Author Topic: The Daycare Arena  (Read 2580 times)

Offline airbumba

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« Reply #30 on: January 25, 2006, 12:33:05 AM »
To play any video game, or sit around a tv or pc when you're still that young, is a crime, and a move they'll regret later on, when and if they actually discover life.

I'm proud to say I played my first home video game 5 years ago, Aces High.

(I didn't count Pong, cause that was just sad, lol , and kinda fun, hehe).
I used to be a fatalist,
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Offline B@tfinkV

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« Reply #31 on: January 25, 2006, 12:45:45 AM »
no way bumba, video games are way better than learning to rob people and taking drugs, trust me.

country life is different, but most the kids i know that dont do some form of contrctive and harmless hobby, do drugs and work on becoming mini-gangtas!

i see my little sister who is only 15 and thank the lord she is into ponys and watching TV. i see her school mates walking into school, pregnant, or drunk, or both.

there is alot to be said for the great outdoors and living in it, but when the great outdoors is infact the great cesspool or urban decay, i'd say mindless games and electronica are a good solution.
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Offline RTSigma

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« Reply #32 on: January 25, 2006, 01:01:22 AM »
I was 14 playing AW, I was the little kid.

Now i'm the college kid playing "Plane" or "That Flying Game" or "Call of Duty in the Air".

I was mature by 12, I grew up slightly disadvantaged. My father had died when I was 2, my ma working multiple jobs just to have us live in a house and send me to school. Now I'm paying for college.

Even at 22, I still look at high school kids with contempt. Kids that got the flashy clothes, nice cars, BIG allowances, they are so full of watermelon and I just want to shove them into the real world. Its going to be these kids that will raise a misguided generation that will corrupt the country. They think everything should be handed to them, and that they don't have to work for it.

Although there are some great experiences with these "privileaged kids". Meeting them now while they are working to pay off their 2005 Mustang at the Turtle Wax or Hooters is rewarding to say that I pay for college and have not only one but two salary jobs lined up after college. These kids are just fighting to stay in their 1 room apartment and keep their flashy car or expensive clothes.

Those who have worked for their lives always, ALWAYS turn out as the best kind of people.  

As for the kids that play AH2, I find them more mature than those who play FPS games hardcore. It takes a lot of patience to fly and manuever and shoot at moving targets at hundreds of miles per hour.  So when you see young ones in AvA or the MA, respect them as a fellow pilot and give them guidance as well.


Offline B@tfinkV

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« Reply #33 on: January 25, 2006, 01:16:04 AM »
got my first job aged 12 in the butchers for £2.15 an hour :)  slave labour. I dropped out of college at 16 to get a job to earn money. i still have to earn my living today, but i wouldnt say im gunna become the best type of person :p

and just to contradict what i know is a very vlaid and good natured post sigma, there are also some people who have worked their whole lives and become the very worst type of people.

maybe it depends on what type of work you do. for instance manaul labour is very character building, yet playing the stock market might make you a total bastige.

i knwo what you mean but its not 100% true.
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Offline nirvana

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« Reply #34 on: January 25, 2006, 01:23:31 AM »
I've had a "real" job for almost 3 months now, making about $400 a month part time, not much but it's nice when there are no bills except for gas.  Started "work" this past summer at my step dad's auto shop, 10 hour days, some days just sit around, some days working as hard as you can and never have a free time.

Believe me when I say the kids that think they need all that flashy bull**** are dumb.  The brand new car, the new cell phones every 2 monthes.  They deserve a slap on the back of the head and a taste of the real life.  Seniors, 18 years old, no jobs, living off their parents.  It's disgusting.

Would I say i'm extremely mature? No, would I say i'm a bit more mature then 75% of my school, probably.  They refuse to grow up, which can be a good thing, I have an immatyure childish side to me, but then they never have an idea what it is to work for what you want.  My car was $5,000 used (POS shoulda been $2,000) and I will start paying back my parents for it by next year at the latest.
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Offline B@tfinkV

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« Reply #35 on: January 25, 2006, 01:48:12 AM »
living off your rich fat parents is one thing, what makes me really sick is able bodies young people who claim benifit and welfares.

if ur sick, ok sure, if you just lazy, learn to live with nothing or get a job.

claiming money that hard working people like nirvana pay in tax is just sick and the epitome of shelfish.

i have gone for months without a job sometimes, im not exactly perfect health but im fine to work. and i am proud to say i have never once claimed anything from beifits and welfare.   lived with nothing, but not take other money for nothing.
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Offline LePaul

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« Reply #36 on: January 25, 2006, 01:48:39 AM »
Hey the DA isnt so bad.  The MA is the vox schoolyard for those who insist on informing us of everything in their life, what their plane is doing, yada yada.  Between JohnnyRA and Dopy...heh...its tard-tastic.

Offline Stang

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« Reply #37 on: January 25, 2006, 02:10:54 AM »
Wtf, dopy rules.  That kid is dynamite.

