Author Topic: Why we need a black president  (Read 4546 times)

Offline lazs2

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Why we need a black president
« Reply #135 on: September 20, 2007, 08:06:30 AM »
ledpig...we can't bring the topic into the present because you refuse to... you continue to excuse the inexcuseable by bringing up the past... they are not victims... the rioters are not victims... rodney king was not a "victim" any more than anyone who gets beat up by the cops.   OJ is not a victim.

everyone who came to America was treated badly.. the Irish and the Scots and the italian and the Jews always were and still are... jews are treated with contempt here from time to time and are called deragatory names to rival your poor colored "victims".

You want to have a conversation then don't bring up the past as an excuse for anything.   I would have to walk away from you if you started spouting the crap you are here while we were meeting in person... if I couldn't walk away I would just glaze over.  

In the world I live in... the present... you are not a victim... you get special treatment in jobs and loans and in the media... you commit most of the crime and riots... you have some of the highest illigitimacy rates and refuse to learn in school... Denounce your "black leaders" for the racists that they on those things and keep the past out of it...  treat the rest of us with some respect and you will earn ours.

Quit being thugs and quit whining and we can work from there.


Offline Neubob

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Why we need a black president
« Reply #136 on: September 20, 2007, 09:17:06 AM »
Admit it, Lasz, you've got a bigger-than-life poster of Jesse Jackson pasted to the ceiling over your bed.

Admit it!


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« Reply #137 on: September 20, 2007, 01:19:20 PM »
Originally posted by Neubob
Admit it, Lasz, you've got a bigger-than-life poster of Jesse Jackson pasted to the ceiling over your bed.

Admit it!

I whack off to mine regularly.... :rolleyes:


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« Reply #138 on: September 20, 2007, 01:26:04 PM »
I'm not saying that it's an excuse for anything Lasz. I'm just saying that it's a tough situation that's all. I feel compassion for anyone who goes through a tough situation, particularly that was not their doing in the first place. I have understanding, doesn't mean i condone it though. Same way if a woman killed her husband after years of mental and terrible physical abuse by an alcholic *******. I understand what drove her to that point and have compassion for her and the situation, especially if the guy was an evil abusive bastard, but i don't condone such an action or excuse it.

Offline Torque

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« Reply #139 on: September 20, 2007, 03:37:27 PM »
so... all you need is a few generations under your belt to go from slavery to presidential candidate, and your excuse is what?

no doubt the day after slavery was abolished the vast majority of slaves flocked to the best schools and universities and were all welcomed with open arms.

those that deny slavery has no residual effects are just as dishonest as those that use it for their main crutch.

Offline Jackal1

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Why we need a black president
« Reply #140 on: September 20, 2007, 05:13:00 PM »
Originally posted by LEADPIG
Why was everyone poor in the house?

See answer below.

Mom was on crack,  dad was in jail.

OK here is our plan to better ourselves. I`ll go screw up and get put in jail. You go suck on a crack pipe.
That should do it.
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Offline Neubob

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Why we need a black president
« Reply #141 on: September 20, 2007, 08:02:46 PM »
You need to give Black men a break, Lazs... They have to deal with this, afterall:


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Why we need a black president
« Reply #142 on: September 20, 2007, 11:48:32 PM »
Originally posted by Torque

no doubt the day after slavery was abolished the vast majority of slaves flocked to the best schools and universities and were all welcomed with open arms.


Are you crazy, i mean seriously for you to say something like that means you are a guy that doesn't have a clue. Some slaves were aware enough to know to educate themselves but most didn't have a clue because of the beat down uneducated state this country had put them in. Which was a very evil thing to do. The ones that did educate themselves had to go to black schools that were just put in existence. Alot of white schools including ones in the north wouldn't take them. Did you know there was a whole rush by this country to find a way to educate slaves. But alot of these efforts were cut off, and slowed by the massive inaction of such a policy and the racism that some people held against it.

Here's basically what happened.

1. 300 basic years of slavery in which people against their will were put in a role of servitude for no pay, reduced human rights, being looked on unequally by society, death, injury. Basically the holacaust just spread out over a longer time, with less intense, but a more gradual effect.

2. Abraham Lincoln drafts the Emancipation proclamation. Here's the kicker...if you think slaves were free on the effect of the Emancipation proclamation you are delusional. Slaves technically were freed but were put into a state of lesser servitude. Because of racism, the fact that slaves were not allowed by law i believe to be educated, read etc, they basically couldn't hold a good job and were put back in the same role that they had come from, minus the not getting paid. They had some rights for themselves, but either America and it's people weren't even recognizing them, because of the previous situation. Thus you had the effect of sharecropping because of the fact that most blacks had no skills, and were givien 40 acres and a mule on their former slavemaster's land to farm for themselves, only to have the slave master take nearly all of it and leave them with approximately 20 to 10 % of their initial earnings, which wasn't much.

During the next hundred years you have racism and the South trying to keep slaves in a servitude role by inacting the "Jim Crow" laws not allowing blacks to vote, hold certain jobs, etc. These laws were in effect untill about 1955. In about the 1950's blacks began struggling to get their "real rights" instead of waiting and believing that America was going to do it on it's own. America had to pay the piper at that time for what it had done, and it did, and probably still is. This is approximately 37 years ago, America is still feeling the effects of this economically, socially, culturally, and so on, only in less effect. If you think the effects of all this is going to be erased in that ammount of time you are crazy, and that my friend is one of the reasons those folks i mentioned and the ones in New Orleans were in the situation they were in. Along with the fact that some of them are blaming people and putting themselves in the victim role without getting up. If they educated themselves and stopped complaining they'd get alot farther.

It never ceases to amaze me the ability of ignorant people to play down a situation, as well as others to play up the situation. I stand in the middle ground and am sensible enough to notice both sides exist, and neither are both the total cause of the situation.  

