Author Topic: Biggest "egos" in the game?  (Read 6834 times)

Offline Pongo

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Biggest "egos" in the game?
« Reply #180 on: September 17, 2002, 10:58:34 AM »
I thought this was the most insane thing I had ever read..

"John "OneMan" Birkes wrote:
 I spent the night drinking beers with the guys visiting with Paul's
 I took a lot of notes too. Paul is a legitimate hero whether you care  to  accept it or not. The big burly guy I spoke of, "IronMan," was his wingman in operations all over the world. From what everyone told me Paul was in violation of security when he spoke with his partner, or Robey, or whoever got the information first. I don't really know what he said or to who.
It doesn't matter.  No one would tell me why Paul changed his name. Prior to 1992 there was no 'Paul Hinds' and why he took that name no one would say. I know what his family names are, now, and none one of them is 'Hinds' so maybe he had some other reason. We may never know. He is still 'Paul' to me so I'll keep refering to him by that name.  I spoke to a guy who asked that I pass along a few tidbits, just to put your minds to rest. This comes from the guy that created Medivac, and Cooperative Ventures training. He was Paul's fathers' roommate in college,
was Paul's fathers' best man, and Paul's father was his best man. They both served in Korea and Vietnam as Army officers. He knew Paul as a  teenager and then didn't see him again for years until he popped up in a  cooperative venture session as an F-16 jockey. Happy to see an old friend they got together and talked shop. Finally, it was decided that Paul would leave his Air Force position and become part of the cooperative ventures team.
He stayed in that position until the government called upon him for some other duty. It was this duty that saw him shot down, and hurt. Something happened there that no one wants to discuss.
 It really made Ironman upset to hear it all relayed again, so I have to guess he was there or is sorry he wasn't. So, you may never find actual proof that 'Paul Hinds' was ever in the Air
 Force. I submit however that it doesn't matter. Maybe he should have kept his mouth shut who knows. I have found all the proof I need.
 You should all know as I didn't that this cannot be discussed
 further via any electronic means. After the big blowup of Robey's I can't see you getting the chance to talk with Paul but that's the only way we'll  ever know more.
I think that's the end of this discussion for me.
I will add though that all of these guys, legitimate military, stated
that any guy that claims he's speaking for the 'honor' of the military personnel of the world, is full of toejam. Most military amazinhunks are scum or bums. I don't believe the Paul I know fits either category.

John "OneMan" Birkes
John/Robey/Et All....
can you picture Voss typing that in about himself and posting it....increadable...
then I read this..

"Certain elements of T.A.S. and intellectual creations discussed within the T.A.S. B.B.S. have found themselves into games such as Aces High. This demonstates a clear breach of the Non-Disclosure Agreement, and I see three people responsible in this thread."

Sociopath or Scitso...hard call..

Offline =Jagr=

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Biggest "egos" in the game?
« Reply #181 on: September 17, 2002, 11:28:25 AM »
              If you thought that was insane, do a google search fior groups..  this was just a little snippet.. :)

              The line about intellectual property is a good laugh.. The message board from TAS had a LOT of people on it..  People would post their wildest fantasies they'd want in a "Dream Game" and Voss would answer to each and every one.. "yup its in there!"  So apparently Voss owns the rights to every idea that has ever been floating around the newsgrgoups about "I wish it had this or that".

              Very little you will ever see in a game is "Unique" information.  The trick is being able to actually put that in code and present it in a format people want to play.  

               I don't have any of the renders still..  I saved a couple of the 109's in the sun..  I showed it to an artist and he took one look and called me back..  "Thats not an in game image, thats a render pure and simple"

               One of the other tell tale signs came from a developer I know, he read one quote from Voss about compiling the alpha and how well he went and he said to me "There is no game..  thats total BS..  it NEVER goes that easy the first time"

               The RC Scans are funny Voss, but the problem is you never told anyone you "owned" and F16 or "flew" and F16, you told them you were a USAF F16 Pilot and an Air Force Academy Graduate, and a VETERAN of Desert Storm and had 2 Mig Kills in that conflict..You also went on with stories of classified service for the CIA yadda yadda yadda...  These were NOT statements you made casually in passing.  They each had elaborate stories attached to them..and when challeneged, you defended those statements with even more outlandish lies..
              So lets not try to divert the issue by saying it was all semantics..  Thats total BS..  You lied in an elaborate and ever deepening way.  Every time you were called on it, you further lied to try and back pedal with even more rediculous stories..  You even asked people for sympathy when it had finally fallen apart claiming you had a brain tumor that appeared terminal.. How pathetic is that?

