Author Topic: For HTC: My suggestion for a new perk list('43~early '44 MA environment)  (Read 10150 times)

Offline badcow

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« Reply #135 on: June 29, 2004, 09:51:22 AM »
Hey man, I was just looking for gunsights. It's certainly easy to understand where you're coming from Kweassa, I think there's a lot of knee jerking going on. I hate Spits, but lousy pilot that I am, I occaisonally take one anyway, just so I can lose those getting shot down blues. I seem to aquire them so quickly jumping into furballs flying 51s and 190s. But I love those fast planes, and as long as they are available to me, I'm going to fly them, much more than most. I too wish to vomit with profuse force when some people fail to take the game as seriously as I think they should, e.g. augering during a jabo without a care in the world. But I hated spending $200 a month to play AW a lot more. So even tho I do empathize with your frustration, I disagree with your premise. I think Halo is dead on target. Let em vote with their feet in an arena of their choice. It's a joy to only spend $15 a month to fly in such a cool sim, whatever it's imperfections. The last thing I want to see is a philosophical difference cost this company customers and endanger my fun. In the end, when I do kill those hated planes with something different than a UFO, it's just that much sweeter. Should an arena open where I can engage in the hi-speed, late war model fights I really like, so much the better. Until then, I see no point in alienating paying customers or taking chances with their patronage. Just my two cents.

airCOW  (screwed up my handle, I'm a dweeb here as well as the MA ):(

Offline 1K0N

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For HTC: My suggestion for a new perk list('43~early '44 MA environment)
« Reply #136 on: June 29, 2004, 10:30:06 AM »
Will perking everything make players even more timid then they already are? "Timid meaning run from a 1 vs 1"


Offline Zippatuh

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For HTC: My suggestion for a new perk list('43~early '44 MA environment)
« Reply #137 on: June 29, 2004, 11:55:32 AM »
Kweassa, you have to be one of the most long winded individuals I have ever seen.

I read, blah blah blah, perk it, blah blah, perk, blah blah, perk some more, blah blah…

I know you probably put a LOT of thought into this and kudos for having a genuine idea but really the only thing I’m getting out of this thread is:

Perk the witch!  Perk the witch!  Perk the witch!  Or witches rather, whatever the case is I don’t think it’s going to solve whatever perceived problem that you are seeing.

Oh yeah, I fly the 51 and 4 perks isn’t crap but why stop there.  After a few more tours there will be an abundance of other aircraft that you see all the time.  Diversity can’t be forced; people are going to fly what they want to fly.

Then of course you can lobby to have the perk amounts increased, other aircraft added, go for the rolling plane set, or choose the lazs segregation arena.

I’m having fun regardless of what shows up in my crosshairs or what is punching holes in my Cadillac.  Too bad you all aren’t.  Must get tiring having the same complaints, over and over and over and over and over and over again.

Can someone point me to the horse; I have a new stick I want to try out!

Offline Magoo

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For HTC: My suggestion for a new perk list('43~early '44 MA environment)
« Reply #138 on: June 29, 2004, 01:10:45 PM »
Surely you perk hounds realize your pissing in the wind?

I would love to see some of these perk lists put in place. I've even advocated perking everything that wasn't in production at the onset of wwII.

I also realize that any of these types of discussions are just mental masturbation. Why do you think my eyesight is so bad?

A bandit on your six is better than no bandit at all!

Offline peregrin

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For HTC: My suggestion for a new perk list('43~early '44 MA environment)
« Reply #139 on: June 29, 2004, 02:00:41 PM »
I like it.

Offline VOR

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For HTC: My suggestion for a new perk list('43~early '44 MA environment)
« Reply #140 on: June 29, 2004, 02:33:03 PM »
Haven't read all 3 pages of posts, but like the original post very much. Well done Kweassa, you've got my vote.

Offline jthemenway

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For HTC: My suggestion for a new perk list('43~early '44 MA environment)
« Reply #141 on: June 29, 2004, 03:14:07 PM »
the idea has my vote.

As a relative newbie I like the idea. I also like the suggestions for perking the Spit IX and LA5's as well. Otherwise the area will be flooded with them both. On the other hand I would rather see the initial suggestion implemented than get held up over this debate.

Offline Mugzeee

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For HTC: My suggestion for a new perk list('43~early '44 MA environment)
« Reply #142 on: June 29, 2004, 03:24:31 PM »
Originally posted by Zippatuh
Kweassa, you have to be one of the most long winded individuals I have ever seen.
But dude....Im tryin  too. Little credit here would be nice :rofl    :D
well i guess i do have a ways to go...but im coming up the backstretch.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2004, 03:27:07 PM by Mugzeee »

Offline J_A_B

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For HTC: My suggestion for a new perk list('43~early '44 MA environment)
« Reply #143 on: June 29, 2004, 03:33:40 PM »
Why won't this thread die?

Oh yeah he has it linked in his sig.

Well all I'll say is that while "K" is entitled to his opinion, his opinion is of such that if he got his way I would instantly quit AH, never to return.  And I wouldn't be the only one.  I guess our ideas of "fun" are mutually exclusive.


Offline Kweassa

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For HTC: My suggestion for a new perk list('43~early '44 MA environment)
« Reply #144 on: June 29, 2004, 04:07:04 PM »

Kweassa, you have to be one of the most long winded individuals I have ever seen.

