Author Topic: Idea to encourage returning home alive  (Read 3279 times)

Offline Pepe

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Idea to encourage returning home alive
« on: July 09, 2001, 02:13:00 AM »
Put some delay to tower respawning (like 1 minute, or so) and shorten refuelling times.



Offline Jase

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Idea to encourage returning home alive
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2001, 02:30:00 AM »
baaaaaaaaaaaaaad idea  :)  There is enough problems with people running as it is.

Offline Dead Man Flying

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Idea to encourage returning home alive
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2001, 02:39:00 AM »

-- Todd/DMF

Offline AKSWulfe

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Idea to encourage returning home alive
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2001, 07:47:00 AM »

You can't enforce your idea of fun onto another person who does not view that as fun.

Especially when you consider newbies.

This is a horrible idea for them, and would discourage them from playing.

Look at it this way. They are new, have no idea what's going on. They take off, live for a minute then crash or get shot down. They then spend another minute in the tower.

They spent exactly half their time online in the tower because of this.

Very very very bad idea.

Offline Pepe

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Idea to encourage returning home alive
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2001, 07:49:00 AM »
I was thinking this minute penalty appliable only with regards to the airfield you took off from.

SW, I do not want to impose anything to anyone, just giving away ideas (good or bad).

Anyway, I'm gathering some serious consensus about this...  ;)



[ 07-09-2001: Message edited by: Pepe ]

Offline lazs1

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Idea to encourage returning home alive
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2001, 08:03:00 AM »
Great... let's encourage flying like timid little girls even more.   Yeah and while were at it let's just add more time doing nothing.  
Worst of all worlds.   Guess we need an HA (hope for action) arena for all the timid, anal, anti fun types to go to and hide from each other for hours.

Offline -raxx-

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Idea to encourage returning home alive
« Reply #6 on: July 09, 2001, 08:11:00 AM »

Sorry to throw a wet blanket over your idea but this seems to come up every 12-18 months, (Ive seen it twice in Warbirds and this is the second time here).  The discussion usually degenerates into a flame war and it isn't pretty.  So before this all ends in tears and recriminations please understand that I'm not taking a shot at you but I've seen this idea argued over too many times before and it will never work.
Why?  Put simply the instant you restrict or penalise a player they leave the game.  If enough leave you lose money.  The crew at HTC aren't running around lighting cigars with $100 bills and any idea that can lose revenue won't be implemented.

That's my two cents.  Spotcha in the Air,

Offline straffo

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Idea to encourage returning home alive
« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2001, 08:40:00 AM »
Godd idea and add a mute period to let people cool a bit before bursting/overeacting in channel 1  :)

Offline Pepe

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Idea to encourage returning home alive
« Reply #8 on: July 09, 2001, 08:43:00 AM »

Dang you!, you are ruining a perfect consensus against this Idea.... I won't forgive that   :D


Offline Zigrat

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Idea to encourage returning home alive
« Reply #9 on: July 09, 2001, 08:43:00 AM »
the majority of ah players have the patience, and intelligence, of infants.

waiting 1 minute would be *far* too long for them  :)

i like the idea of instant respawn, but not at the same base as you just used.

irl pilots didnt take off to try to "bust a vulch" knowing they were going to die 10 times in the process

i really dont like vulching. why? i dont like the guys (i see the same guys do it over and over) who inflate their score by doing it.

allowing instant respawn, but only at another base, or a couple minutes delay at the same base would be nice i think.

Offline straffo

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Idea to encourage returning home alive
« Reply #10 on: July 09, 2001, 08:54:00 AM »
Addendum to this idea what about having this time limitation just for the field of origin ?
exemple :
You spawn at A1 and got killed =>
1 minute penalty for re spawn at A1  
0 minutes for any other field.

1st effect : vulcher would be frustrated
2nd effect : car bomber would be annoyed
3rd effect : newbie would be educated

now what I've forgot ? where did I go wrong  :D ?

Offline Toad

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Idea to encourage returning home alive
« Reply #11 on: July 09, 2001, 09:03:00 AM »
We could just get HTC to implement the mechanism that other game uses.

You know..after you die it takes your computer 3-5 minutes of Hard Drive Thrashing to reload to the tower. (Of course, users with 512K+ of RAM would suffer a slightly lesser penalty.)

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Offline sling322

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Idea to encourage returning home alive
« Reply #12 on: July 09, 2001, 10:13:00 AM »
Originally posted by Zigrat:

i really dont like vulching. why? i dont like the guys (i see the same guys do it over and over) who inflate their score by doing it.

Whats this?!?!?  An ASSassin speaking out against their squad's modus operandi (is that how you spell it?)?  What is the world coming to? better bust this guy back down to latrine scrubber for that comment.   :)

Offline AKSWulfe

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Idea to encourage returning home alive
« Reply #13 on: July 09, 2001, 10:23:00 AM »
You've got an idea/solution for something that isn't a problem here.

Maybe to you it is, but to the general public it isn't.

What's the problem? Why would we need a time limit on respawning?

Offline Swager

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Idea to encourage returning home alive
« Reply #14 on: July 09, 2001, 10:37:00 AM »
Cool!  Hanna B Codeer for a moment.  Then all hell breaks loose, with just a moose to fall back on.  Plus the springs water isn't clear anymore so forget about washing your dishes in it.  Sometimes that is what it takes when ya wanna box a kangaroo in Kokomo during the winter months. Tourist will have nothing left to pay for so their money will be yours.

And you thought it would be difficult! HaHa!

Rock:  Ya see that Ensign, lighting the cigarette?
Powell: Yes Rock.
Rock: Well that's where I got it, he's my son.
Powell: Really Rock, well I'd like to meet him.
Rock:  No ya wouldn't.