Author Topic: US bashers  (Read 5736 times)

Offline Animal

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« Reply #105 on: January 27, 2001, 12:49:00 AM »
"..But I DO see how it sure LOOKS like arrogance, especially in the impersonal world of the INTERNET.."

Can you try to elaborate on this, pal?

Sorry I may have got the wrong, stupid message.

Offline Sancho

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« Reply #106 on: January 27, 2001, 05:40:00 AM »
Originally posted by Jimdandy:
 I'm curious. What are people from a country named the United States of America supposed to call themselves? United Statesians? It's not called the United States of North America. We would probably refer to ourselves as North Americans if that were the case. We happened to pick the name America for our country. Anyone else could have. Why is that an example of arrogance?

Heh, maybe you never heard this one before.  You and I may not call ourselves "North Americans" or "United Statesians", but if you ever watch the spanish language news on TV (available in much of the US), you'll here the newscasters refer to us Americans as norteamericanos and even estadunidenses, which of course means "United Statesers."  

There was a really cool picture in one of my US history textbooks of Times Square.  On the big TV screen in the middle, there was a shape of the 48 contiguous states with big letters superimposed on it saying, "This is Not America!"

Offline Jekyll

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« Reply #107 on: January 27, 2001, 07:10:00 AM »
Also, you can have all the thrust vectoring missles ya want (if they exist) but they wont hit a damn thing if they cant see it, I.E. stealth.

Yup, that stealth fighter is untouchable, isn't it?


Oops, back to the drawing board  

BTW jato, 300,000 feet?  Hmmm, try just over 100,000.  Typical American exaggeration.  Next thing you'll be telling us it flies at Mach 10.

[This message has been edited by Jekyll (edited 01-27-2001).]

Offline RAM

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« Reply #108 on: January 27, 2001, 08:54:00 AM »
Originally posted by jato757:
P.s. the bird is safely cruzin away at 300,000 feet, that is cool


Offline StSanta

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« Reply #109 on: January 27, 2001, 09:23:00 AM »
TheWobble: interestingly enough the pilots we send to the US for training usually finish near the top or the top of their class  .

Aah, the benefits of having a small air force and a huge number of people applying to fly jets  .

Our pilots rule you. We're the best. We're almost LW.

Baron Claus "StSanta" Von Ribbentroppen
9./JG 54 "Grünherz"

"I don't necessarily agree with everything I think." - A. Eldritch

Offline AKDejaVu

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« Reply #110 on: January 27, 2001, 09:36:00 AM »
BTW jato, 300,000 feet? Hmmm, try just over 100,000. Typical American exaggeration. Next thing you'll be telling us it flies at Mach 10.

He was just a little confused.  He meant the space shuttle.  Of course, that flies higher and much faster than any of the figures quoted here.. but oh well.. probably just American Exageration again

Offline J_A_B

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« Reply #111 on: January 27, 2001, 11:48:00 AM »

When I say  "The impersonal world of the Internet", I mean that we are sitting looking at computer screens rather than at "real" people.  Most norms of our day-to-day culture don't apply over the Internet--but since we're human, we still try to apply them.

On the Internet, we can't see a person's face or hear his voice.  We don't even (usually) know the person's real name.  The only contact we have with others is through written word--and this is where the problems start.

Humans are used to communicating through a combination of body language, words, tone of voice, and situation (you talk to your boss differently than you do to your best friend).  Online we have only words.  Despite this, most of us still try to use the same words we would use in a "normal" setting.  Without things like body language or voice tone to support what we say, the meanning of our words sometimes becomes lost.

Compounding the problem is the fact that many of us are from different countries.  Each country has its own customs, and its own way of speaking.  But when we read something, we always apply the norms of our culture to what we're reading.  This too can lead to misconception, as an offensive statement to one culture might be (and often is) perfectrly acceptable to another.  

Eurpoeans are naturally somewhat better at bridging the culture gap than Americans are, because they often have to do it on a day-to-day basis.  Keep in mind that most Americans have never been out of their country, and have never talked to someone of a different culture.  Consideration for other cultures is NOT something most of us have ever had to deal with before--myself included.  

Likewise, Europeans are so used to dealing with other cultures that they tend to forget that Americans AREN'T.  

To apply all these ideas to the original statement--

A person from the USA calls himself an "American".   He simply calls himself that because that's what he always has, and there really is no better word to use.

To a European, this lack of consideration for the people from other American countries can seem like arrogance, almost as if the USA resident feels that residents of other countries don't count as humans.  

From there, the minsuderstanding starts, and rapidly increases until we have....well...this thread on the messageboard.

