Author Topic: Grounded for good.  (Read 10506 times)

Offline Reaper90

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Re: Grounded for good.
« Reply #135 on: May 22, 2013, 12:07:44 PM »

This thread is hilarious, has no one spotted that the reason for it all 'kicking off' is that someone was offended because a player described how he prevented a rape? Unless everyone in this thread thinks preventing rapes is offensive?  :rolleyes:

They also admitted they are overly sensitive, and you have no clear facts of what was said afterwards by the devil man, it is quite possible that the woman is simply overly sensitive and takes things to much to heart!

and THIS

Quote from: FuFighter
I have refrained from posting too much on this topic,, Esme was one of the first female squaddies that we've had in years, being just regular guys hangin out all the time, and we discussed a lot of guy stuff.  if this did not get blown out of proportion, if this did not make it to the General Forum, if more people understood EXACTLY what was said, and how people reacted, then this very well may have been a dead issue and would have blown over by now. 

are exactly spot on.

I've also stayed quiet, because I did not witness the exchange first-hand, but logged on within minutes afterwards and did hear from the 'offending party' a description of what was said and how that doesn't quite match the OP's account. I'd say everyone in this thread would be wise to collect all of the info in any situation before they light their torches and get their pitchforks.

I've detuned squad vox on many occasions when there was too much chatter and I was in a fight and couldn't deal with the noise, or just when I didn't want what was being discussed invading my earhole against my will. I WOULD NEVER think of tuning into my squaddies on private vox and repremanding them for their conversation or their language... it's my choice to either be on vox or not.

Quote from: Batfink
I do not want this matter to be dragged out much more if possible. This is purely to show to some of the more hardened members of the community that the management of our squad tried to act with diplomacy and fairness until this shocking turn of events via private message. The Exsquaddie threw themself under the bus on this one. It's a shame because we all considered them as one of the family but obviously they did not hold the same consideration for anyone else.

And THIS is exactly what I have a problem with, with respect to the "ExSquaddie" - I'm pretty upset about this whole series of events because he has been a squadmate of mine for every single day of my 4 years in 71 Sqd RAF, and I hate that he will no longer be one of us. He really is a good guy, and great to fly with. This whole incident struck a nerve with him, and when alcohol was involved the fire blew up. Those pm's were from an hour at night after all this took place, and he was already pretty hammered before he read them, so I'd guess that had something to do with the manner in which he responded.... but that's still no excuse. He was out of line with RT. I support RTHolmes and Batty 110%.

It just tears me up that this friend of ours let this get this out of hand.

I've said all I want to say, and apologies to Batty, but it's been weighing heavily on me for a few days.

It's a bad time, for sure.
'Murican dude in a Brit Squad flying Russian birds, drinking Canadian whiskey

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Re: Grounded for good.
« Reply #136 on: May 22, 2013, 03:01:47 PM »
Those people are no better than the people that can't keep their mouth shut.  They usually just want to create some sort of drama because they're either off in the head or they like the attention.

Good point, I know who the guy is and he doesn't mince his words when someone is trying to shove some cr@p on him, should she really be poking the bear with overly PC nonsense?

As for the PMs, in my opinion hes been hung out to dry here by the time the PMs took place, and now hes really been vilified further you shouldn't really give a stuff about what us lot think or how PC your being to the overly outraged community by not sticking up for the guy. The OP stinks of poor me and has very little real substance to it other than how utterly offended they were at a very noble act, that should tell you something right there.

You know him a lot better than us hes was your amigo and has been for years you know he can be like this if provoked, I have know him less and know hes like that, you should know his character, you should understand that, and the fact that at heart he is a good guy otherwise he would not have been in the squad as long as he has. This is truely a disappointing moment as the 71 are a bunch of great guys.

Personally I would rather have the angry bear than some vindictive politically correct whiner who provokes me then sinks me in public when I tell them were they can shove it. There will always be more honesty in the angry bear in the long run :salute

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Re: Grounded for good.
« Reply #137 on: May 22, 2013, 06:28:25 PM »
 Perv, I just want it to be recognised that under no circumstances would we throw one of our squad brothers or sisters under a bus. The only reason this person was ejected permanently was because they threw themself under the bus.

 And you and I know what you'd do with PMs instead, Micky, don't we now. ;)
And I don't know much, but I do know this. With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.

