Author Topic: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High  (Read 3960 times)

Offline B@tfinkV

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #45 on: March 15, 2008, 03:45:52 AM »

I once was one of top ranked counterstrike players in the world

this explains ALOT  :D
 400 yrds on my tail, right where i want you... [/size]

Offline Stoney

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #46 on: March 15, 2008, 04:04:58 AM »
It felt more like I couldn't find a friend unless I knew a friend already type of community.

I can sympathize with this, and fully agree.  I almost quit about a month into my subscription because I couldn't find anyone to team up with.  I learned quickly in the MA that being alone as a new guy = Fresh Meat for everyone else.  I did go into the TA as much as I could, read everything I could get my hands on, etc.  Luckily, I got picked up by a good group of guys in ~FATE~ that took me under their wing.  Then, Kurt actually took me into the DA and spent a couple of sessions with me to give me some basic MA-type pointers that, combined with the basics I was learning in the TA with Widewing, helped me get going in a positive manner.

IMO, a scripted training syllabus, where you fly each type of mission, be it fighters, bombers, GV's, etc. against an AI or something would be a great idea to get new guys spun up.    Unfortunately, since the trainers are giving their free time to train, you can't always find them on at the same time you are, as a new-guy.  So, if you can't find any qualified instruction in the TA when you are on, you go to the MA, get your butt handed to you, and then have to listen to someone talk smack about how they did it.  Going straight to the MA is not wise, nor enjoyable from the get-go.

Given the usual blather on Channel 200 or country channel sometimes (insert Alt+F4 joke here), I can see how a negative first impression could be perceived.  Unfortunately, unless the training academy alluded to earlier can turn out a basically competitive, useful (albeit non-skilled), player, it may take a while to change that.  More so than any other game I've played, either you persevere and become competitive, or you find some niche and become competitive, or you quit.  There's not a lot of support structure built into a game like this, with such a steep and severe learning curve.

Of course, on the other hand, its the most rewarding, fun, exciting game I've ever played.  Perhaps the reward is worth the intimidating initial perception--as it takes an honest investment to receive something back.  Hmmm, sounds like real-life almost.
"Can we be incorrect at times, absolutely, but I do believe 15 years of experience does deserve a little more credence and respect than you have given from your very first post."


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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #47 on: March 15, 2008, 04:31:16 AM »
i wouldnt call it haterd but ya you are right to a point, noobs have it rough if they just jump in to MA,
but you are wrong on another point Aces High is not one of the best MMOs, it  is  the BEST.

Offline Anaxogoras

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #48 on: March 15, 2008, 04:37:59 AM »
Let's all agree that this thread just points out the obvious.  What scares me is that a lot of the newbie hate is more ego-driven than due to a real lack of ability to listen/learn on the part of newcomers. :(
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Offline wrag

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #49 on: March 15, 2008, 04:59:37 AM »
This is exactly what I was describing, all newbies are lazy and need no respect. I am a newbie, so you automatically assume I don't study or work at getting better. To you all, I am a newbie and deserve no respect no matter if I am trying to learn game. I am just a gosh darn newbie, which is what I was saying when I started this thread.

IMHO (and I haven't read to the end of this thread yet)

You may be missing something here!

I and others TRY to help SOME NewB's.  I've gladly helped people out.

BUT when they start asking how to START the engine, then how to take off, then how to steer, which button fires the guns, then how do I land???????

(Shades of poor dead unused HELP FILES come to mind here) 

(Ghost of Training Arena and trainers ignored dance about the MA when this happens)

(You realize that this has created the UFO's that everyone is seeing about lately?)

(You realize that this is PROBABLY why the MA's are HAUNTED?)

Then there are the ones that have discovered the mic  (SHHHHEEEEEESSHHH) their the ones that start SCREAMING HELP I'M BEING SHOT DOWN etc.....

And all this is going on while your in a say a P40E and your engaged with a Niki......

Or your just approaching the point where you MUST calibrate that bomb sight and theres 2 or 3 la7's and probably a Spit16 or 2 climbing up to meet you.

Or you and several others are just diving in on a base and town in heavy 110's.....

And the NewB wants to know which skin to use on their plane.  Or has discovered there are skins and wants to tell everyone about the skins.

Or you tell them and they IGNORE you!

Or you tell them and they ARGUE with you!

HEY ...............

I am NOT anti- NooB nor do I hate Noobs.

I suggest that you take all the above, and I'm sure others could add a GREAT DEAL to this as well, into consideration before you start calling people haters or anti's.

SOME of these New people SEEM to come in here with ... I can think of no better word for it  then ATTITUDE, which SEEMS to say that they are the MOST important thing to ever happen to AcesHigh!

That EVERYONE MUST drop whatever they are doing and HELP them or their going to throw a tantrum and type inane blather like crazy in the text buffer to get even or something.

