Author Topic: This is Frikken BS!!!  (Read 2967 times)

Offline FrodeMk3

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This is Frikken BS!!!
« Reply #75 on: June 27, 2007, 08:30:54 PM »
You fellas know what's funny?

It was a sidewalk video like this that started the Rodney King Riots back in '92.

I'm sure you've all seen the Rodney King arrest vid. How many know the FULL story of the arrest?

Of the 90+ MPH car chase that started on the Interstate? With the CHP? When he Dove off into the city, evading arrest? How he was so high on PCP, he could'nt even be taken down by a TASER? How he would not comply with officers' demands?

However, due to selective editing of the footage, What should have been treated as a criminal drug user, endangering people's lives on the road, being succesfully arrested and incarcerated, turned into an Anti-LE race riot. Which caused quite a bit of property damage, and some lost lives.

All that the public will see is some little kid getting beat up by a big bad cop. That alone will change the outcome of any trial. Christ, that kids' lucky he didn't take a nightstick upside the head. Really, other than the verbal sideshow, The officer handled that just right. Also, i'd like to add: If that guy had asked for another unit to assist right away, that might have gone differently. More police might have kept the other kids, and the girl, from getting involved like they did.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2007, 08:40:23 PM by FrodeMk3 »

Offline Holden McGroin

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This is Frikken BS!!!
« Reply #76 on: June 27, 2007, 08:53:56 PM »
Originally posted by Larry
I love how people call kids that skateboard "punks". I used to be a skateboarder and I did it to have fun and hang out with my friends, how is that being a punk?

I was probably skateboarding long before you were, back when the wheels were made out of clay and the board was actually a piece of wood... you know from a tree.

Larry, as one who uttered the word punk before you took exception, I would like to point out the context in which it was said.  I was laying out a hypothetical situation where a supervisor may have said,
Kids have been skateboarding on the sidewalk where little old ladies are shopping for hats and produce and the little punks are harrassing the old folks. Skateboarding there is a violation of city ordinance and I want you to go out there and keep those brats from making the mayor's mother call me again.

The hypothetical supervisor used the word punks about a group who was "harrassing the old folks"

It was a supposed possibility that assumed much, but could very well be true.

All we know about this is an edited video apparently posted by one of the skateboarders.

Saying that this is an unbiased source for truth is like getting your news from an unbiased source like Rush Limbaugh.

A few sources and some common sence would probably be more practical.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2007, 08:56:07 PM by Holden McGroin »
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Offline Engine

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This is Frikken BS!!!
« Reply #77 on: June 27, 2007, 08:54:30 PM »
The kids were confused by the over-the-top aggression of the officer. It's his own fault things escalated, because he didn't behave professionally. Embarrasing.

I find the hate in this thead towards skateboarding Midwestern kids hilarious.

Offline Holden McGroin

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« Reply #78 on: June 27, 2007, 08:56:58 PM »
Originally posted by Engine
The kids were confused by the over-the-top aggression of the officer. It's his own fault things escalated, because he didn't behave professionally. Embarrasing.

I find the hate in this thead towards skateboarding Midwestern kids hilarious.

Arkansas is now the midwest?
Holden McGroin LLC makes every effort to provide accurate and complete information. Since humor, irony, and keen insight may be foreign to some readers, no warranty, expressed or implied is offered. Re-writing this disclaimer cost me big bucks at the lawyer’s office!

Offline Captain Virgil Hilts

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This is Frikken BS!!!
« Reply #79 on: June 27, 2007, 09:06:26 PM »
Originally posted by Engine
The kids were confused by the over-the-top aggression of the officer. It's his own fault things escalated, because he didn't behave professionally. Embarrasing.

I find the hate in this thead towards skateboarding Midwestern kids hilarious.

Hate? What hate? Expecting juveniles to obey the law and respect the police is hate?:rolleyes:
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Offline Speed55

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This is Frikken BS!!!
« Reply #80 on: June 27, 2007, 09:08:39 PM »
Not once did ANY of the kids say.. Ok sorry officer.... it wont happen again officer.

They showed no respect at all for authority, so they got what they had coming to them.

Hopefully it teaches them a lesson.  In all seriousness, the kid that got "choked out", was up and walking around when the cop was chasing the other kid, so how bad was he REALLY hurt?

I agree with what Frodemk3 said above.  

I took a nightstick across the ribs when i was 15, for acting the same way they were acting.  You know what, i deserved it, and it made me a better man.

Lets all stop being such wussies.      oh, and can't we all just get along.
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This is Frikken BS!!!
« Reply #81 on: June 27, 2007, 09:54:28 PM »
Personally I think alot of you guys are being too hard on this cop.
And cops in general.

Yes I know I ranted and raved about a couple of particular cops who broke the law 1 getting two people killed and I wanted to see treated as I would.
And I still stand by that rant. (Turns out they will be)

but this isnt that type of case.

I can understand why each of the first three were put to the ground.
The girl perhaps a little rougher then I thought was needed.
but het, she did resist.
The one who went right after her was indeed guilty of assaulting a police officer and obstruction. Though I cant say my reaction would have been any better. It probably wouldnt have been

The only one I dont agree with is the kid with the camera.
Sorry but speaking isnt an abstruction of justice.

Also part of the story we dont know.
If the kid was telling everyone to "go" when the cop was telling them to stop.
Did they try to get away? or did they stop?