Offline alpini13

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Re: Grounded for good.
« Reply #138 on: May 22, 2013, 08:12:46 PM »
i was there the night she was verbaly attacked, emauer then came to my squad channel and was literally in tears, i didnt think members of squadron 71 would be this cruel.

Offline Reaper90

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Re: Grounded for good.
« Reply #139 on: May 22, 2013, 09:12:20 PM »
i was there the night she was verbaly attacked, emauer then came to my squad channel and was literally in tears, i didnt think members of squadron 71 would be this cruel.

You were on our squad vox channel and heard what was said?
« Last Edit: May 22, 2013, 09:16:53 PM by Reaper90 »
'Murican dude in a Brit Squad flying Russian birds, drinking Canadian whiskey

Offline palef

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Re: Grounded for good.
« Reply #140 on: May 22, 2013, 09:33:03 PM »
This whole event has tarnished the reputation of an excellent squad, a good friend, and called into question the veracity of reports made by 71Sqn's leadership.

There was no verbal "attack". There was good-natured, over the top barroom banter of the kind everyone has indulged in at some point. The OP is a lovely person and I have flown with her and had the privilege of aerial support whilst tanking and kidding around trying to get altitude records in jets. She is not the sort of person to whom barroom banter is second nature, and those of us who are of a mind to moderate our behaviour when necessary, did so around Esme.  

The other person involved is also a good friend and now ex-squaddie is more than reliable in a fight and never afraid to to have some fun. The ex-squaddie did not set out to offend anyone, he was verbally jousting in the way that some of us in 71Sqn do from time to time, kidding around about gender, nationality, sheep fetishes, and relative IQs/online noodle size. Sometimes we offend each other, usually the offended party goes off-piste and gets their head together before returning. It's like a big, brawling family, and only two mistakes were made:

1. Not recognising that someone had been "properly" hurt.
2. Being a bit too drunk to have any recognisable impulse control.

This was compounded by the offended party making it a public issue instead of dealing with it within the squad.

I'm not happy with the tone that this thread has taken, and I'm not sure that the thread really even needed to be started, but that's not anyone's decision except Esme's, who I will repeat, was lovely to fly with. But to tar the whole squad with the same brush (a temporarily and infrequently drunken brush) is, at best, unfair. RTHolmes has agonised over how to respond to an incident he wasn't privy to and was expected to make judgment calls based on second hand information. He's done that, and that has to be respected.

I was there. I tried to manage the situation. I failed. I may have even added to hurt or indignation felt by either party. I don't know, but I logged when I couldn't raise Esme via PM and things started getting a bit heated, as I knew things had gone too far and there was nothing to be saved from the situation. Plus I was angry and sad and slightly drunk myself.

My initial response to this incident was to hang up the joystick. But on reflection I can see how the rowdy alpha male would eventually upset the shy and retiring sister. We, as a squad simply need to take better care in selecting squaddies. No one person in this whole saga is a bad person, but I don't think either side has covered themselves with glory, post-unfortunate event. I'm also not going to quit AH over this, as that would simply be the act of a drama-queen and there aren't enough of us old-school queens left (calling Lew, come in, your time is up).

Be kind to each other, but also have some empathy for those who make mistakes.

« Last Edit: May 22, 2013, 09:34:48 PM by palef »

Offline 68ZooM

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Re: Grounded for good.
« Reply #141 on: May 22, 2013, 11:04:16 PM »
Palef  I agree with your statement.. The pigs have the same bar room banter we have fun and enjoy each others company and silly bantering that goes on were a family of online friends who puts FUN  in the word dysfunctional  lol.... We had a women in our squad for awhile but it just didn't work out  it got to be to hard for us to change who we were just for one person. Personally I think it should have been handled in squad and not brought here to be made a spectacle of by the drama queens. And this doesn't change the respect that I have for the 71st.  carry on :salute
« Last Edit: May 22, 2013, 11:06:08 PM by 68ZooM »
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Was me, I bumped a power cord. HiTEch

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Re: Grounded for good.
« Reply #142 on: May 22, 2013, 11:16:25 PM »
everybody at one time or another will say something that will hurt or offend somebody at some point.  be it due to alcohol, being tired, having a rough day, you name it.  it is not an excuse but as most of us are adults we need to understand that what happened yesterday most likely is not a reflection of tomorrow.