The best thing for ALL of us to do, is assume that ALL comments are in good faith and not intended to be derogatory, unless it's BLATANTLY OBVIOUS the intent is otherwise (eg. "You're a f***ing S***head!!!")  


Offline -lynx-

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« Reply #112 on: January 27, 2001, 12:47:00 PM »
Wobble - read on on air-to-air missiles pal, most of them use IR or TV guidance. You do know that stealth does not make planes invisible, just reduces the radar signature, don't ya?

As for B29s - they weren't "stolen" (how do you "steal" a B29 anyway?) - they landed in Russia damaged after raids on Japan. Russia was not at war with Japan at the time, they had to be interned . Everybody knows that . Russians tried them, decided they were crap and sold the lot to China . Made good money on them too I heard .

BTW, Russia did have very capable buffs to carry anything but there's nothing like good ol' ICBM to deliver anything anywhere. And you know what's really not funny? There's still no reliable anti-ICBM defence...

p.s Apologies to paintmaw for h/j his thread - I'm a European and I don't hate Americans .

p.p.s. Wobble, you know that Americans came to England to look at Meteor, promised collaboration, took all the research with them (yep, F80 etc came from there), never gave anything back though... that's stealing, right? 15 years later Brits are again ahead of everyone with TSR2 - you guys could't outsmart them, so your gov't pressured Brits to close the project down - tsk-tsk...

Offline J_A_B

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« Reply #113 on: January 27, 2001, 01:59:00 PM »
We DID give one or two XP-59's to the brits, which was about the most advanced thing we had at the time.   The USA did get the better part of the deal though.


Offline Tac

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« Reply #114 on: January 27, 2001, 03:44:00 PM »
Not to mention the british were the ones to SELL Rolls-Royce jet engines to the USSR, which allowed the USSR to build their first decent jet engines (copied from the rolls royce).

Oh yeah, the result were the Mig-15 and Mig-17's. Superior airplanes than the Sabre... unfortunately the pilots of the Migs were quite lacking during Korea, thus the Sabre came up on top  

"you'll here the newscasters refer to us Americans as norteamericanos and even estadunidenses, which of course means "United Statesers."

Use spell check.  . Oh and please, use the correct term "GRINGOS"      

Offline Animal

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« Reply #115 on: January 27, 2001, 03:48:00 PM »
OK Jab its cool, I thought you meant something else.

What I'm talking here is based on personal experience, not from people I meet on the net.
I AGREE that north americans can call themselves AMERICAN, I have no problem with that because they ARE americans.

My problem comes when some other person from another country in american calls himself american; and a north american would go ballistic over it.
I has happened to me before.

I have heard many times:


Offline Animal

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« Reply #116 on: January 27, 2001, 03:53:00 PM »
Oh, and contributing to the thread's hijack:

remember the AVRO ARROW?

How it was better than any US plane and the US FORCED the canucks to CANCEL THE PROJECT?

I know Canucks stink and their women are a joke, but man, that was a low blow.

At least their beer is good  

Mk10 225th

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« Reply #117 on: January 27, 2001, 04:09:00 PM »
TheWobble: interestingly enough the pilots we send to the US for training usually finish near the top or the top of their class .
Aah, the benefits of having a small air force and a huge number of people applying to fly jets .

Our pilots rule you. We're the best. We're almost LW.

Let's that one of those places people sit around smoking hash all the time?  Must be...either that or they're just NATURALLY delusional...

We also make sure pilots who come over here are "helped," so they have some confidence when they cover our six's when we go into battle to SAVE SOMEBODY'S ASS!  


Offline AKDejaVu

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« Reply #118 on: January 27, 2001, 04:30:00 PM »
Wobble - read on on air-to-air missiles pal, most of them use IR or TV guidance. You do know that stealth does not make planes invisible, just reduces the radar signature, don't ya?

And Lynx.. you do know that the stealth features of the F-117 go far beyond radar signature don't you?  No afterburners.. 6 feet of vented "ducts" for jet exaust so it can be cooled.  They did plan for a low IR signature too.

Guess they actually may have known what they were doing.. eh?



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« Reply #119 on: January 27, 2001, 04:38:00 PM »
"BTW, Russia did have very capable buffs to carry anything but there's nothing like good ol' ICBM to deliver anything anywhere. And you know what's really not funny? There's still no reliable anti-ICBM defence"

NO, they didn't have any bomber capable of carrying ANYTHING very far.

All I know is that thousands of Americans died over there to help save your asses, just so you can spend your days calling them ignorant and  calling them pigs, mabe they should have waited a little longer.

[This message has been edited by TheWobble (edited 01-27-2001).]