Author Topic: ENY!!!  (Read 6634 times)

Offline Guppy35

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Re: ENY!!!
« Reply #180 on: March 17, 2008, 04:58:24 PM »
If you are suggesting that We are not doing our part your sadley mistaken.  If the game entitles us to have a squad which it does, and if our LARGE squad moves to another country, the ENY WILL be affected to where we move, then what, we play musical chairs.  
So yes our OPTION is to stay, being loyal is not the factor and the only reason.  
Option two: DISBAND,,, dont think so.  
Option three:  FIX ENY most likely.  
Option four:  change plane, change arenas, did that already.

I dont see how how you can call that selfish that we are bringing to light an issue that has ALWAYS been an issue and to suggest that we are upsetting some balance of many others,,,, what balance, balance to what.  This is what this is all about,,, the unbalance of ENY ....
Usually when someone uses the term honestly to start off a sentence, its presumed you were not being honest in your previous statements,, which I can agree.

Could it be that HTC limited Squads to 32 people for a reason?  Having 70+ players is not a squad.  That's two squads.  This too has been debated endlessly and since HTC set the limit, 32 is a squad.  Again this appears to be all about you having it your way, while many other folks do just fine working within the system as is, and go even further by moving so that folks with your way of thinking don't have to. 

You keep talking about doing something constructive.  Many of us have.  We do what we can to keep the teams even which helps you.

Now what are you going to do to make it better besides begging someone else to change it for you?

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Offline Max

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Re: ENY!!!
« Reply #181 on: March 17, 2008, 05:03:30 PM »
« Last Edit: March 17, 2008, 05:12:02 PM by Max »

Offline Dadsguns

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Re: ENY!!!
« Reply #182 on: March 17, 2008, 05:14:49 PM »

No wonder there was no progress made.. And I am supposed to go back and read the same rhetoric.

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Offline Murdr

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Re: ENY!!!
« Reply #183 on: March 17, 2008, 05:16:06 PM »
If you are suggesting that We are not doing our part your sadley mistaken.  If the game entitles us to have a squad which it does, and if our LARGE squad moves to another country, the ENY WILL be affected to where we move, then what, we play musical chairs.  
So yes our OPTION is to stay, being loyal is not the factor and the only reason.  
Option two: DISBAND,,, dont think so.  
Option three:  FIX ENY most likely.  
Option four:  change plane, change arenas, did that already.

I dont see how how you can call that selfish that we are bringing to light an issue that has ALWAYS been an issue and to suggest that we are upsetting some balance of many others,,,, what balance, balance to what.  This is what this is all about,,, the unbalance of ENY ....
Usually when someone uses the term honestly to start off a sentence, its presumed you were not being honest in your previous statements,, which I can agree.

You do realize that squads are intentionally limited to 32 slots?  Many squads expand that by forming more wings, and there is nothing wrong with that.  But it seems to me you are saying that your group not only chooses not to define "squad" as it has been designed into the game, but the game systems need to be changed because you are not using it as designed.  Here again, you are not using the game as designed, and demand the design be changed rather than accepting it was designed that way for a reason.

Oh, and option number 5, one wing of your squad switch countries.

Offline Simaril

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Re: ENY!!!
« Reply #184 on: March 17, 2008, 05:17:30 PM »
It seems your entire argument comes down to "the old way is not working." Unfortunately, you haven't established that at the talk of constructive alternatives is at least premature.

ENY is not "the problem" -- it's an attempt to address something that wasn't just an annoyance, but was instead a side imbalance problem so bad that it killed gameplay. HT's open to suggestions, and several different things have been tried or proposed to address this:
  • country caps that prevent you from logging on for the top numbered side
  • very high Perk costs without any other changes
  • shunting new players to the lowest sided chess piece
  • forcing high side players to sit out a penalty time in the tower before they could re-up (believe it or not, this was HT's original idea. The community proposed the system that eventually became the ENY)

There are certainly others that I'm not remembering. They all were either ineffective, or were more of a pain than ENY. ENY works, because it makes things just uncomfortable enough...and yes, the reason you're more concerned about ENY than side imbalance is BECAUSE eny works!!

You've rubbed people the wrong way because you've come in here ranting about a problem, and asking to be taken seriously when you haven't even bothered to understand where we've been and how we got here. This community is not stuck on the old way of doing things, and it's open to new ideas. I doubt you could find any CEO/Game Designer who's more accessable and open to the community than Dale, so the problem isn't all us stubborn old timers. (BTW, HT is one of those old timers -- I've heard many a story about his days in the arenas of another sim long ago and far away...)

When you claim that "ENY is likely to go away" you are not only fooling yourself, you've made yourself look like a fool.
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Offline Bronk

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Re: ENY!!!
« Reply #185 on: March 17, 2008, 05:19:17 PM »
No wonder there was no progress made.. And I am supposed to go back and read the same rhetoric.
You are making the same old tired story . Try again.
See Rule #4

Offline Murdr

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Re: ENY!!!
« Reply #186 on: March 17, 2008, 05:24:08 PM »
  • country caps that prevent you from logging on for the top numbered side I and others proposed that before ENY...shot down
  • very high Perk costs without any other changes Still in effect...did not work by itself
  • shunting new players to the lowest sided chess piece Still in effect
  • forcing high side players to sit out a penalty time in the tower before they could re-up (believe it or not, this was HT's original idea. The community proposed the system that eventually became the ENY) Yep, the community objected to the timer idea

Offline Murdr

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Re: ENY!!!
« Reply #187 on: March 17, 2008, 05:27:38 PM »

Offline Wraith

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« Reply #188 on: March 17, 2008, 05:44:50 PM »
well iam sorry to say
i do not understand   Y I countinue to pay for agame that I Cannot fly the plaines i like
I understand trying to make it fair
butt  Need to find a way to add a perk cost when eny is high so you can still fly what you whant!!
Example  if a la7 is eny of 5   and the game has an eny of 10 Y cant you charge a perk of 5  so we can still fly eny of 5 pluss paid perks of 5  = the 10 game has

also further
I dont believe that generals in war would tell the fighters that enemy is low on polits today . so we instead of flying la7 we are gana fly b109 to kep things fair

 not trying to start a big issue here
butt just letting some know this is not fair
in some ways it is decriminating againest Me and the side i fly for

My spell correcting trigger-finger is twitching....

