Author Topic: An axis versus allies arena  (Read 532 times)

Offline Fokker

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An axis versus allies arena
« Reply #45 on: April 21, 2001, 06:51:00 PM »
If I read these answers correct there seem to be a need for two arenas in AH, much like what has developed in WB during many years of experimentation.

One arena like WBs "Combat Arena", where you get all the help tech can give to find targets fast. Where furballs and quake entusiasts will have a ball.

Then we should have an arena like WBs WW2 arena for those who like more realism and historic gameplay.

I dont think it is possible to combine these rather different views in the same arena.

In WB I used both arenas from time to time. Some days I just wanted an intense shoot out as in the Combat arena, and other days i felt like doing WW2 stuff. It was quite convenient realy, and much less whining then you see in MA.

However, there will always be whiners. I dont think there is a solution to get totally away with that  

Offline Laika

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An axis versus allies arena
« Reply #46 on: April 24, 2001, 02:57:00 AM »
My 2 Cents worth on this never ending topic…

At the moment HTC can do whatever they want and 99% of people will stay because the players have no other real options until the likes of WW2OL & Target Korea come online. (I don’t think anyone would leave AH for WB’s or AW?) Even then who knows what sort of quality we will get from the new sims

For myself I want a HA “type” arena that runs 24/7 even if it is empty a lot during the week. Flying out of Australia I have been unable to catch “any” AH historical events up until the friday night snapshots (? or is it check 6) came into being and the “Hostile Shores” event. (It’s a 4am roll for me btw)

If it were left up to me I’d do something like this:

Reduce the current MA to 2/3 size, allow 10K air starts for buffs from a couple of rear bases per country. Disable all (or most) scoring  … rename the arena to “Practice Arena” (or furball Arena  )

Set up a “Allies ver Axis” Historical Arena that runs full time 24/7, maps & plane set rotate monthly. Setting as we have for the current events (like “HS”). During the week is would run like a normal arena with HA settings, but on the weekends (worldwide weekend not just the US) it would run more like a special event, targets and objectives for each side. I think it should to be as “automated” as possible. No side swapping for the weekend (once you pick a side and are locked in then you get the mission lists for the weekend). A server could record all the info (loses,damage,aces etc) for each side and dump it all into a web page for the given event showing how the war is going.

I could rant on with ideas all day but I feel all this will fall on deaf ears as usual so I’ll leave it at that for now.

I know some love to furball and some want to fly only historical, cant AH offer both? (a damm radical idea I know !  )

I’ve also wondered what the ratio of squads in AH are mixed plane types (axis & allied) ver historical (one side only) …. I wonder how many of the historical squads will leave AH if another sim offers a historical theater with the same quality flight model?

I’d like HTC to at least try something HA like “before” another sim “forces it” to do so rather than lose many of its player base.