I read, blah blah blah, perk it, blah blah, perk, blah blah, perk some more, blah blah…

I know you probably put a LOT of thought into this and kudos for having a genuine idea but really the only thing I’m getting out of this thread is:

Perk the witch! Perk the witch! Perk the witch! Or witches rather, whatever the case is I don’t think it’s going to solve whatever perceived problem that you are seeing.

 A witch hunt this is not. And the "hunted" don't go extinct either.

Oh yeah, I fly the 51 and 4 perks isn’t crap but why stop there. After a few more tours there will be an abundance of other aircraft that you see all the time. Diversity can’t be forced; people are going to fly what they want to fly.

 Diversity IS ALREADY forced. There are perks already in existence. The suggested perks is only a different version of it. What do you think it is when HTC perks some planes on grounds of 'balance'??

 Besides, the whole "long winded" explanations are about why this system would not cause the mesozoic mass extinction to the Big Five, but allow the former hangar queens exist in reasonable numbers alongside the now reduced "Big Five", which won't be a "Big Five" anymore. I take it you never read it carefully(or never felt the need to, which is a sad thing).

Then of course you can lobby to have the perk amounts increased, other aircraft added, go for the rolling plane set, or choose the lazs segregation arena.

1. No reason to increase any of the perks as of yet
2. What's wrong with wanting more planes?
3. Never supported the RPS in entire history of forum participation
4. Never agreed with lazs

I’m having fun regardless of what shows up in my crosshairs or what is punching holes in my Cadillac. Too bad you all aren’t. Must get tiring having the same complaints, over and over and over and over and over and over again.

 I know you as one of the people skilled enough to use small perked P-51s exclusively without trouble. Also, if you don't really care about what crosses your sights like you say, then you should have no reason to oppose to what changes in plane usage the NPA brings out.

 Your own attitude contradicts your words.

 Besides, who's saying I ain't enjoying the game right now? Have you even flown AH2 lately? Didn't see you with the rest of the 13th in Rookville.


Why won't this thread die?

 Because its finding new supporters everyday(well, not everyday. It was good for the first few weeks, and since then its new supporter for every one week or something like that..).

Well all I'll say is that while "K" is entitled to his opinion, his opinion is of such that if he got his way I would instantly quit AH, never to return. And I wouldn't be the only one. I guess our ideas of "fun" are mutually exclusive.


 You like suicidal dweebs kamikazeing you airfield objects?

Offline J_A_B

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For HTC: My suggestion for a new perk list('43~early '44 MA environment)
« Reply #145 on: June 29, 2004, 04:21:22 PM »
"Why? "

Because of the P51D was perked I would no longer have any reason to play AH


Offline fluffy

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For HTC: My suggestion for a new perk list('43~early '44 MA environment)
« Reply #146 on: June 29, 2004, 04:24:51 PM »
I think these ideas are excellent, although the P51-B is a really superb aircraft - forced to fly it, people will soon realize it's qualities and you will see it used almost as extensively as the 'D' model is now.

The 109G10 appeared in the interval between my leaving AH and rejoining in May.  I've been very impressed by it's capabilities and am surprised that it is not perked already to some extent. Maybe it isn't quite fast enough to be perked in the present environment?

Offline J_A_B

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For HTC: My suggestion for a new perk list('43~early '44 MA environment)
« Reply #147 on: June 29, 2004, 04:29:41 PM »
Eh, the 109G-10 has been around since beta.


Offline Zippatuh

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For HTC: My suggestion for a new perk list('43~early '44 MA environment)
« Reply #148 on: June 29, 2004, 05:29:42 PM »
Witch hunt, snipe hunt, whatever hunt, that’s about what it is, kind of worthless.  My opinion anyway.

Only 1 has been perked due to “balance”, as far as I’m aware of, the infamous C-hog.  I fail to see how this has enforced any type of diversity… **That’s not completely accurate, there was the 20% usage thing but that’s not happening again.** ok, so I have to pay for the C-hog, everything else being targeted is and has been available.

No I didn’t read it carefully; it’s too much about a subject that has been discussed in the past to the point of being ridiculous.  I’m not sure what’s sad, not reading a diatribe about perking planes for diversity, or typing a diatribe to get aircraft perked in order to achieve diversity.

Nothing wrong with adding more aircraft, it was worded wrong, the original meaning was “adding more/new aircraft to the perk list”, not brand new aircraft.

I do not believe that perking any aircraft is going to achieve what you want it to other than restricting someone who just started playing from flying the aircraft of their choice.  In any case, if you do this then everyone should get at least 200 perk points at the beginning of each tour.

Thanks for the compliment but I’d end up paying the perks, I want the 6 guns, especially with the new gunnery difficulty.

If you’re enjoying it cool, from the in depth thought and some of the discussions in this thread and in the past it appears that some people’s fun is affected by the type of aircraft they have to fight.  So, they want it changed, or enforced that their opponents have to fly something different.

I’m up in AHII, I just don’t get as much time online as I used to.  I’m getting a bit more with the new load.  I’m really digging the clouds, flight model, gunnery, icons, not sure there’s much I dislike about II.  I am a card carrying member of the Rooktonian society and I may even get an hour or so tonight.

I got kind of long winded here didn't ;).

Offline mojo55

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For HTC: My suggestion for a new perk list('43~early '44 MA environment)
« Reply #149 on: June 29, 2004, 05:53:30 PM »
I don't understand how ppl can waste time posting to this thread
when they could be flying.
HT has done a fine job with values assigned to planes in MA.
If it ain't broke , don't fix it..........
Keep on truckin' Dale......:aok