Author Topic: For those who think Illegals have made no beneficial contribution to America  (Read 2546 times)

Offline FrodeMk3

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For those who think Illegals have made no beneficial contribution to America
« Reply #60 on: November 29, 2007, 11:22:24 PM »
Originally posted by Saxman
Thank you, Frode, for that calm, reasoned response that refrained from joining the "Flame the Idealist" circle jerk.

I would like to add that I'm sure the Founding Fathers also didn't anticipate a future where the nation's borders would be regulated in the way they are now. Franklin's statement: "Those who willingly give up liberty for security deserve neither" can ALSO be applied to this entire argument. That's one the key difficulties in this debate is that letter of the law TODAY is clashing with the Founding Fathers' original spirit of intent. So many UNIQUE liberties were written into the US Constitution at the time, PRECISELY in response to the legal excesses of governments, and the religious and ethnic intolerance of Europe (and that's not to say that the latter two did NOT exist here, but the United States is largely unique in that people of so many diverse religions and cultures learned to co-exist in relative peace).

Had US borders been regulated throughout the 19th century to the same (comparable) degree they are now, individuals who were then welcomed (let's steer clear of the then-existing racist complications for the time being, shall we?) would TODAY be turned away or forcibly removed. It would have COMPLETELY changed the character of the nation in the period between the end of the Civil war and beginning of the 19th century if we had the same immigration system in place then as we have today. This may be one of the key eras that DEFINED us as a nation. It's a continuous process of the demand for greater security challenging the liberty of one of the most open borders in the world.

And I find it disturbing because one of the things that MADE America so special is that we didn't CARE who you were, or who your father was, or how much money you had. All that mattered was that you wanted to make a better life for yourself and for your families and to have the power to chose your OWN destiny. It's only been this MODERN culture of Political Correctness that the meaning of "Land of Opportunity" has changed from an opportunity to BUILD a better life, to expecting it handed to you. This is the failing of ALL people in America. Native citizens expect it because they were born here. Immigrants expect it because they're willing to fight to COME here.

I will not deny that yes, there ARE some who come here thinking they can get a free ride (the government ITSELF is partially responsible for that). I will not deny that yes, there ARE some people who would take advantage of any relaxation in border security to do us harm. But why is this the only side people are willing to see? At what point do we reach that moment where we've given TOO MUCH up for security? There's a difference between surrendering sovereignty, to stepping back and seeing that the knee-jerk reaction has only been exacerbating the issue.

If I remember my early U.S. history correctly, The founders' knew that the nation would be able to expand westward quite a bit (Was it Washington that did some survey work in Ohio?) Anyway, At that time, The U.S. was pretty small, population-wise, and there wasn't really a problem with excess immigration, like we have now. They did not have the lure of all the Social-welfare programs that we have, that take someone working 14-16 hours a day, and barely feeding his family in a tin-shack in some shantytown, to doing nothing but filling out the proper forms, and getting a welfare check on the 1st and the 15th that was more in a week than they made in a month or two in mexico.

I'd like to point out too, that we've never really tried to do much in the way of border security, at all. If you look a little more recently at history (1914) You'll see that Pancho Villa was crossing back and forth, doing whatever he wanted...The gov't. finally sent "Blackjack" Pershing down into Mexico after him. People used to cross the border both ways, almost at will. It hasn't been until recent times that any real attempts have been made at policing the border.

As far as trading anything for security...If you are referring to things like the Department of Homeland Security and the 'Patriot' act, Neither of those were brought on by Illegal immigration, But almost entirely by 9/11. And since then, Illegal immigration has gotten worse, if anything, Although neither of the afformentioned have actually done anything to curb the problem, although the way they're set up, they could (and should have, too, if you look at the problem of Arab extremists' posing as Illegal aliens from Mexico.) Being the way that they go about it, an illegal alien is pretty hard to track in a nation of 300+ million. They don't have birth certificates in this country, no SS#, no drivers' license, None of the documentation that a legal citizen of the U.S. has. Really, the only efficient method of stopping them is at the border, or if you're lucky, informant tips that net quite a few at a time.

