Though I generally agree with HT's sentiment of "Hey, just get to the tower and replane," I must say that ENY changes things a bit.
When your side's ENY goes up, and you're now flying a slightly damaged plane that you can no-longer re-up with, getting some *minor* damage replaired seems like a non-bad idea.
I would even venture some ground-rules to make it easy to impliment:
1. Keep using the Re-Arm pad.
2. Repairs take place after the initial 30 seconds elapse for fuel and ammo.
3. ONE control surface (aileron, elevator, flap, or rudder) takes one minute to repair.
4. ONE gun takes one minute to repair.
5. Maximum of two repairs allowed. This means you might be sitting on the rearm pad to 2.5 minutes.
6. Repairs not allowed: engine oil or cooling system, fuel leaks, landing gear, pilot wound, wing replacement, tail surfaces.
7. You are still fully vulnerable sitting on the rearm pad.
And before anyone starts screaming about how unrealistic this is, let's not forget that it takes more than 30 seconds to refuel and rearm a plane in real life, but we already have this feature now and we're all cool with it.
When the ENY goes up and you're landing a nice plane, I suspect this feature would be widely utilized.