Both F6F and 262 are the only two Ac that out dive me so far
The F6F has very good dive handling, and a higher critical Mach than the P-47. That means that the Jug compresses at a lower speed than the Hellcat. Another factor is how one enters a dive. To get the best dive acceleration, you want to "unload" the airframe. In other words, you want the g meter to indicate zero g. If you bunt over and begin to "red out", you've loaded the airframe. Ease the stick forward and get the g meter to zero. Hold that until the nose is where you want and then center the stick. Unloading the airframe increases the rate of acceleration by minimizing induced drag. This applies to all aircraft, by the way.
When the F6F begins to buffet in a dive, it wants to pull out all by itself. Thus, you can trim nose down a bit to maintain the angle of descent. The F6F can dive with any prop fighter in the game....