Author Topic: What happens if you die?  (Read 3063 times)

Offline addy

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What happens if you die?
« Reply #105 on: February 15, 2003, 08:25:33 AM »
Seems to me in RL death was a pretty hefty punishment, so for "immersion factor" why shouldn't it in the TOD? I also thought that the TOD was being set up for the sim pilot who was looking for something more like RL? It wont be like you have to fly here or have a with consequences(?) or fly with out them....the choice is yours, it is that simple. When the new TOD is opened you will know the game play rules, if it is something that suits you great!!! If not, you you still have the other arena, the events, etc

Offline Maverick

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What happens if you die?
« Reply #106 on: February 15, 2003, 11:27:30 AM »
Originally posted by Achttag
"ToD will not appeal to a lot of people because of the rigid structure" (Pyro)

Unless you are a sim anarchist. What slightly concerns me...

"If you die in the mission what happens to yor character or "career". Do you start over or do you get to do the mission over again? I can see how the "sim" folks woulfd be excited about this but what about the player that is going to spend less than 10 hours a week playing?" (Maverick) what if you don't care? I mean, I guess some form of mechanism will be needed to prevent those who's major pleasure would be to see a rigid structure / mission / whatever and try and **** it up.



I am not a "sim anarchist" (whatever the hell that is). I am a player that has little time to play. Becuase of my schedule I dropped my account until next April as I graduate then and will be back home for more than just a few hours on a weekend.

I do have concerns for this type of arena as I do not want to have to wait for the game play to start. Sitting in a ready room is not my idea of fun. I don't mind being part of a team but having to sit and wait for the team to get together isn't going to work for me. My time is too limited.

The idea of programmed malfunctions is particularly abhorant to me. I have had enough malfunctions in the game due to CTD's and player number lag. Having the guns jam or the engine quit in the plane as a sop to those who think this adds "realism" will simply drop my participation from this arena, period. Glitches are not what I will be playing for.

I asked the questions I did at the start of this very hijacked thread as I didn't see the info provided in the sticky Pyro put  out. Those issues are of concern to me given the built in rank and mission tenets that were published.

I am here to play a game not try to recreate WW2. As someone who has been in the situation of popup and shoot back targets I am after a fun time not an excercise in frustration. Recreating a real life and death on a game is, as far as I am concerned, silly. Making a game fun and intriquing is a great idea.
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Offline DukeMskt

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« Reply #107 on: February 16, 2003, 04:19:37 AM »
I think what this is about is ratcheting things to a new level. If all you want to do is play"quake with wings" I see nothing wrong with that. That is what the MA is geared to. But this is a military simulation. In CT right now I am trying out this concept of NOT being careless, stupid, or unaware.
I kept whining(to myself, and I don't make dumb excuses, I just take it then cry..) when I did somethig stupid..But with this new attitude It has become WAY intense...becuase if I'm killed, I will sit out the rest of the week til the next tour. So far, I have been very lucky, and haven't made any foolish mistakes.
As this tour goes on, I find myself caring more and more about finnishing the tour in one piece. It really adds to the exitement and the challenge...Arlo, you are NOT the low man on the totem pole, not by a LONG shot. It really dosn't matter if all you want to do is shoot up the place then auger in and get a new paper plane. Everybody in here thinks they are the Red Baron;) And that is just fine too. The gang at HTC are just trying to give you what you want. I for one, will welcome this new cenario. There is nothing wrong with concequences, they are a part of life. I look at it this way...There will be no more "newbees" asking basic questions in the middle of a dog fight"how do I take off? can I shoot the green guys?" your wing man will be trained to stay with you, not wander off chasing shadows, et al. I see some are already starting to question whether they are going to be good enough to do this new sim..
I say give yourself a chance...DukeMskt, Musketeer Escadrille

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #108 on: February 16, 2003, 07:28:56 AM »
It's not about me, Duke. Never has been. :)

 I made an observation about taking things to extremes that I think will hurt TOD. Said my piece. We'll see.

Offline Midnight

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« Reply #109 on: February 16, 2003, 11:00:25 AM »
Originally posted by Maverick
I do have concerns for this type of arena as I do not want to have to wait for the game play to start. Sitting in a ready room is not my idea of fun. I don't mind being part of a team but having to sit and wait for the team to get together isn't going to work for me. My time is too limited.

Then don't play ToD. What makes you think anyone wants you on their team if you don't plan on "sitting in the ready room" and learning about the mission, what neeeds to be done, and who is going to be responsible for what?