There's one final thing. Culture. And this might seem outright racist and Un-PC, but honest-to-god, it has to be said, because turning our back on this problem is actually building more racial pressure, not relieving it.

You mentioned immigration in the early U.S. And, alot of what you said, I agree with. Many of the immigrants' from old Europe, russia, etc. have been able to intigrate into 'American' culture, because the numbers' of immigrants did not overwhelm the previous citizens' already here( What happened to the Indians' is a whole 'nother thread topic, But no, They did'nt really get a chance to assimiliate.) However, In the case of Illegal immigration from Mexico, They've been flooding in too fast, in too short a time, for our existing culture to assimilate. Instead, In the areas' where they settle, they don't speak in the tongue of the Founders' who rose up and fought off the tyranny of their opressors', but rather a foreign language. I don't know what it's like in St. Louis, Sax, But I think if you take a trip to Southern California, you might see things' in a different light. We have to contend with crap like this:

If things' like this kind of give you a glimpse into the cultural rift, there are quite a few more-ranging from mild to wild, Just start with the link I provided and go from there.

Offline SteveBailey

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For those who think Illegals have made no beneficial contribution to America
« Reply #61 on: November 30, 2007, 12:29:02 AM »
Originally posted by Pooh21
Heres a link for Senor Saxman

not work ethic or legal status but education

And what doews it have to do with his claim that the costs have been greatly exagerrated?

Offline SD67

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For those who think Illegals have made no beneficial contribution to America
« Reply #62 on: November 30, 2007, 01:32:13 AM »
Originally posted by Saxman
Illegal immigration is NOT GOING TO BE RESOLVED by introducing harsher punishment and stricter entrance criteria.

Lets see, one high voltage electric fence, 3000 Dobermans and 1500 guards with sniper rifles.
Wanna cross now?
You're under arrest for violation of the Government knows best act!
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Offline moot

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For those who think Illegals have made no beneficial contribution to America
« Reply #63 on: November 30, 2007, 01:56:30 AM »
Saxman for all your explaining you still sound like you want to blame legal US residents for Mexicans' wrongdoings.  

No illegal employers state-side would make illegal immigration plummet.  
Why such a simple solution isn't prefered to the bleeding heart amnesty for the whole world alternative is beyond me.
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Offline Fishu

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For those who think Illegals have made no beneficial contribution to America
« Reply #64 on: November 30, 2007, 02:19:23 AM »
Originally posted by Neubob
1.)   How many illegals pay taxes?
3.)   How many illegals come here with the intention of learning the language, assimilating to a reasonable degree, and staying around to contribute to educate their children in hopes of having them someday contribute to American society?

1. Would the system let them pay taxes even if they wanted to? The RSA doesn't have records of them and if they would, the illegals would be hauled back to Mehico. Are the americans employing illegals paying enough salary to the illegals so that the taxes wouldn't cause them to run out of money to buy food?

It's kind of sad to complain about illegals not paying taxes if they aren't even capable to pay taxes due to how the system works. But then again, I don't know how the US tax system works, but I'd imagine you'd need to have records in place for it to work. Then again illegals are low paid workers; Even if they work around the clock they might just barely make enough money for food. Are you suggesting they should pay their taxes and work without food?

3. Do they have the time, money and chance to do that? I'd imagine it's pretty hard to get schooling for your children when you're an illegal, left outside the system.

2. & 4. If they're parasites, then how can they afford to send money back to their homeland? Of course this conflicts with 1. as well; The money could be used to pay taxes.

I'm not trying to defend the illegals, but I'm just finding so many conflicts with the arguments and the system. Alot of the arguments against the illegals are a result of the system, which renders them incapable to integrate.

Let's consider this: If all the illegals would be suddenly granted citizenship; Would anything change? Would they start to pay taxes? Would they educate their children?

Offline Saxman

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« Reply #65 on: November 30, 2007, 07:49:32 AM »

From the condescending "Senor Saxman" remark, I think he was trying to make the point that granting illegals legal status wouldn't change their poverty level.

However he fails to realize that same article can be used on BOTH sides of the argument.


