Yes, the native part of the game runs on both cores of an Intel multi-core system.
I do not know the name of the thread.
The fix AMD provided allows us to see the issue and not run the thread. The mix of CPU;s the covers is broad. At first, we all thought it was limited to a family of parts. This turned out to be a false assumption.
need more information.
"the mix of cpu's is broad" is too vague. need model numbers tested.
i will try getting AMD support on this issue. directly.
if the fix AMD gave you was to not run the thread at all then it is not a fix.
what is the
performance hit from not running that thread?
need data points, comparisons,
time runs in milliseconds;
how much faster in seconds, minutes, will AH2 run faster
on intel because this thread runs on intel; not AMD?
You really do not want to hear this. I did. I have one at home in a corner collecting dust.
it will do you well to learn it inside and out.
the BIOS settings, the install procedures, its specifications.
what model is it? i <3 pics how much dust is in it.
thats probably waaaaaaay old cpu. released together w/ what intel counterpart?
I use ATI cards in all my personal computers. Good products. I do not game at home. I make extensive use of video/audio editing on my home computer. I also do CAD design for my CNC mill.
nvidia is better at
professional graphics. QUADRO. CUDA. SUPPORT.
gaming wise, ati rocks price/performance/power.
The only time I have said AMD was slower was in video editing and rendering than an Intel CPU. That is still true today. It is not my opinion. Ask any professional videographer. Do not take my word for it. The professional forums I hang around with echo the same things. AMD is just slow at the streaming instruction set, as compared to Intel.
video editing and rendering. those i can agree with because most of those software are tuned for intel and compiled with ICC.
under linux w/ blender and compiled with GCC, AMD performs better at rendering. see the performance discrepancy
here at anadtech.
early part of the thread:
Like it or not folks, Intel does work better than AMD, for many things.
video editing + rendering != "many things" ; although for yourself it is probably true.
thank you skuzzy.