My guess is they stopped.
Reason Im saying that is when kids run from cops. Typically only the ones that are actually caught stop. the rest just keep going. And its unlikely the one cop. managed to "catch" all 4 kids.

I've known and know alot of cops. and just like everyone else they come in all sorts.
Some are kicked back and dont do anything they dont have to.
Some just see it as a job and do their job. Others are the gung ho sort. Though those tend to be rookies
And yes there are others that would be better suited in jackboots and swastikas on their arms.

I've met and known all of these types
By and large most fall into the first two catagories. These are the two types that have been there a while
In talking to them. (im the inquisitive sort and ask them flat out questions)
The rookies are..Well rookies. Eventually they mellow out and if they dont. are often told to. I know one personally who told me they actually told him to knock it off with all the ticket writing LOL
Often the latter two. The real gung ho, and Nazi types (I refer to them as thugs cause thats basically what they are) are often viewed by the first two as AH's even in theor own dept and arent paricularly liked except by those of their own kind. And the first two only deal with them cause they have to.

Now all that being said. And to get back on topic.
The cop here in question seemed to me to probably be of the second variety.
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Offline Engine

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This is Frikken BS!!!
« Reply #82 on: June 27, 2007, 10:29:48 PM »
Originally posted by Holden McGroin
Arkansas is now the midwest?
I am a product of the NYC educational system. On the plus side, trying not to step on empty crack vials on my way to 6th grade distracted me from becoming an evil skateboarding hooligan rapist.

The crack vials thing is actually true, but that disappeared in the mid 90s.

What I was mean is that the hatred for skateboarding kids in this thread sounds too much like people ranting about "them rapscallion kids and their newfangled ways". Sounds like there are more important issues to deal with, you know? Skateboarding itself isn't a bad thing... instead, it's reckless skateboarding which should be illegal. The angst is very amusing from some of the more conservative people in here who are willing to ban sidewalk skateboarding because of some bad kids, but fervently believe in "guns don't kill people, people kill people", and who oppose gun control laws.

I guess it's because I live in NYC, where I see more responsible skateboarders.

Offline Tango

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This is Frikken BS!!!
« Reply #83 on: June 27, 2007, 10:39:26 PM »
Originally posted by Engine
The angst is very amusing from some of the more conservative people in here who are willing to ban sidewalk skateboarding because of some bad kids, but fervently believe in "guns don't kill people, people kill people", and who oppose gun control laws.

Skateboards don't run into people on the sidewalks, the people riding them do.

Be more respectful of other people AND the law and you won't have things like in that video happening to them.
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Offline lasersailor184

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This is Frikken BS!!!
« Reply #84 on: June 27, 2007, 10:44:08 PM »
Originally posted by Tango
Skateboards don't run into people on the sidewalks, the people riding them do.

Be more respectful of other people AND the law and you won't have things like in that video happening to them.

Oh, like people on the sidewalk never run into each other.  What makes the skateboard so special?

But please, keep this thread going.  It's immensely entertaining to see how some people actually think.
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Offline Tango

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This is Frikken BS!!!
« Reply #85 on: June 27, 2007, 11:04:34 PM »
Originally posted by lasersailor184
Oh, like people on the sidewalk never run into each other.  What makes the skateboard so special?

But please, keep this thread going.  It's immensely entertaining to see how some people actually think.


When people run into each other on the sidewalk they usually say excuse me and go on about thier merry way. A skateboarder runs into them and its a good possibilty of someone getting bruised up or hurt even worse.

And your first statement shows how much thought you put into it.
78th Razorbacks
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Offline Donzo

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This is Frikken BS!!!
« Reply #86 on: June 28, 2007, 05:52:59 AM »
Originally posted by Engine
The kids were confused by the over-the-top aggression of the officer. It's his own fault things escalated, because he didn't behave professionally. Embarrasing.

I find the hate in this thead towards skateboarding Midwestern kids hilarious.

Can you please post the video of the beginning of the incident?  I assume that you have it and/or have seen it in order to make such an assessment.

Please, share.

Offline Nilsen

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This is Frikken BS!!!
« Reply #87 on: June 28, 2007, 06:12:02 AM »
what a moron cop

Offline Donzo

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« Reply #88 on: June 28, 2007, 08:13:07 AM »
Originally posted by Nilsen
what a moron cop

The one not doing anything at the end?  Yes, I agree.


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This is Frikken BS!!!
« Reply #89 on: June 28, 2007, 09:16:15 AM »
I don't understand the hostilities some people have towards LEPs.  I generally don't like too many LEP but I do know quite a few from my town.  they hang out in front of my shop on a major artery to speed trap people.  we have made gates for all of them at one time or another.

here's what I think.
1. they have a thankless job to perform.
2. they are underpaid.
3. they are far less likely to come home from work on any given day than I am.
4. they are cognisent of all of the above.
5. they show up for work anyway.

for that I am thankful and for the position they hold they have my respect at least at the professional level if not on a personal one.  there are some whom I respect on all levels.  kinda like any other segment of society, at the end of the day they are people who are part of my community.

even as a teen I showed respect for LEPs.  every traffic citation I have received I have deserved.  every time LE has been call to a location I have been at they needed to be there.

I was a skater and a surfer way back when also, when we were asked to leave a location, we did.  part of the motivation was that back then they would have put us in the squad car, taken us to dad and watched the asswhipping while chuckling.  

maybe that's the difference.