              How much of a disgracee can one person make himself?  I suppose we'll just have to keep watching you to find out..  But,, ANY time you EVER try to solicit money from other people for another "Game Scam"  this thread will reappear there to make sure the new potential victims will know the real story of "voss"..  Its not going to go away..  because as everyone reading this thread can see..  you won't give up on it and admit what you did..  there always a million excuses why you ARE NOT responsible..its always someone elses fault..  

P.S.  I'm still waiting for my call the guys at the Boston office..  How about this Voss..  You give me one of their names and I'll call THEM :)

Offline midnight Target

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Biggest "egos" in the game?
« Reply #182 on: September 17, 2002, 11:28:59 AM »
God I hope this isn't over.

Offline =Jagr=

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Biggest "egos" in the game?
« Reply #183 on: September 17, 2002, 12:02:46 PM »
"This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning"

W. Churchill 1942

Offline Urchin

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Biggest "egos" in the game?
« Reply #184 on: September 17, 2002, 12:05:49 PM »
lol jagr

Offline eng3firemn

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Biggest "egos" in the game?
« Reply #185 on: September 17, 2002, 12:15:15 PM »
I have been casually following this thread for the past few days in mild amusement. Even though I've only been involved in the Sim community for the past year and a half or so, I feel somewhat involved with the emotions being poured out on this board. I fly with a squad known as the 418th Hornets, which is comprised of a great bunch of guys, many of whom are RL commercial pilots for a major airline. If I were to find out that any one of those individuals misrepresented themselves or tried to evoke sympathy from me for some false personal matter, I would be  feel quite betrayed. Therefore, I can completely understand the feelings some peole have for this individual. I have flown with VOSS on several occasions as a bishop in the MA, and have never had anything but respect for his flying abilities (simulated of course;) ). But if even half of what is being presented in this thread is true, this person is not only one bolt shy of an erector set, but he is sadisticly insane. Blatant lies regarding our countries servicemen, requests for financial backing, and peoples health, only serve to lower the respect we have for each other in this society. It also evokes an incredible amount of distrust among eachother, both within and outside our sim community.

I must admit, that at first I felt some sympathy for VOSS as this thread began to grow. At this point though, after reading not one substantive reply to the several well-presented claims by others, I am 99% sure that these peoples claims have merit.  The mere fact that VOSS has not defended himself in a clear concise manner, leads me to believe that he would rather avoid the issue, than deal with it. Either that, or he still thinks he can lie his way out. (Some people never learn.)  I challenge you VOSS, as someone who was not a part of what happened 6 years ago, to prove to those on this board that these individuals are lying. If not, please do not expect any sympathy or respect from me or many others I know. If I were innocently accused of the things you have been in this thread, I know how I would respond. And I don't see any correlation between that tand the way you have replied.                                                        

The fact of the matter remains however, that this individual has to live with himself each and every day, and fall asleep knowing that their "LIFE" is nothing more than misrepresenatations over the net and on BBS's. They will never accomplish anything of substance as long as they continue living in their simple-minded fantasy world, and more than likely, we are all better off for that.

Offline Moose1

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Biggest "egos" in the game?
« Reply #186 on: September 17, 2002, 05:13:37 PM »
Originally posted by Voss
Certain elements of T.A.S. and intellectual creations discussed within the T.A.S. B.B.S. have found themselves into games such as Aces High. This demonstates a clear breach of the Non-Disclosure Agreement, and I see three people responsible in this thread.

