Author Topic: Unbelivable Racism  (Read 1819 times)

Offline Tuck

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Unbelivable Racism
« Reply #60 on: January 16, 2002, 04:04:23 PM »

this PC crap has got to stop!

i am in no means a racist, and i'm sure that plenty of hispanics, blacks, asians, and martians (for all i know) have done...and do their part for our nation, but i am sick and tired of these pc types and their re-writing of events to suit their aims and goals.

The Tuckster

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Offline Thrawn

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« Reply #61 on: January 16, 2002, 06:57:38 PM »
Originally posted by GRUNHERZ

And yes Thrawn I know you live in in Canada but that doesnt really matter because:

1. Everyone knows that Canada is the USAs big old 51st state. :)
2. I honestly think it was an attack on all decent and especially western civilization.
3. It still shows your hesitancy about patriotic images.

Of course I could be wrong in my interpretation, if so explain yourself please. [/B]

Yeah, I'm not too comfortable with patriotic images.  It probably has more to do with being a Canadian the being liberal.  Though images of the grave markers in France and the monument at Vimy Ridge move me deeply.  But it still does looked staged to me.

As far as Canada being the 51st state...not yet, I believe that I'll see it in my life time...but not yet.;)

And I agree, it was also an attack against all decent, democratic countries.


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Unbelivable Racism
« Reply #62 on: January 16, 2002, 07:28:27 PM »
Why would being Canadian make you more likely to be uncomfortable with patriotic images in general, or were you being specific about it because its a USA image?


Offline easymo

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« Reply #63 on: January 16, 2002, 07:44:10 PM »
"As far as Canada being the 51st state...not yet, I believe that I'll see it in my life time...but not yet."

  That may not be as far fetched as it seems. With our Presidents enthusiastic help, Americas well on the way to becoming The Northern Republic of Mexico.  When the Mexican Americans get a big enough voting block to put their own man in the white house. He will no doubt open the southern flood gates.  European Americans may be looking for a place to live.  We had better start being nice to the Canadians.

Offline Hobodog

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Unbelivable Racism
« Reply #64 on: January 16, 2002, 08:06:10 PM »
Originally posted by GRUNHERZ

Now we have that two-bit hooligan racenazi Jesse Jackson shaking down Japanese car companies for millions of dollars because they put a black man with a gold tooth in ONE of their commericals, and that they dont have Blacks on their Japanese board of directors.  I wonder how many Japanese nationals are on the board of Jesses Mafia? WTF is that?

Imagine how many japs are black......

Offline Thrawn

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« Reply #65 on: January 16, 2002, 08:24:18 PM »
Originally posted by GRUNHERZ
Why would being Canadian make you more likely to be uncomfortable with patriotic images in general, or were you being specific about it because its a USA image?


Most Canadians I know love their country as much as any American loves the US, we just don't talk about it much.  Their are many reasons why it is so.  Probably has alot to do with the fact that the "Victorian Era"  ended in Canada in the late 60's.:o

It's just not seen as "polite".  Though I don't think that's really the proper word.  Although this seems to be changing.

Their are exceptions to this though.  Our beer is better, our hockey players are better, and of course on Dominion Day(Canada Day) we are very demonstrative about our patriotism.

An example.  A chain restraunt openned up in Ottawa about 3 years ago.  It was called Perkins, and it had a little maple leaf to dot the "i".  Everyone knew it was American owned.  The restaurant had the biggest mofoin Canadian flag hanging outside of it I've ever seen.  No way any Canadian restaurant would ever have something like that outside of it.

Offline Thrawn

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« Reply #66 on: January 16, 2002, 08:47:57 PM »
Originally posted by easymo
[B  That may not be as far fetched as it seems. With our Presidents enthusiastic help, Americas well on the way to becoming The Northern Republic of Mexico.  When the Mexican Americans get a big enough voting block to put their own man in the white house. He will no doubt open the southern flood gates.  European Americans may be looking for a place to live.  We had better start being nice to the Canadians. [/B]


Canada had it's chance to be a great east-west power.  Shortly after WW2 ended.  We had the worlds fouth largest military.  Our diplomatic corps was the most respected in the world.  We were at the forefront of science and technology.  And our economy, while not as powerful, was better than that of the US.  This lasted until the early 60's.  Then something happened...  

