Author Topic: The Shoki would have really been nice.  (Read 2871 times)

Offline brady

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The Shoki would have really been nice.
« Reply #45 on: May 30, 2003, 04:01:53 AM »
Bellow are some comments regarding the last Slot set up, a set up that had The P38, P47D-11 and the F4U-1 unlimited, aganst the George, and company:

 "I managed to find some good fights by flying a P-47 and turnfighting it, but damned if you are going to find any Allied pilot ready to mix it up with less than 3 to 1 odds and an initial alt advantage. Boring."

"My kingdom for Franks"

"The opposite is true for p38 and jug pilots when they will come in with 5k dive in a completely un agressive fashion miss then extend away a sector or 2 to repeat it. "

"Things seem to be a bit porked (unbalanced) and it's just not fun constantly pushing a boulder up a hill. Especially when you complain that it's uphill both ways and nothing changes. "

"Been flying the poor little A6M2 quite a bit and racked up only 7 kills aginst 11 losses and most of these fights have been long and drawn out,and yes the A6M2 does not match up well at all aginst the P38/47 unless someone is new to the plane(most are not).I think Ill try the Ki61 for the most part to try to learn it some more did ok in it "

"I'll fly IJN this set-up unless for some reason the numbers shift, but with all the uber Allied planes in this set-up I think I'll be offering wasabi enemas to the enemy for the duration."

"For instance, the ever-so-damned N1K2 is almost helpless, when they are solely alone to fight a band of organized 1944~45 USN planes, in PAC setups of the CT. The USN pilots usually fly by "Historical" agenda - come in high, don't lose speed, and run away like a greased pig when things get tough - and since there aren't any La-7s to catch running planes and force them to turn, even the N1K2s are usually in a diabolical situation where it is totally passive against incoming USN onslaught by those awesom F4U-1, F4U-4s and F6F-5s. A slow plane, which is incapable of forcing the fight to its terms - that's what the N1K2 is reduced to, in the CT"

"Let me amend my statement, I've never seen more flat out running with no thoughts of engaging than in this planeset that I've ever seen in the MA. Extending to gain or regain advantage is one thing but running back to the nearest friendly base or hoard while holding their skirts up so they won't trip and < gasp > have to fight makes for a very boring time in the CT.

Looking forward to the next CT set-up, one that will hopefully be a bit more condusive to AtoA combat."

In short if the allied players are dumb and blow their advantage and get killed it doesent mean the plane set is balanced.

Offline Squire

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« Reply #46 on: May 30, 2003, 04:03:15 AM »
The earlier ones also had 2 7.7s and 2 12.27s, they also had 4 x 12.7s. They also had some with MG151 20mm in the wings. They were no faster, and the late model already out turns the F4U-1 with ease, so thats kind of a mute point.

Im not opposed to adding it, it would be ez to do, but I think its a stretch to think its somehow going to be really much better than a later model, because it has a better climb rate.

The Ki-61 score in the CT goes directly to the heart of the matter, since the CT is what we are talking about. The Ki-61 does fine, the proof is in the #s, and there are any number of CT pilots who think its a fine ride, as do I. It had the best K/D of any fighter in the last setup, allied or axis, thats not an accident, or a fluke.

I also echo the observation of the Kuriles setup where LA-7s and Yak-9Us fought the IJ a/c. Hardly worse than a Ki-61 vs a F4U-1.

Oh ya, and because Ki-61 pilots blow their alt and TB with the nearest group of F6Fs doesnt mean the Ki-61 is a bad fighter.

Because the A6M2 pilots dive into the nearest furball with F4Fs and blow any advantage they might have doesnt mean the A6M2 is a bad fighter either.

Works both ways.

Plane vs Plane, last CT setup:

The Ki-61 has 113 kills and has been killed 79 times against the P-38L.

The Ki-61 has 70 kills and has been killed 48 times against the F6F-5.

The Ki-61 has 91 kills and has been killed 38 times against the P-47D-11.