Derek?  Derek Smart?  Is that you?

(rips open another bag of Cheesy Poofs and enjoys the show)

Offline midnight Target

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Biggest "egos" in the game?
« Reply #187 on: September 17, 2002, 05:34:21 PM »
Guess the attorneys will have to wait:

From:   Michael P. Hobuss, 103527,30
TO:     "Michael\"Amok\" Hobuss, 103527,30
DATE:   7/9/97 12:58 PM

RE:     Proceedings Adjourned

To All the TAS-BoB Beta Testers:

Many of you have approached me about participating in the development of
sims, some have already dropped out
voluntarily to do so. I feel it is appropriate therefore to come to some
resolution of everyone's participation in TAS-BoB.
Because we do not have a beta to present to you, it is unfair to hold
the NDA
over you. We therefore release ALL
TAS beta testers from ANY  restrictions listed in their Non-Disclosure
Agreements with Pro-Line.

Sorry Nim.

Offline Pongo

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Biggest "egos" in the game?
« Reply #188 on: September 17, 2002, 06:07:15 PM »
when the board was down earier I thought that Vosses intelectual property "cooperative ventures" squad had shut down HTC for copying TAS.

Offline Shane

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Biggest "egos" in the game?
« Reply #189 on: September 17, 2002, 06:13:15 PM »
Originally posted by Pongo
when the board was down earier I thought that Vosses intelectual property "cooperative ventures" squad had shut down HTC for copying TAS.

nah... that was just the FBI downloading the server hard drive for the BBS files.

Surrounded by suck and underwhelmed with mediocrity.
I'm always right, it just takes some poepl longer to come to that realization than others.
I'm not perfect, but I am closer to it than you are.
"...vox populi, vox dei..."  ~Alcuin ca. 798

Offline funkedup

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Biggest "egos" in the game?
« Reply #190 on: September 17, 2002, 06:19:15 PM »
Originally posted by beet1e
Funked!!!  LOL! You beat me to it. :D

Faked pics and all ROFL.

Offline Smut

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Biggest "egos" in the game?
« Reply #191 on: September 17, 2002, 06:41:37 PM »
Originally posted by Voss
I doubt you know jackshit about programming, modeling, or art of any kind, but please feel free to share with us any games you've produced and tell us precisely what it was you did in that production. Perhaps I'm out of the loop here, but I've never heard anyone talk about your great games.

OOOOHHHH...Can I play?

Best you run along now girly man, seems your past has caught up with you yet again.



P.S. Any time you wanna play "I know more about game development than you do", bring it on!

« Last Edit: September 18, 2002, 04:53:05 AM by Smut »

Offline texter

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Biggest "egos" in the game?
« Reply #192 on: September 17, 2002, 06:50:42 PM »
Originally posted by Urchin

This link is friggin AMAZING.

I clicked on the roster part, and there are a whole bunch of WW2 pilots with their stories.  That is one awesome link, thanks for diggin it up.  It is going in my favorites.

That place, and how and why it came about, is an amazing story. The man that set it up is amazing also.

ex 13th TAS from the era in question

Offline texter

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Biggest "egos" in the game?
« Reply #193 on: September 17, 2002, 06:55:17 PM »
Originally posted by Voss
Certain elements of T.A.S. and intellectual creations discussed within the T.A.S. B.B.S. have found themselves into games such as Aces High. This demonstates a clear breach of the Non-Disclosure Agreement, and I see three people responsible in this thread.

now THAT is diddlying funny.

see if you can find a NDA that *I* signed.


Offline Smut

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Biggest "egos" in the game?
« Reply #194 on: September 17, 2002, 06:56:04 PM »
Originally posted by Voss
Certain elements of T.A.S. and intellectual creations discussed within the T.A.S. B.B.S. have found themselves into games such as Aces High. This demonstates a clear breach of the Non-Disclosure Agreement, and I see three people responsible in this thread.





You haven't changed a bit Voss. Why someone would actually want to become the Derek Smart of the the flight sim world is beyond me...but clearly, that is your goal.

And always has been.