I love how people are instantly tosses me into the "Bleeding Heart" category without actually reading everything I'm saying.

I'm an advocate for easy to get in, but a LOT harder to STAY.

Get them registered, and then set up a system where they HAVE to show an improving understanding of American culture, a certain level of assimilation, and a certain level of progress in learning English over a period of time, or else they get shipped out. If they have children they MUST show a certain level of academic progress (lack of educational opportunities for their kids IS one reason that people are making the crossing) Make sure they understand that, yes, their culture is fine, but they HAVE to understand that they must make THEMSELVES part of the collective American culture. But rather than put it on the tax payers, the immigrant must make these necessary arrangements for THEMSELVES just like every other American.

The immigrant is directed by Immigration to settle in a given part of the country to spread them out rather than allowing large immigrant communities to develop. Perhaps require them to remain there for a "probationary" period, so if there's a problem (such as a failure to comply with the above) it's easier to locate them. Crack down on the practice of under-the-table payments by employers (the IRS must have ways to identify that sort of fraud).
Ron White says you can't fix stupid. I beg to differ. Stupid will usually sort itself out, it's just a matter of making sure you're not close enough to become collateral damage.

Offline FrodeMk3

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« Reply #66 on: November 30, 2007, 07:59:40 AM »
Originally posted by Fishu
1. Would the system let them pay taxes even if they wanted to? The RSA doesn't have records of them and if they would, the illegals would be hauled back to Mehico. Are the americans employing illegals paying enough salary to the illegals so that the taxes wouldn't cause them to run out of money to buy food?

It's kind of sad to complain about illegals not paying taxes if they aren't even capable to pay taxes due to how the system works. But then again, I don't know how the US tax system works, but I'd imagine you'd need to have records in place for it to work. Then again illegals are low paid workers; Even if they work around the clock they might just barely make enough money for food. Are you suggesting they should pay their taxes and work without food?

3. Do they have the time, money and chance to do that? I'd imagine it's pretty hard to get schooling for your children when you're an illegal, left outside the system.

2. & 4. If they're parasites, then how can they afford to send money back to their homeland? Of course this conflicts with 1. as well; The money could be used to pay taxes.

I'm not trying to defend the illegals, but I'm just finding so many conflicts with the arguments and the system. Alot of the arguments against the illegals are a result of the system, which renders them incapable to integrate.

Let's consider this: If all the illegals would be suddenly granted citizenship; Would anything change? Would they start to pay taxes? Would they educate their children?

1. Actually, anytime they do business with a legal business entitiy anywhere in the U.S., such as a gas station, or grocery store, they are paying sales tax of some sort. However, If they are working a legal job, in which they have proper documentation, They would also pay into Social Security, and Federal income tax. These can be a fair chunk of change. When they work 'under the table', so to speak, they will usually work for less than minimum wage, but since they keep all the money per hour, they take home as much as a legal person would. It's also common to see Illegals' and their family's in a sort of 'commune', wherein Multiple family's will share a house or apartment, so they can split the rent down as far as possible. They have plenty of other tactics for getting around the cost of living.

3.(You skipped 2, btw.) The way American law works, they can get schooling for their children very easily. They merely have to show up at the school office, show that they live in that school district, and be able to show an immunization card. After that, the school's take them in, irregardless of how full they already are.

For 2. and 4. Even though in some areas of the U.S. the cost of living is high, Like I said in the first, they have ways to get around it. Plenty of business's such as farms or ranches, have Extremely low-rent Migrant worker housing set up's, sometimes right at the place of work. Cheap used automobiles' abound in america, even though they may be fairly old or have high mileage. They live off of mostly basic staples' of food, such as rice, beans, etc. Plus, of course, Our social system's that we have, get used quite a bit to supplement their income, which is why most legal taxpayers are in such a furor about, in the first place. Honestly, it pisses me off, that the money I pay to taxes each day, some of that get's lost to Mexico. That is where the real claim that illegal aliens' are criminals' comes from.