The wide majority of most people are wonderful, as evidenced by this forum. But i see there are some that may be closet races and they don't even know it. For you to state what you just said shows it, and certainly some ignorance.  And need i mention that countless people of other races were involved in the civil rights movement because they were, compassionate and loving and because they realized if this can happen to one group in our country in America, it can happen to you next.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2007, 12:45:19 AM by LEADPIG »


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Why we need a black president
« Reply #143 on: September 20, 2007, 11:54:00 PM »
Originally posted by Torque

those that deny slavery has no residual effects are just as dishonest as those that use it for their main crutch.

This is one of the best quotes of this thread. And basically explains what i am saying.


Offline evenhaim

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« Reply #144 on: September 21, 2007, 12:07:02 AM »
Originally posted by Curval
"Of coarse the Holacaust wasn't a couple hundred yeeeeeaaars of social and racial rape of a people either.".  

Careful.   Jews have been persecuted for THOUSANDS of years.  Next time you happen to pick up a bible read the old testament.  One example would be Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt.  Why was he doing this?  Because they had been set free from slavery...until of course the Egyptians changed their minds (bad move on their part as it turned out).

sadly so have the blacks :(

i have many american jewish friends who belong to the naacp and ADL or anti -defimation-leauge ;)
« Last Edit: September 21, 2007, 12:16:16 AM by evenhaim »
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Why we need a black president
« Reply #145 on: September 21, 2007, 01:17:00 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2

In the world I live in... the present... you are not a victim... you get special treatment in jobs and loans and in the media... you commit most of the crime and riots... you have some of the highest illigitimacy rates and refuse to learn in school... Denounce your "black leaders" for the racists that they on those things and keep the past out of it...  treat the rest of us with some respect and you will earn ours.

Quit being thugs and quit whining and we can work from there.


This statement contains some of the most blanketed generalized statements, lack of comprehension and cognitive reasoning skills. Inabilty to break down a situation from it's surface appearance and see the main critical causes and effects. The inabilty to understand history and it's current possible causes and effects on the present conditions of a situation. Some of the simplest surface, superficial reasoning and theorized rhetoric. Lack of ability to sift through main points and make a summarized understanding of another persons written statements.

Honestly Lasz you must be a genius to have the immaculate comprehension and reasoning skills that you have. It's like you take the words right out of my mouth and understand them immediately and accurately.

Honestly Lasz you said you had been in Jail (i guess not just in police custody but "The Penn" as they say). Who commits the crimes? Who has the highest illiteracy rates, and does very well in school, is it ex-cons? Or just black ex cons? Ex-convicts are usually some of the best and brightest of a society i understand. You seem like a very simple man, yet very nice, who's brain operates somewhere in the 70 I.Q. region. So let me spell it out for you.

1. I do not think that black Americans are victims, but that the effects of a terrible situation not of there own doing is affecting them even to this day.

2. It is time to stop blaming and complaining, everybody and everything, i believe my faults, for example, are mine and mine only.

3. I think they should do the same, acknowledge the facts, because things have gotten quite a bit better, and real American oppurtunity can now be achieved on the backs and the blood of the people who fought for them.

4. I think they should stop blaming and get educated.

 I've treated you with respect untill now, but with such statements i may have to come down a notch so you can understand.

:rofl  :aok
« Last Edit: September 21, 2007, 01:58:23 AM by LEADPIG »

Offline bj229r

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Why we need a black president
« Reply #146 on: September 21, 2007, 07:11:24 AM »
I'm surprised the Jewish made it back from the Holocaust so quickly and strongly. I wouldn't want to go toe to toe with Israel right now. They ain't taking no watermelon from no one lol... I love that about them. But i feel like they haven't been wallowing in their depression as much either. Of coarse the Holocaust wasn't a couple hundred yeeeeeaaars of social and racial rape of a people either.

Seems that Jews aren't usually born to unmarried, 16 year-old mothers. THAT fact alone buries a child into a hole he/she/it rarely climb out of...sad that few black 'leaders' comment on it.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2007, 07:18:24 AM by bj229r »
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Offline Neubob

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Why we need a black president
« Reply #147 on: September 21, 2007, 07:27:08 AM »
If blacks want real recognition and respect, they should really consider making some strides in the area of white-collar crime. Thuggery and peddling crack can only get you so far, and makes for some really crappy stereotypes. White collar crime is the way to go.

Plus, you ain't gonna be embezzlin' much without a college ejumucation... And that's a fact.

Stay in school. Defraud your bosses... Let's get some minorities into Minimum Security for a change.


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Why we need a black president
« Reply #148 on: September 21, 2007, 07:28:05 AM »
I think maybe the Jewish's religious beliefs help alot of this from happening and ties that group together, black folks don't have that, as race is a way of classification not a religion. Maybe a Jewish person could comment on that.

And being born to a 16 year old mother doesn't help, and that situation doesn't just happen to black folks, look at the Jerry Springer show for instance. It ain't impossible for a child to come outta that straight, just harder. Parents form a childs backbone, and if your parents are stupid, you've got to really work against that.


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Why we need a black president
« Reply #149 on: September 21, 2007, 07:31:15 AM »
Originally posted by Neubob
If blacks want real recognition and respect, they should really consider making some strides in the area of white-collar crime. Thuggery and peddling crack can only get you so far, and makes for some really crappy stereotypes. White collar crime is the way to go.

Plus, you ain't gonna be embezzlin' much without a college ejumucation... And that's a fact.

Stay in school. Defraud your bosses... Let's get some minorities into Minimum Security for a change.

AlLRIGHT Neubob... blanketed prejudiced sarcastic statement. But damn funny nontheless.....
