Author Topic: luffwobble abuse?  (Read 10270 times)

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luffwobble abuse?
« Reply #60 on: December 30, 2002, 06:21:11 PM »
BTW, The P-47's are fine if you omit the following.  However the same rules can be applied to likely 50 percent of the planeset if one was to nitpick like I did (or like some other notable examples:D)

If you were to perform a simple search using my bbs name in the AC and Veh forum, you will see that I have posted on several occasions about the fantasy loadout of the P-47D-30.  I cannot find a reference in anything I own of it carrying 1K's and rock's on the wings and a centerline 500.  I have also pointed out that 9th AF P-47's could not fire their guns while laden with rockets without the very real possibility of severing the motor fire wires.  They always fired their rock's with the muzzel's of their brownings plugged.

Additionally, I think that I have proven that the D11 modeled in AH was equiped  with a hamilton "paddleblade" prop. Even though it doesn't have it, I still love that bird. I appreciate having a P-47 modeled with my squads colors.
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luffwobble abuse?
« Reply #61 on: December 30, 2002, 06:23:30 PM »
I read the BBS a lot, way more than I should.  My impressions are that fans of certain aircraft make repeated posts about relatively minor things having to do with said aircraft, and act like eqivilent things aren't missing on other aircraft.

The aircraft that seem to follow this trend to me are:


That is all.

I could post about the radiator damage control on Spitfire IXs and XIVs, but what's the point?  AH is setup in a particular manner.  There is one radiator per engine (Spit radiator issue) and primary and secondar weapon banks (Fw190 trigger arangement issue).  I highly doubt that HTC is going to customize either aircraft, yet the trigger issue gets mentioned repeatedly and I've never seen the Spit radiator issue posted before.


You stated that nobody is affected by those other labels.  Well, you're wrong.  Spitfires are, and always have been, my favorite WWII aircraft. I signed up to AH to fly Spitfires. I don't fly them much at all because I got so sick of the whining directed at me.  Nobody complains when I shoot them down in a 190, but if I'm in a Spit I stand a good chance of being sworn at or mocked simply for my taste in aircraft.
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Offline akak

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luffwobble abuse?
« Reply #62 on: December 30, 2002, 06:25:29 PM »
Originally posted by GRUNHERZ
Hitech can you honestly say any group of AH airplane fans are so diectly ostracized and made fun of as LW guys? Thats my point, no need to focus on a single word.


Dweebfire drivers, N1K2 weenies and the obvious La7 Slobberdonkeys come to mind.  I guess it's just the Luftwhiners that cry and pout the loudest while screaming, "IT'S A CONSPIRACY!"

Get a grip and a life.



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luffwobble abuse?
« Reply #63 on: December 30, 2002, 06:27:40 PM »
Originally posted by hitech
Thing is Grun. You have been arguing two points.

1. About me choicing words, and we agree, and I always try to do so.

2. Is the Luftwhiner stuff, that we do not agree on ,because you don't seem to want to see most of the problem is caused by the luftwhiners and not the whine police to follow.

So what should be done about bad behavior on this board, and make no mistake true "luftwines" post are bad behavor, along with the whine police posting to none whines.


I have been arguing one thing.

The choice of words discussion was only a side issue pertaining to one post of mine in the thread. I consider that resolved, and we agree.

Apparently we are still at a disagreement over my main issue despite the good dialoge and discussion.

Once again you use the term luftwhiner. This time to me it seems you mean it as a label and not just out of arguments sake. You say they are problem? Who is the luftwhiner hitech? Why arent all the guys like funked and lazs and fester and all other loudmouths on the BBS? Why dont you call them ****** whatever.  

And I dont see how the problem is caused by people asking questions, everyone does this and whines and squeakes no matter what they fly.  But I think we all can see which group gets the most attacks for their concerns.

My basic argument is this. Everybody whines. The group most clearly targeted for harrasement are LW people who whine, called luftwhiners.  Why are they attacked as you said?

And again regarding your use of the term luftwhiner to describe people. I suggest you read over Kweassa's summary of the impact it has once more, and reconsider your choice of words. He put it perfectly.

Here is the main point from Kweassa.

"Grun's whole point is your the most powerful man alive in these boards, and if you aren't careful you can influence a lot of people in the wrong way.

Somebody questions about a plane, or has doubts about it, brings it up in a discussion. Then, someone else bops in and comments "that's why people refer to you as a Luftwhiner".

..and you expect people to see that comment as a neutral one?

Even if it is "not the case" for you, it's "a case" for other people when those words come out of your mouth. Sure, it's not your fault how others think about what you said, but it doesn't hurt to be more careful in sensitive issues. "


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luffwobble abuse?
« Reply #64 on: December 30, 2002, 06:30:15 PM »
Ack-Ack its intersting how another guy who criticizes and makes fun of LW types talks of a conspiracy... Odd huh?

Offline Wilbus

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luffwobble abuse?
« Reply #65 on: December 30, 2002, 06:35:36 PM »
Like I said in my list the anti whine whiners are currently growing to a level that they need to be delt with.

One good thing I've heard today.

Kweassa's post was exelent too and pretty much says most things that needs to be said.

Although this
So once again get off the luftwiner conspericy theroy.
 Was not an attack on me, and I did not take it as one. It does help the people who constantly run around screaming luftwhiner whenever someone says ANYTHING about an LW plane.