I'm not sure exactly what.  But I'm pretty sure it was mostly our fault.  I know bits and pieces.  The Avro Arrow was cut.  The Avro Jetliner (first passenger jet plane) was cut.  Immigration wasn't what it could have been.  Too much spending by Trudeau on social-services.  And we started our slide.

After Sept. 11 Canada draft immigratioin legislation that was almost a mirror image of that in the US.  Our laws weren't written Canadians but by Americans.  This really upset me.  Our economic ties grow tighter and tighter.  

I've resigned my self to the fact that Canada and the US will become closer and closer.  And for the most part we get along great and you're pretty good neighbours, and we have alot of the same principles.  

If however Canada does become a US state, the Democrats are in for a treat.  I believe the vast majority of Canadians would vote Democrat before they vote Republican.;)

Offline Montezuma

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« Reply #67 on: January 16, 2002, 11:18:45 PM »
Originally posted by easymo
When the Mexican Americans get a big enough voting block to put their own man in the white house. He will no doubt open the southern flood gates.  European Americans may be looking for a place to live.  We had better start being nice to the Canadians.

Maybe you should move to Canada now and beat the rush.

Offline loser

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« Reply #68 on: January 16, 2002, 11:24:44 PM »
Originally posted by GRUNHERZ
Why would being Canadian make you more likely to be uncomfortable with patriotic images in general, or were you being specific about it because its a USA image?


GRUNHERZ bud i am Canadian.. read my post

Offline loser

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« Reply #69 on: January 16, 2002, 11:27:46 PM »
Originally posted by Thrawn
C'mon loser, you have no clue why these firefighters joined up or any other firefighter for that matter.  Unless you've somehow developed telepathy.

For that matter you have no idea what they were thinking when they put up that flag.

And I'll be damned if it doesn't look staged.

Thrawn you may just be wrong on this one.  My brother is a firefighter...and i have talked to a few of his "brothers"  i think i do have a clue.

p.s. of course you couldnt have known this from my original post..but i chose not to mention it on purpose

Offline fdiron

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« Reply #70 on: January 17, 2002, 04:41:36 AM »
They screwed up the statue.   If they wanted something to honor the black and hispanic fire fighters, they should have made something for them.  Why are they honoring the living anyway, shouldn't they have made a statue for the dead firefighters?

Offline SirLoin

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« Reply #71 on: January 17, 2002, 05:26:32 AM »
And now they are removing famous pictures of George Washington a nd other "old white males" to be replaced with that of more modern women to "better represent the diverstity of modern society"..PC is now running amok with no boudries in sight!!!!!!!:mad:


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« Reply #72 on: January 17, 2002, 05:38:31 AM »
Well Gloria Steinem did lead the fight against England and I do think it was anther lesbian feminist who ended slavery...... :rolleyes:

Offline ET

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« Reply #73 on: January 17, 2002, 07:12:54 AM »
So the fire chiefs get their PC correct statue and put it in front of HQs in Brooklyn.What tourist is going to go out and see it in Brooklyn ?

Put a statue that is factually correct with the original firefighters,in Battery Park near the new WTC.

I heard many times that when the flag went up on Iwo Jima,most Americans on shore and at sea who saw it,stopped for a minute to look at it and cheered.

I think that anyone at the WTC,firemen,police,EMT whatever race or sex they were ,would have done the same.Stopped whatever they were doing and looked up at the flag.

They could add additional figures around the statue of firemen,police,different races and sexes and whoever else was there,to reflect the diversity of all who were there on that day.

Offline Gunthr

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Unbelivable Racism
« Reply #74 on: January 17, 2002, 07:58:29 AM »
Why are they honoring the living anyway, shouldn't they have made a statue for the dead firefighters?


That is part of the point I was trying to make.

I guess those who think the statute should "capture the moment" and not represent the sacrifices of the NYFD in general stop short of suggesting a sculpture that shows firefighters being crushed, maimed, burned and sufficated. The "capture the moment" argument just doesn't work.

The "capture the moment" argument only makes sense if you insist on copyrighting the matierial.
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