I won't want you on my team. You're the exact kind of player that never knows what is going on, what the target is, or what ammo and fuel load is going to be needed. You're the type of player that nags all the other players by repeatedly typing the same questions over and over again in the text buffer..

"What field do we take off from?"
"What plane?"
"How much Fuel?"
"What type of bombs?"
"What radio channel we on?"
"Who's my wingman?"
"What's the target?"

Then you half listen to the responses, load up the wrong stuff, take off and don't pay attention to the mission leader, fail to stay with the group and end up squeaking because no one covered you when you broke off to attack some alternate target becasue you thought it was a better idea.

AH Classic is for you. Please be content with it and don't waste your valuable time ruining every one else's in ToD. Thanks

Offline Maverick

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« Reply #110 on: February 16, 2003, 02:00:11 PM »
Originally posted by Midnight
Then don't play ToD. What makes you think anyone wants you on their team if you don't plan on "sitting in the ready room" and learning about the mission, what neeeds to be done, and who is going to be responsible for what?

I won't want you on my team. You're the exact kind of player that never knows what is going on, what the target is, or what ammo and fuel load is going to be needed. You're the type of player that nags all the other players by repeatedly typing the same questions over and over again in the text buffer..

"What field do we take off from?"
"What plane?"
"How much Fuel?"
"What type of bombs?"
"What radio channel we on?"
"Who's my wingman?"
"What's the target?"

Then you half listen to the responses, load up the wrong stuff, take off and don't pay attention to the mission leader, fail to stay with the group and end up squeaking because no one covered you when you broke off to attack some alternate target becasue you thought it was a better idea.

AH Classic is for you. Please be content with it and don't waste your valuable time ruining every one else's in ToD. Thanks

Well thank you all the way to hell and back midnight. I didn't know you were the resident god of AH here. Please forgive me for having the temerity to broach questions about a game that has been announced without details on gameplay!!! Particularly in rergards as to how often or when missions would be announced or where.

As to the mission idea and waiting, who gave you the authority to decide who is a "welcome" player or not. I have flown several missions in the CT and the problems you listed were not attributable to me. Nice of you to affix blame and put me in that catagory though.

As far as being on your team, you don't have to worry. I play for fun, not to build an ego as you most obviously have. You have more than enough ego displayed in your post to fill a squad all by yourself.
A Veteran - whether active duty, retired, national guard or reserve - is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a check made payable to "The United States of America", for an amount of "up to and including my life."
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Offline Arlo

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« Reply #111 on: February 16, 2003, 02:33:23 PM »
Eh, Mav. Get used to it. It's an all too common to see some in this forum get all uptight and pissy because you ask a question or make an observation that threatens their conception of AHII:TOD nirvana (as if your mere presense may turn their wet dream into a nightmare). All the players who chant "I don't want you in my Tour of Duty - go play Classic" ... before TOD even opens ... are so completely self-centered that they'll never see it coming.

 It's one of the most bizarre examples of actively trying to discourage players from participating in and supporting an upcoming version of the game (they supposedly support themselves) that I've ever seen. Don't fret the blow-hards who are trying to make TOD their own private sandbox (or make it sound like it will be). Or, for that matter, this forum. Post on, dude. If someone gets their panties in a knot over what ya post ... don't worry about it unless it's someone on the HTC payroll. ;)

Offline DukeMskt

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« Reply #112 on: February 16, 2003, 03:09:52 PM »
Some people want structure in a game, some don't. It's really very simple. and I don't think it's about any one person. It's failure or success depends on the numbers of people who play it. Period. No rocket science here. The ONLY person taking a chance is, in the final analyisis is HiTech. He and the crew at HT creations
are trying to come up with something new and exciting for you all.
Who knows? In any event I will be there just to see whats what.
as for a private little sandbox, that is already covered in the game. Is the H2H arena. And its free. DukeMskt, Musketeer Escadrille.