Offline Flayed1

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« Reply #38 on: January 25, 2006, 08:56:34 AM »
It's not kids flying thats so bad it's the REALLY REALLY HIGH SQUEEKY VOICES that make your ears bleed that is the worst. :eek:
  And yes they should be in school or working. I couldn't get out of school unless I couldn't stand up. Now days I can't even send my kids to school with a cough without the school calling me wanting me to pick them up.
 My parents made me get a job when I was 16 and I didn't have my own car to use till I replaced the engine in one of our old familly cars but that was a good learning experiance.
   All in all I think Parents and the schools both are poor shadows of their former selvs.
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Offline Max

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« Reply #39 on: January 25, 2006, 09:31:38 AM »
Originally posted by Flayed1
It's not kids flying thats so bad it's the REALLY REALLY HIGH SQUEEKY VOICES that make your ears bleed that is the worst. :eek:

Silat deserves more respect that that  :rofl


Offline Pooface

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« Reply #40 on: January 25, 2006, 10:22:35 AM »
Originally posted by B@tfinkV
living off your rich fat parents is one thing, what makes me really sick is able bodies young people who claim benifit and welfares.

if ur sick, ok sure, if you just lazy, learn to live with nothing or get a job.

claiming money that hard working people like nirvana pay in tax is just sick and the epitome of shelfish.

i have gone for months without a job sometimes, im not exactly perfect health but im fine to work. and i am proud to say i have never once claimed anything from beifits and welfare.   lived with nothing, but not take other money for nothing.

yeah, one thing that really annoys me is immigrants and asylum seekers claiming billions of pounds in benefits, because they cant be arsed to work. just totally ridiculous

Offline B@tfinkV

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« Reply #41 on: January 25, 2006, 10:28:31 AM »
Originally posted by Flayed1
It's not kids flying thats so bad it's the REALLY REALLY HIGH SQUEEKY VOICES that make your ears bleed that is the worst. :eek:
  And yes they should be in school or working. I couldn't get out of school unless I couldn't stand up. Now days I can't even send my kids to school with a cough without the school calling me wanting me to pick them up.
 My parents made me get a job when I was 16 and I didn't have my own car to use till I replaced the engine in one of our old familly cars but that was a good learning experiance.
   All in all I think Parents and the schools both are poor shadows of their former selvs.

trouble is if your kid goers to school sick and make another kid sick you, or the school might get sued for millions....hahaha.....what a screwed up world we live in.

If one of us was sick, our parent would make SURE we went to school to bild up the other kids emune systems :p.

I remember my mum forced me to play with a kid i didnt even like to get me chicken pox over and done with. I wonder if i can sue her?
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Offline thndregg

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« Reply #42 on: January 25, 2006, 11:19:58 AM »
I just turned 33 nine days ago.  We have three boys, ages 6, 4, and 1.  In this house, the computer is strictly a priviledge.  I was forced to quit my job as a tree trimmer for the local power company due to an inner-ear infection, which left us in a financial crunch.  My wife took over the job front as I recuperated at home and looked after my boys.

From the beginning, my wife and I agreed that we would not run our kids off to day-care while we worked.  We've always maintained that one of us would care for the kids.  Only by the grace of God were we able to live on a 10 acre farm owned by my dad where half of the property tax ($150 per year) is our rent.

We try to live a very "paid-for" life-style.  If we do not have the money for something we want, we don't buy it.  The only exception to this is the house that we live in, and even then it's a fixer-upper $5K home on wheels.  But,  it keeps the rain off, we have running water, and it keeps us warm.  It's a lot better than my great grandmothers house next door that has stood for 60+ years with no water or electric.  (Yes, that is where we started.)  Even the cars we drive ('81 Doge Ramcharger, '87 Dodge Dakota, and a '95 Buick) are paid for and run decent.

I'm hoping that we can instill in our kids the idea that  you work for what you want in life.  These kids that are in school with money handed to them, cars and phones handed to them, expensive clothes handed to them, and yet complain how thier life sucks, ought to come live out here in the middle of nowhere for a while.  They wouldn't last a second.
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Offline FuBaR

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Re: The Daycare Arena
« Reply #43 on: January 25, 2006, 11:22:05 AM »
Originally posted by Stang
What gives?  Why are there always so many teens in there?  Wierd, I never see these guys in the MA, just the DA.


Offline dedalos

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« Reply #44 on: January 25, 2006, 11:35:00 AM »
Hmmm, this has turned to an "I hate everyone whose life is easyer than mine or has more money than I had when I was growning up" thread.

Don't be pissed at others because your parents or you could not make a little extra money.  Instead, if you don't care about money, mind your own bussiness and stop whining about the new shose, cars, and cell phones the others have.  You don't care remember?  If you do care about money, then try to find a way to get there.  

If your parents kicked you out at 18 and told you to get a job, dont be pissed at some 18 year old because his parents didn't.  Be pissed at your parents.

Bottom line, stop crying about what you did not have and what these kids have and try to improve your situation (if you think you need to).  Whaaaaa he has more than I had is not going to help you :lol
Quote from: 2bighorn on December 15, 2010 at 03:46:18 PM
Dedalos pretty much ruined DA.