the question is if everybody is willing to move on and let bygones be bygones.

you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

Offline Butcher

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Re: Grounded for good.
« Reply #143 on: May 22, 2013, 11:30:23 PM »
barroom banter, always someone whose going to take it the wrong way and get ribbed. This is why we can't have nice things. Have a beer  :cheers: and sleep it off.
JG 52

Offline Pepprr

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Re: Grounded for good.
« Reply #144 on: May 22, 2013, 11:49:23 PM »
I wasn't going to reply in this thread again because I admit, I only heard one side of the story and didn't/don't know the rest. said  "We had a women in our squad for awhile but it just didn't work out  it got to be to hard for us to change who we were just for one person."
I just have to say this...
I don't want any woman who ever joins this game to get a bad rap right off the hop and not be accepted into a squad because guys will have to watch what they say. I know that this game is 95% men and so do the women who sign up for it.  If they can't handle that, they should not be on a squad vox.  I can handle the "bar room" banter and most times I am the one to start it...part of why the game is fun.  If the guys started to "watch what they said around me" it wouldn't be much fun to fly with them.
I got asked the other day if I was an admin/mod.  The answer to that is NO!  Most of the time I don't pay attention to what is being said because I am busy.  And frankly it would bore me to death to have to sit there and read all night.   :rolleyes:
After playing the last couple of nights, it is clear that now some people people find it uncomfortable to fly around me or talk to me.  I just want to make it clear that you can't group women's behavior together just like I can't compare yours with the other guys.
 :salute to Esme and the to  "guy" and his squad that this involves, hope that you can get it all sorted out.  Sorry that I added anything to this mess.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2013, 11:51:40 PM by Pepprr »


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Offline kappa

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Re: Grounded for good.
« Reply #145 on: May 22, 2013, 11:57:44 PM »
Hang on a second! I can't find any stats for a dude named "Exsquaddie"... what gives?

and this hasn't done anything to the 71sqd.. people flip the fk out and get ejected.. happens..

I can't believe Bip is the only one to comment on my secksie voice and use of a voice mod..

Offline BiPoLaR

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Re: Grounded for good.
« Reply #146 on: May 23, 2013, 12:06:40 AM »
This whole event has tarnished the reputation of an excellent squad
Negative. You guys are a blast to fly with and I will continue to hop on vox and have laughs with you cats. I have never had any issues out of any of you. I dont know the whole story and personally dont give a rats bellybutton what was exchanged between her and them. It isnt any of my business. And this thread should just die to death now.
Issues like this should be taken up with skuzzy and avoid all the senseless, childish drama.

PS. I love you BatStink
R.I.P. T.E.Moore (Dad) 9-9-45 - 7-16-10.
R.I.P. Wes Poss  (Best Friend) 11-14-75 - 5-2-14

Offline BiPoLaR

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Re: Grounded for good.
« Reply #147 on: May 23, 2013, 12:09:44 AM »
Hang on a second! I can't find any stats for a dude named "Exsquaddie"... what gives?

and this hasn't done anything to the 71sqd.. people flip the fk out and get ejected.. happens..

I can't believe Bip is the only one to comment on my secksie voice and use of a voice mod..
You dont know? Figured Grizz wouldve ratted me out. The only reason I even logged on when I was a Muppet was to hear your voice. Mmmmmm
R.I.P. T.E.Moore (Dad) 9-9-45 - 7-16-10.
R.I.P. Wes Poss  (Best Friend) 11-14-75 - 5-2-14

Offline Vinkman

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Re: Grounded for good.
« Reply #148 on: May 23, 2013, 09:27:46 AM »
Good idea. :aok.   I shall consider it. :old:
Mr Rogers does have a nice voice, but I will try to find something more along the lines of Charlton Heston. :old:
Consider your way, everyone that makes fun of voices. :old:
Being made fun of can hurt feelings. :old:
Zack1234 has a soothing voice. :old:
sucking up...
Being in a famous band likely helped him.. :old: someone famous. Name Dropping.
Who is John Galt?

Offline Midway

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Re: Grounded for good.
« Reply #149 on: May 23, 2013, 10:01:39 AM »
Patronizing :rolleyes:hypocracyvictimizationsucking someone famous. Name Dropping.

Hi Vinky! :)

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