plenty of paper- and hightech industry and which is competitive with any country in the world.

Russia isn't any of those.

Anyways enjoy your life in there and I'll do the same in here and pretty please; stay on Your side of border... OK ?  :aok
« Last Edit: December 19, 2005, 05:15:10 AM by Staga »

Offline lazs2

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could USSR have been saved? (mature audiences only)
« Reply #231 on: December 19, 2005, 11:12:11 AM »
cpxx... I understand what you are saying about the stalinists here living in a tightly controled environment and being used to it... but...

What I don't understrand is... guys like mileta who came here and understood our system and reveled and thrived in it... compared to the stalinists here who get on BB and bemoan the loss of control over their lives... what is a free house if it is a **** hole that I don't want to live in?   what is free education if you are still using a mule to plow fields or it takes 10 man hours to make a pair of gloves that have two left hands and I wouldn't wear even if I could afford em?

what I don't understand it the system that collapsed would never have allowed these stalinists to converse with us.... if "us" ignorant capitalists have no idea of former soviet life it is because of the walls...

These guys never got to be heard... if they would have spouted off against their government like they are doing they would have been arrested.... that is what they want to return to?   they want to build the walls back up?

How can we understand?   I see former soviets all the time these days.   I have never seen one that would rather not be here... never seen one that would rather return to the old soviet russia.

Before the walls came down.... the only soviets I seen were on TV with KGB agents at their side so that they wouldn't run away.

How am I supposed to reconcile that with what these commies here are telling me?


Offline Vad

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could USSR have been saved? (mature audiences only)
« Reply #232 on: December 19, 2005, 11:53:19 AM »
Originally posted by Staga
Maybe you could compare Finland and Russia:

WHy we have to compare Finland and Russia? Finland wasn't destroyed twice in the last centure, Finland doesn't spend half of its national income to self defence, Finland thnx to the USSR had huge and stable market for goods which, actulaly, weren't good enough to compete with Western but were more than satisfactory for Russians.

Let talk about Mexico. The same or even better starting conditions as the USA, the same political system but so huge difference...


Anyways enjoy your life in there and I'll do the same in here and pretty please; stay on Your side of border... OK ?  :aok

No way! :)
You spent so much efforts to destroy Empire of Evil -  enjoy the results. Now you will enjoy us in your home forever :)

Offline Stang

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could USSR have been saved? (mature audiences only)
« Reply #233 on: December 19, 2005, 12:05:03 PM »
Originally posted by Vad
Let talk about Mexico. The same or even better starting conditions as the USA, the same political system but so huge difference...

Offline detch01

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could USSR have been saved? (mature audiences only)
« Reply #234 on: December 19, 2005, 12:17:41 PM »
Originally posted by Vad
WHy we have to compare Finland and Russia? Finland wasn't destroyed twice in the last centure, Finland doesn't spend half of its national income to self defence, Finland thnx to the USSR had huge and stable market for goods which, actulaly, weren't good enough to compete with Western but were more than satisfactory for Russians.
Let talk about Mexico. The same or even better starting conditions as the USA, the same political system but so huge difference...
No way! :)
You spent so much efforts to destroy Empire of Evil -  enjoy the results. Now you will enjoy us in your home forever :)

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semper in excretio, solum profundum variat

Offline Russian

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could USSR have been saved? (mature audiences only)
« Reply #235 on: December 19, 2005, 12:25:40 PM »
Originally posted by Vad

Let talk about Mexico. The same or even better starting conditions as the USA, the same political system but so huge difference...

They were doing well, until someone decided to liberate them, except they didn’t use liberate term but instead: manifest destiny.

Offline NUKE

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could USSR have been saved? (mature audiences only)
« Reply #236 on: December 19, 2005, 12:35:40 PM »
Do I need to run down the list of how the US legally aquired all of it's land again?

Offline Russian

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could USSR have been saved? (mature audiences only)
« Reply #237 on: December 19, 2005, 12:39:00 PM »
Originally posted by NUKE
Do I need to run down the list of how the US legally aquired all of it's land again?
ROFLOL, this will be good...sure...go ahead. I like to laugh.

Offline Russian

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could USSR have been saved? (mature audiences only)
« Reply #238 on: December 19, 2005, 12:41:28 PM »
Manuscript for debate

US – USSR was evil
RU – No, it’s not. I lived here and it’s OK.
US – You are a fool, you have no basic rights.
RU – What basic rights? We had more rights then you.
US – Oh yeah! At least I have no KGB visiting me at night.
RU – What?
US - HA HA! You see, USSR was evil!
RU – No, it’s not. I lived here and it’s OK.
(Repeat until both parties call each other names and topic gets locked… )

Offline tikky

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could USSR have been saved? (mature audiences only)
« Reply #239 on: December 19, 2005, 12:47:01 PM »
lol u forced the mexicans to sell California and others at VERY low price when the *destiny* seekers destroyed Mexico for not giving up their land years ago.

On February 2, 1848, The Treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo was signed, later to be ratified by both the U.S. and Mexican Congresses. The treaty called for the annexation of the northern portions of Mexico to the United States. In return, the U.S. agreed to pay $15 million to Mexico as compensation for the seized territory.