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #113 on: February 16, 2003, 06:07:10 PM »
H2H being a private sandbox for free, huh? Ain't that logic for yas? ;)

No .... I'm refering to the "HT specifically custom designed TOD for me and people like me who don't like action and have eight or more hours a day to spend mostly not facing opponents so stop asking questions or making suggestions and go away since we don't need you and your kind and HT will be more than happy to support our little elite group with the proceeds from AHII:Classic" club. :D

Offline JustJim

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« Reply #114 on: February 17, 2003, 12:24:46 AM »
Still think they should have called it,

Uber Arena

Offline DukeMskt

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« Reply #115 on: February 17, 2003, 03:54:27 AM »
"Little" and "Elite" don't wash on line, old son. If enough people don't come to play, it will simply dissapear.I have no intention of droning on and on for hours sitting on a silk rock...Been there, done that.  I dont have a chair that comfortable, or time like that to spare. I am certainly not one of the "elite" nor am I particularly little. I will still be interested in seeing what it does do...Who knows? might be a hoot..DukeMskt, Musketeer Escadrille.

Offline Karnak

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« Reply #116 on: February 17, 2003, 04:15:51 AM »

I understood that they were going to have missions launch every hour or half hour (they weren't sure yet) so that players like you who are short on time to play wouldn't have to sit around in a tower waiting for the mission to launch.  Instead you could do your "real life" activities, notice that it was 7:55 and log on to fly a mission at 8:00.

Contrary to Midnight's post, HTC wants ToD to be as accessible as possible.  I would expect that the mission settings will be auto loaded into your controls and you'll have way points and target designations all accessible from the clipboard so that Midnight's feared barage of questions will be minimized.
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Offline Arlo

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« Reply #117 on: February 17, 2003, 08:17:53 AM »
Precisely the point ... old son. :D

Originally posted by DukeMskt
"Little" and "Elite" don't wash on line, old son. If enough people don't come to play, it will simply dissapear.

Offline Marble

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« Reply #118 on: February 17, 2003, 12:08:13 PM »
Originally posted by Midnight
It's amazing to me that people want to whine about how poorly they play, and the game should be structured so that they can still be succesful. That is exactly why HTC will leave the existing game as AHC. So people with only a few minutes to play, who haven't improved their skills, who don't want to deal with a structured mission invironment, and don't care about their scores can still play and do what they want.

It also allows players who DO care about completing their mission, yet doing so in a manner that allows them to get home when the job is done.

Hopefully, AH ToD will be a game/sim for players who want to play in an enviroment where their actions, as well as their countrymates can have a real effect on what happens next. If HTC is going to put all kinds of buffers into the game to prevent people from being "discouraged" with their poor performance, then I hope they don't even bother putting in the effort.

With any luck, ToD will be more realistic, in the sense that if you fail too often, your superiors will remove you until such time you can improve. Why should every game cater to the newbie or the casual player? Why can't the simmer's have a simulation with out the gamer's whining that it is too hard?

Please play AHC and join a squad. Fly in the current ToDs and improve your skills for missions. There are plenty of places to practice and get better. Please don't ask that AH ToD should not have penalties for poor performance. Let us have a simulation please. Thank you.

The thing about this "SIMULATION" is it is a game. Dropping back to cadet and missing out on squad night is not what a game is about. How about this for simulation Midnight, if you die you can never play again, EVER. Now that would be a sim.:eek:

Offline DukeMskt

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« Reply #119 on: February 17, 2003, 04:22:45 PM »
I don't go quite that far, but I agree. I play in CT, and if I get killed, no matter how, I lay off till the next CT opens. I spend my free time in the training room or with other activites. I got killed last night running over some junk trying to capture a VH...My wingie's comment was" it was a cheap shot, you didn't deserve to die.." Cheap shmeep. Dead is dead. Like golf, the only other game I know of that you can call a penalty on yourself, It will make me more careful in the future. As for all the nonsense about the new AHII, you can play all you want, it's a game, if you die all the time, you NEED to go back to training. I have never been into political correctness and I have very little tolerence for people who whine constantly about nothing. So far, alot of what's here seems to be negative. I am at a loss to figure out why. If this AHll
Doesn't please some of you now,  I shudder to think what will happen when there is something to concrete to worry about. why not just wait and see? What can it hurt? I just may be too much for some fragile egos to deal with. In fact I am sure the first time some killer player stomps a mud hole in my bellybutton and walks it dry, I will be crushed. Especially when I find out it was a 10 year old..LOL!! But that's just the way it goes, you know? I am sure every mission won't be to Schwinefurt or Berlin. I bet there will be plenty of action on the french coast as well....or perhaps at Midway or Pearl Harbor. I hope everyone does well at this. I really do. But some won't and they will hate it. That's life. If HT creations tried to please everyone, they would wind up pleasing no one. Same as in every day life. DukeMskt, Musketeer Escadrille
« Last Edit: February 17, 2003, 08:07:42 PM by DukeMskt »