And what you told me in the main arena
that's why people refer to you as a Luftwhiner
allso adds alot to those people and they feel like they are being backed up by the creator of the game.

I appriciate what you said to me in the Main arena, it's good (negative) feedback and was said to me in a good way that will help me improve. BUT it could have been said in a better way thus not suporting the anti luftwhiner whiner people (or whatever). And I also think those two things are what Grun was refering to in the beginning.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2002, 06:37:41 PM by Wilbus »
Rasmus "Wilbus" Mattsson

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Offline akak

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luffwobble abuse?
« Reply #66 on: December 30, 2002, 06:40:17 PM »
Originally posted by GRUNHERZ
Ack-Ack its intersting how another guy who criticizes and makes fun of LW types talks of a conspiracy... Odd huh?

Maybe I should have added the [SARCASM] [/SARCASM] tags to my post so you would have had an easier time of comprehending it.

The only one crying about a conspiracy has been you...odd huh?

And the funny thing is, most of us that poke fun at the Luftwhiners aren't talking about the planes but rather a certain few players that play in them.  Frankly, I don't give a damn about the German planes, some like the Ju-87D-3 and the Me262 are a blast to fly and all of them are easy to shoot down.  


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luffwobble abuse?
« Reply #67 on: December 30, 2002, 06:45:42 PM »
I don't get it.  So HT can't use the word Luftwhiner for fear that someone else may use it out of context?  Hell, he mentioned Whine whiners too, but no one seemed to take issue with that.  What if someone uses that term out of context as well?  Why can't he call out certain segments of the AH population that he feels are detrimental?  The term Luftwhiner is a quick, descriptive way to do so, as is Whine whiner.  Maybe I'm missing something.

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luffwobble abuse?
« Reply #68 on: December 30, 2002, 06:46:43 PM »
Ok so what are you trying to contribute here? And of course you would make fun of and insult people and not planes - how would that be something that needs explaining.

And how would I complain of a conspiract that I clearly say does not exit, and say so sever times in plain english.  The only people who belive in a conspiracy are the guys like you who make fun and insult LW people as luftwhiners.

Anyhow I hope you can contribute something here besides bizzare exaggetations and anything generally resembling this tirade:

"I guess it's just the Luftwhiners that cry and pout the loudest while screaming, "IT'S A CONSPIRACY!"

Get a grip and a life. "

Offline AKS\/\/ulfe

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luffwobble abuse?
« Reply #69 on: December 30, 2002, 06:50:47 PM »
Originally posted by GRUNHERZ
The only people who belive in a conspiracy are the guys like you who make fun and insult LW people as luftwhiners.

I showed you clearly that's not the case and that the "conspiracy" notion is very real.

But whatever, you couldn't bring yourself to prove me wrong in the other thread... you couldn't prove that the conspiracy belief among many fans is only a hoax/fabrication by those who only want to make fun of and insult LW "people".

Your self proclaimed objectivity is a bit one sided and dillusional.


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luffwobble abuse?
« Reply #70 on: December 30, 2002, 06:55:18 PM »

The negative atmospher that has come over BBS and specifically with so many LW are upset is due to targeted attacks by people calling them luftwhiners. This is the big issue and my concern as explained by Kewassa was hitech's use of the word in the past might encourage that problematic behavior somehow.

Now what you said is clever no doubt but we both know thats not the real issue.


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« Reply #71 on: December 30, 2002, 07:00:06 PM »
SW all I saw in those threads is a bunch of frustrted people in sea of posts making fun of them as luftwhiners and conspiracy xfiles guys. Strangely I never saw the niklas post in any of the three threads, perhaps I just missed it. However going by what uou pasted he never said anything but that he thinks people wouldnt attack him so much if he brought data for allied planes. And assuming his thread anything like the others Its liukely he is prolly right. Unless of course I'm just imagining there is a an agrtessive atmosphere here attacking luftwhiners as you like to say.

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« Reply #72 on: December 30, 2002, 07:03:57 PM »
Actually, we don't both know that.  I think you've been overeacting and despite the fact that a few might condemn you "just because", I still believe it's possible to post concerns about ANY aircraft type and have a good discussion, as long as the original post is reasonable and not filled with sarcasm and spite.

Luftwhiner is a good, descriptive term used to describe somebody going overboard about a problem (or percieved problem) with a LW aircraft in AH.  If it's misused, then take issue with the person misusing the word, not the word itself.


PS...I don't consider a little ribbing to be misuse.
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luffwobble abuse?
« Reply #73 on: December 30, 2002, 07:05:31 PM »
Note that the term didn't originate here. I remember it being used in AW DOS and WB before now.

Reputations are earned, one way or the other.

It won't change until there is a change, no matter how long you argue it.

And as a sidenote, I've never, ever seen Laz "whine". I've seen him state his opinion many, many times. He's always backed up his gameplay views with reasons. He's never threatened to quit or made accusations of bias against HTC. I don't always agree with him.. but I haven't seen him "whine"

There are polite and intelligent ways to offer constructive criticism and to ask questions. Therein, for all parties, lies the answer.
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luffwobble abuse?
« Reply #74 on: December 30, 2002, 07:05:58 PM »
Originally posted by GRUNHERZ
The negative atmospher that has come over BBS and specifically with so many LW are upset is due to targeted attacks by people calling them luftwhiners.

You aren't really that blind I hope.