Come on.... many that come here are on a schedule, they have Wife Ack, kids Ack, etc... they come in here to fly and fight and bomb etc.... and they got maybe and hour to do it in... they don't HATE NooBs, that just don't have time for all the ABOVE!

AcesHigh has TRAINERS that with great joy will help these ATTITUDE types of people.

And I quick FYI..........

I've seen many AH'res stop what their doing and help certain types of NooBs!  The type that is working at learning and ISN'T asking to be taken by the hand and shown everything little thing RIGHT NOW!

Often they will train such people up and offer em a spot in their squad.
It's been said we have three brains, one cobbled on top of the next. The stem is first, the reptilian brain; then the mammalian cerebellum; finally the over developed cerebral cortex.  They don't work together in awfully good harmony - hence ax murders, mobs, and socialism.

Offline Bronk

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #50 on: March 15, 2008, 05:19:22 AM »
IMHO the ones who do the most ridiculing are the newer players. By this  I mean, they act like multi-year players.
They've been here 6-10 months and now know all. No really just ask them.
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Offline Blurb

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #51 on: March 15, 2008, 06:13:16 AM »
As a Newbie/Noob whatever I can understand his point, AH2 takes a lot of  time, effort and patience.  I have found that the Training arena and the Dueling arena to be the best for learning.  I have played other sims in the past but find this game to have a steeper learning curve than the others.

Today I tried flying the mid war arena,,,,logged in,,,saw one of our Island bases under attack, so I upped a Spit9 ( yes I know A SPIT!)  The base was quickly swarmed with four or fine enemy planes,,,I  did what I could and tried to stay alive by hugging the base ack and trying to kill the planes that  I could reach.  I called for help over the country channel,,,One player answered but never showed.   I hit a few planes but the ack did most of the damage,,,,on channel 200 I was mocked and  called names, I never responded to these taunts .   After dying twice I upped P51b from a base further away and headed back  to the fray.  I had altitude and speed and was able to kill a  c47 as he was dropping troops.  I zoomed up after to avoid the other three F6f's that were in the area,,,,,I came back down and killed one of the enemy F6F's.
I then used the P51s speed advantage to run as the other two F6F's gave chase.  One enemy gave up, so I reversed and killed the remaining F6F.  The base was taken  however before I could return,,,I was thanked on the 200 channel and told I was a   High alt sightseer.  I had saluted these pilots three times during these skirmishes,,,they never returned my salutes.   

As it turned out, I was the solitary Bishop  logged on at this time


Offline kilz

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #52 on: March 15, 2008, 07:58:34 AM »
farking whine. look do you walk into a bar and expect respect from EVERYONE THERE. no i doubt it. your not going to walk into a new community that you dont even know and expect everyone to know you and respect you.

If we tought our kids to do what your expecting they would be walking up to strangers and those strangers could be killers kid nappers or anything.

you cant play the game for one day and DEMAND PEOPLE TO RESPECT YOU. this is a community of diffrent folks (THANK GOD SKYROCK HAS NOT POSTED). if you want respect try staying in the community for a little while and get to know these people. i have flown with everyone i know here and i respect all of them.

my whole squad goes out of their way to help noobs out. and i know a ton of other folks that do the same. so your comments are what you said YOUR OPPINION AND ONLY YOUR OPPINION.

Hate is a strong word, when my kids use it i put them in time out. Check your Oppinion and try getting to know people. if you have anything else to complain about the game TRY READING THE RULES email it to
Former LTARkilz

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Offline Ghosth

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #53 on: March 15, 2008, 08:25:28 AM »
Xargos nailed it, this community doesn't hate new guys. We have been fed on a steady diet of them for years, we are used to them.   We don't hate new guys, however we don't cater to them.
Not to mention that there are a ton of young kids trying out the 2 week free accounts. Granted some of them will stick around, pay for an account, get a joystick, and become part of the community. But lots don't, then show up, want to fly with a mouse, think at 14 that they are hot stuff, and expect respect.
Nope sorry, but you have to EARN that here.

The game has a TON of features all designed specifically for the new guy.
Everything from stall limiter, to the help channel.
From the Training Arena, to voice communications.
All built in, all designed to make life easier for the new guy.

AH and the community does have a fairly low tolerance for laziness, radio spamming, ego building.
Last I can never figure out why if you were a new person, you would bypass the Training arena, and jump straight into the biggest possible fight.  But a fairly large portion of the new guys do just exactly that.

If you want to make it here, I'll give you a big hand up.

Before you get online, spend a week reading,, the
and the sites are the best. Period
After reading for an hour try flying some of those manuvers in offline. Stick with a basic easy to fly plane.
A6m series, Seafire or Spitfire 5.

When you do get online plan on spending a week in the TA.
Have your joystick plugged in, calibrated and working correctly in windows before you start AH.
If you have a mic, same thing, have it working in windows correctly first.