Offline lazs2

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For those who think Illegals have made no beneficial contribution to America
« Reply #67 on: November 30, 2007, 08:06:01 AM »
saxman.. the law is what it is.  Every other person in the world has to live by it.. there are many many citizens of other countries that want to get in but...

they not only don't have a muddy ditch to cross but.. they have some morals and refuse to break our laws.  

How is your "idealism" fair to them?

There are hundreds of illegals who die every year because "idealists" like yourself wink and look the other way...

How is your "idealism" fair to them?

countless thousands of these criminals commit sex crimes and murders and flee back across a border that you "idealists" look at as more of a suggestion than a border.

How is your "idealism" fair to the victims and US citizens?

Your idealism creates a new slavery.. a new class of modern slaves.

Your "idealism" is sickening to me.   It says... I don't care about these people or anyone else so long as I get my lawn mowed for cheap and can spout my liberal ideals (and no one is allowed to look at em too close),.

And.. it is not as if there is not a solution that will not kill and harm people... the solution is a simple one.  It is also a compassionate one, unlike your touchy feely mess that kills people and creates crime.

The solution is to arrest and give a mandatory jail time of one year to every person (including the beverly hills house wife with a maid and pool boy) ANY employer who knowingly (key word) hires an illegal.

jail a dozen or so of these total and worthless scum bag traitorous slave owning employers and the problem will go away... jesus won't come to look for work.  jesus will tell his friends their is no work.


Offline Curval

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For those who think Illegals have made no beneficial contribution to America
« Reply #68 on: November 30, 2007, 08:09:03 AM »
Originally posted by john9001
a country without secure borders is not a country, it is open territory.

Boroda will be interested to hear this I'm sure.

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Offline lazs2

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« Reply #69 on: November 30, 2007, 08:15:38 AM »
You want to get rid of the borders?   I am actually fine with that but get rid of benifeits too.. no socialism.. no free medical or schools or anything.. no taxes.


Offline Jackal1

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« Reply #70 on: November 30, 2007, 08:20:02 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
You want to get rid of the borders?   I am actually fine with that but get rid of benifeits too.. no socialism.. no free medical or schools or anything.. no taxes.


Throw in no laws, wild west style and I`m in.
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Offline acfireguy26

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For those who think Illegals have made no beneficial contribution to America
« Reply #71 on: November 30, 2007, 08:29:21 AM »
Illegal il·le·gal      /ɪˈligəl/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[i-lee-guhl] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–adjective 1. forbidden by law or statute.  
2. contrary to or forbidden by official rules, regulations, etc.:  

All illegal imigrants should be sent back to there country of origin.(period)

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #72 on: November 30, 2007, 08:36:42 AM »
me too jackal... the point is.. the borders have reasons for being.    Get rid of the reasons and I am all for getting rid of the borders.   Let it be like the old west.

That was a nicer and more moral time in any case.  


Offline Toad

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« Reply #73 on: November 30, 2007, 08:43:42 AM »
Originally posted by Curval
Boroda will be interested to hear this I'm sure.


There's quite a difference between secure borders that hold people IN and secure borders that keep unwanted/illegal people out.

IIRC, Bermuda is pretty strong on the kind that keep people out? That's the kind the US needs too; what a coincidence.
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For those who think Illegals have made no beneficial contribution to America
« Reply #74 on: November 30, 2007, 08:46:10 AM »
One of the dirty little secrets that bureaucrats and politicians don't like to talk about is this: illegals use false IDs and Social Security numbers to work and pay taxes, and their employers don't care if they are valid, so long as they have a number, any number, that's good enough. Tens of billions of dollars in taxes and Social Security are deducted and sent off quarterly to Washington and state governments, where it is dumped into a pool of money that no benefits will ever be drawn from because the accounts are "unknown."

Tens of billions of dollars that are worth almost double, since no one can collect from it. It's free money for the government with no obligations. So, the next time you wonder why enforcement by the government seems half-hearted, you'll know it's full-hearted greed.

The solution has been, and will always be, denial of the economic incentives of illegal immigration. The root cause of any problems a company or country faces are always management problems, not problem workers or people. The illegal immigration crisis is a management crisis in Washington DC.