When we fought Germany chewing up 80% of it's military machine (with at least 15% out of 20% left done by Wojsko Polsko) you kept playing around some forgotten islands for 3 years, until USSR interfered and cruched Japanese Continental Army in one decisive hit that took two weeks.
I wasn't going to dignify this statement with a rebuttal but I feel something needs to be said.
In 1939 Hitler's armies crossed into Poland and began the most devastating war our world has ever seen. Millions died on all sides, combatants and non-combatants alike.
Each Allied country put forth maximum effort to defeat the Nazi war machine. Great Britain and the Commonwealth Nations stood alone against Hitler's Third Reich for a time. The USSR suffered the heaviest casualties of all the Allied nations and paid the greatest price. America's great industrial power armed not only the American forces but also helped to arm many of the Allied nations as well.
Each Allied country, put forth effort according to it's strengths. Without that maximum effort from
every Allied nation Hitler's Third Reich might not have been defeated. It took all of us to beat Hitler and his armies.
You will never see me belittle the USSR's efforts against Hitler, ever. Your attempt to belittle America's effort in World War II doesn't anger me. I simply find it disgusting.