Something really outta be changed... tank town (while a decent idea) is basically nothing but people camping the spawn point. I think I tried to up about 15 times, died within 3 seconds every time but 1.
The spawn points need to be randomized. Not "Oh gee, they ARE random, tanks can pop up anywhere in a 5 foot circle!", but random enough that when you try to up 15 times, you will actually survive more than 3 seconds.
The GVs, well.. they are a joke and I guess everyone knows it, or they should by now.
A jeep? Waahoo!
Why not take the time and put in a TANK that can fight other TANKS.
Or maybe just put in a second tank.
Yea, a competitive one, not the retarded, useless M8, or the "gee, it seemed like a good idea at the time" retardedly useless T-34/76.
Why put in a jeep? It is just nonsensical to me.
Of course, the previous GVs were the M8 and T34, so maybe the next GV can be a bicycle. Or maybe a unicycle! I don't think any other game has a unicycle! Make it so we can shoot the .45 while riding around on the unicycle, man.. that'll be the best!
Anyway, I've tried the boring one-dimensional ground game for the first and last time this year... maybe some day it will be something other than a bad joke.