When you arrive in the TA switch sides to Bishops, and hang out at A1.
This is trainer central, this is where they hang out. (they may move to quiet location for an appointement with someone) If there is no one around, practise flying a large number of aircraft.
Start with the A6m, try a couple spitfires, perhaps a later war JP plane like the N1K, and of course the old standbys. The P51d, P38, and P47.

Accept the fact that no one flys the P51 "well" their first week in AH. Same is true of the P38, p47, 190 series.
These are not EASY aircraft to fly, they are advanced aircraft, and need advanced pilots.

Show me one pilot who when he joined the Army Air Corp was dropped into a top level fighter to learn to fly in.

Naw, didn't happen that way, they all started flying on Stearman biplanes, moved up eventually to T6's.

Same here, want a nice slow fully aerobatic plane to learn basics of turn, manuver and energy in.
Grab the D3a1 Val, and go learn it. Concentrate on the vertical. Too many new people are still stuck in 2d mode. IE North, South, East, and West. They forget ALL about UP and Down. Practise flying LOOPS! Half loops, full loops, loops going UP, loops going DOWN. That and the basics of turn, will be your foundation that all ACM builds on.

Second week in AH, go hang out in the DA, concentrate on making friends, shooting skills, same plane duels.
Film your fights so you can watch them later and find your mistakes. Just like in real life be careful what kind of friends you make.

Third week in AH, start doing sorties in Midwar or early war arena. Continue to meet and practice in the Dueling arena before heading to the wars. For one this sharpens your eyes and reflexes before going into combat.

After you have a couple of tours under your belt in midwar. Then by all means start trying sorties in latewar.
Its a bigger pond, its tougher, its harder to make new friends. But give it your best shot. :)

There you are, one page simple guide to how to succeed in AH as a newbe.

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #54 on: March 15, 2008, 09:47:53 AM »
Unbelievable !!! Your kidding right Loco?

OK, lets say you join a hockey league in your area. Your in the locker room suiting up and start asking questions about which pads go where, what do you think is going to happen?

OK, lets say you did some research/studying, you know how to suit up, wobble out to the ice, and skitter around on the inside edges of blade and boot what do you think is going to happen?

OK, lets say you have some experience and can get up and down the ice ok, but you don't know the strategies of hockey, where to be on defense, or offense, how to hit. Given a good effort, your "teammates" may help you along, but if you just sit on the bench, whos going to notice you, everyones busy being in the game.

Aces High is no different than anything else in life. You get out, what you put in. If YOU don't want to put forth the effort to join in, why should anyone else put for the effort to "make you feel welcome".  Join the mission that are posted, switch countries to look for them if you have to, up a plane and tag along with the guy who just took off in front of you, start up a conversation with him/her. Making friends isn't about sitting in the corner by yourself.

Offline DrDea

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #55 on: March 15, 2008, 10:20:29 AM »
  Ok how long have you been playing for one. I can agree that to come into this game knowing nobody would be a touch daunting but theres plenty of ways to find help.This thread has covered just about all of them.Still your not going to get a pile of respect right off the bat.You can even ask someone if you can tag along in their plane and watch the action.Just dont do it out of the blue and send a request to someone in flight.Join missions.Join them all but do the reading on the controls so you know what to do.Prepare to be handed your butt for a long time tho because this is a tough game to get a good feel for.
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Offline Jackal1

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #56 on: March 15, 2008, 10:32:23 AM »
It`s a right of passage.
It will get better ...............if you want it to.
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Offline Rich46yo

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #57 on: March 15, 2008, 10:54:43 AM »

                          There are some ignorant people in this community. This kid is right in some respects. Ive personally have heard some real ignorant comments made to new people in the MA, or, even here. You'all can dance around it all you want but the kid has a point. There are some real screwballs in AH.

                          What Loco has to realize tho is a lot of it is just infantile nonsense and you cant judge an entire community on the actions of a few. A "right of passage"? In a cartoon flight game?? :lol

                        Spend more time in the Training Arena kid. You'll meet a better crowd where everyone is just trying to either get better, or, help someone else get better. You'll be alright, just have fun playing the game. Look, in this thread you already met a lot of good people who would help you. See??
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Offline Lye-El

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #58 on: March 15, 2008, 11:09:03 AM »
I don't toss out WTG's unless I know them usually. 5" kills don't mean much. A bunch of landed kills and I assume they were vultchs...they don't mean much either. Cherry picks? Not impressed.  A bunch of landed kills and I know they were ACM kills, now I am impressed. But I wouldn't see them as I .squelch 6 anyway and turn the kill messages off.

i dont got enough perkies as it is and i like upen my lancs to kill 1 dang t 34 or wirble its fun droping 42 bombs

Offline hubsonfire

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #59 on: March 15, 2008, 11:15:15 AM »

                          There are some ignorant people in this community. This kid is right in some respects. Ive personally have heard some real ignorant comments made to new people in the MA, or, even here. You'all can dance around it all you want but the kid has a point. There are some real screwballs in AH.

Like the ignorant screwballs who patronize posters by calling them "kid" repeatedly?
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