ENY is needed to keep the game fair, you'd know that if you weren't so oblivious. 

"The only two things that fall from the sky is manna from heaven, and your plane."

Offline Dadsguns

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Re: ENY!!!
« Reply #189 on: March 17, 2008, 06:18:40 PM »
We can agree to disagree about ENY and if it works or not.  This was never meant to be a debate, but some of you insist it works and there is no other solution.  I my friend dont feel that way.

There is a distinct line of those that thinks it works for their own reasons, and those that thinks it does not work for their own reasons.  I can find more negatives about it and what people use it as "gaming" for an advantage and had no one yet to debunk that.

Some of you say that you are not affected by ENY, thats great. Good choice. Your saving the game. Cant say that I really seen you around the Late MA either, cause if you dont know me, thats where I live.  
So we may be off our rocker and passionate about what we express, its not out of anger but understanding or a lack thereof of ENY and its effectiveness when its not being used for what it was meant for if by choice or not.  You may be the honorable one that uses it for the specific purpose, however thats not the case for the majority of the "gamers" NOTE: before you blow up on this remember, two sides of the fence, the yard your in and the one I am in.  both are right, we got to find the common ground for both sides.  

However the ones of us that have made the choice to live with it and deal with it, as painful as it may be, we pay particular attention to it and have noted discrepencies in the consitstency of the level of ENY applied. (this probabley has something to do with dont know jack about it)
That I think is what really started this all off and broke the camels back, the discussion consumed the arena last weekend and was noted how irregular one map was to the other.  

I think we are justifiable in our discussion of ENY and am positive that something may come out of it.  If not, we will just have to deal with it as we usually do. We will continue to win maps just the way we do ENY or not. The game itself will not progress.  

I do expect to hear what you OLD TIMERS have done and what did not work, with that said, there are alot of young minds in here, and if the issue isnt where everyone is happy than its an issue that is alive and well, I have heard some ideas that made some sense, some others that didnt, but in time someone should not be afraid to bring that up in this forum.

Having a positive attitude about welcoming or seeking change is not foolish, the fool is the one stuck in the rut.

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Offline Motherland

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Re: ENY!!!
« Reply #190 on: March 17, 2008, 06:21:37 PM »
 I can find more negatives about it and what people use it as "gaming" for an advantage and had no one yet to debunk that.

Well, if you offer some proof then I'll debunk that. Your only 'proof' was that there is no Bish in the top 50, which has been debunked, and that Rooks and Knights only fight Bishops, which I personally debunked. So, it looks like you have been conviniently 'missing' posts that do not agree with your line of thought.

Offline Dadsguns

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Re: ENY!!!
« Reply #191 on: March 17, 2008, 06:27:29 PM »
Well, if you offer some proof then I'll debunk that. Your only 'proof' was that there is no Bish in the top 50, which has been debunked, and that Rooks and Knights only fight Bishops, which I personally debunked. So, it looks like you have been conviniently 'missing' posts that do not agree with your line of thought.

And you did that how?

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Offline Motherland

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Re: ENY!!!
« Reply #192 on: March 17, 2008, 06:29:56 PM »
You say you never change country's, and you quite obviously fly Bish. So, how can you make this statement? FYI, as a Knight, this tour my kills between the two countries are dead split (43 Rooks and 45 Bishops), and last tour I killed almost twice as many Rooks as Bishops.

Infact, heres the last 5 tours.
Tour 97
Bishop 47 
Rook 96

*Note that I changed my GameID from '762R' to the current 'Bubi' at the beginning of tour 97*

Tour 96
Bishop 129
Rook 83

Tour 95
Bishop 179
Rook 109

*Halfway-ish through tour 94 I switched from Rooks to Knights, where I still am today*

Tour 94
Bishop 169
Knight 44
Rook 146

Tour 93
Bishop 80
Knight 74

So, I have slightly more Bishop scalps, but that's because Bishops have a tendency to suck (I also have less deaths to Bishops to go along with the kills)

Offline Dadsguns

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Re: ENY!!!
« Reply #193 on: March 17, 2008, 06:34:38 PM »

Again, you debunked nothing.  This has nothing to do with the top 50 players. I could care less who you killed or YOUR score. 

The question was how many in the top 50 at this moment are BISH and regularly bish.

Debunk it.

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Offline Motherland

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Re: ENY!!!
« Reply #194 on: March 17, 2008, 06:36:09 PM »
I was talking about the Knight vs. Rook thing being personally debunked by me.
BTW, BMathis, Gumpsta, and NCLawman are Bish in the top 50 (theres probably more, but Im not going to look through the whole top 50 list). #1 (Lusche) is Rook, but all his kills are Rook, which kinda kills your switching to the lowest side to game scores theory.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2008, 06:48:17 PM by Motherland »