*The Ki-61 has 102 kills and has been killed 52 times against the F4U-1.*

Where were the posters quoted above when all that was going on? probably in the MA.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2003, 04:24:02 AM by Squire »
Friday Squad Ops CM Team
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Offline brady

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« Reply #47 on: May 30, 2003, 04:39:12 AM »
"The earlier ones also had 2 7.7s and 2 12.27s, they also had 4 x 12.7s. They also had some with MG151 20mm in the wings. They were no faster, and the late model already out turns the F4U-1 with ease, so thats kind of a mute point. Im not opposed to adding it, it would be ez to do, but I think its a stretch to think its somehow going to be really much better than a later model, because it has a better climb rate. "

 Of all the Ki 61-1's built about half had 20mm Cannon's some 1700 Ki-61-1's were built. They were faster thought not by by much, they climbed faster and by all acounts excelerated faster, and were faster turner's, so they would be better at doing what is their only advantage realy and that is turn fighting. It is almost a minute and a half faster to alt, thats a prety big diferance.

"The Ki-61 score in the CT goes directly to the heart of the matter, since the CT is what we are talking about. The Ki-61 does fine, the proof is in the #s"
, and there are any number of CT pilots who think its a fine ride, as do I. It had the best K/D of any fighter in the last setup, allied or axis, thats not an accident, or a fluke. "

  LIke I said above kill stas are realy not a good indacator of what is realy going on, yes it is a nice plane one of my favorates realy right next to the 205, and if an allied player is stupid and playes to your  advantage he is easy to kill in it, but it is way out preformed by most all alied planes, ebevn the hellcat can extend at will from it. The kill sts from the last set up indicate to me that the Japanese did a lot of vulching and faught some low skilled allied players, I was doumbfounded by the clueless antics i saw on numiours ocashions in the CT during that last set up.

"I also echo the observation of the Kuriles setup where LA-7s and Yak-9Us fought the IJ a/c. Hardly worse than a Ki-61 vs a F4U-1. "

 That set has some different variables and can not be directly compared to this one or other US based set up's namely it was over a year ago that I created it and that I have been throught a learning curve since that time, that set up also had some of lowest atandance of any of my set up's, and runner's were a problem in it.

"Oh ya, and because Ki-61 pilots blow their alt and TB with the nearest group of F6Fs doesnt mean the Ki-61 is a bad fighter. "

 The Ki 61 is best when fighting aganst the hellcat in turnfighting, geting them low and slow is what they want to do, their not blowing anyting in doing this. If the hellcat is dumbenought to get sucked into this kinda fight them he is going to get killed, but then again he can easly extend with his spead and exceleration.


"Because the A6M2 pilots dive into the nearest furball with F4Fs and blow any advantage they might have doesnt mean the A6M2 is a bad fighter either."

 See above.

Offline Squire

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« Reply #48 on: May 30, 2003, 04:54:00 AM »
"The Ki 61 is best when fighting aganst the hellcat in turnfighting, geting them low and slow is what they want to do, their not blowing anyting in doing this. If the hellcat is dumbenought to get sucked into this kinda fight them he is going to get killed, but then again he can easly extend with his spead and exceleration."

And thats how they get killed, in this "Snoopy vs the Red Baron" style of combat. The worst thing any IJ fighter can do vs US a/c is get into a "furball". They are not blowing anything by doing this? how about what speed and alt they have? Any IJ pilot that isnt smart about picking his fights isnt going home. Ki-61 needs to bide his time, get in, and get out. To seek out a sea level furball and dive right in, thinking you are going to live because you turn well is nonsense.

A6M2 vs F4F...see above.
Friday Squad Ops CM Team
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Offline Arlo

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« Reply #49 on: May 30, 2003, 12:54:37 PM »
Squire, Brady will never concede that he's wrong about his preconcevied and biased notions. He'll post quotes to shore up his pov and ignore ones that don't. If the numbers don't back up his argument, he'll argue that the numbers are not a true indicator of anything. If the numbers actually did reflect his views then he'd use them as irrefutable proof. And if, by chance, he runs up against an argument he can't refute, then he'll rationalize and excuse away biased actions on his part or that he influenced by claiming how horribly unfair a planeset is based on misconceptions of planeset strengths and weaknesses (IJ and Allied alike).

 Even when it's been proven otherwise, he'll whine about how unfair a setup is in response to CT staff meddling and rearranging things to "fix" them and claim that the only reason the IJ side did so well is that the players on that side are all tactical geniuses and ACM cods while the players on the allied side are all just too damned stupid to win in a setup that's so obviously slanted in their favor.

Fact of the matter is ...

Everytime the slot's been run (early or late) the CT staff has made adjustments to make sure the IJ side can't lose. Also ... every "glitch" or "problem" on the slot map (real or imagined) has been "something that gave the Allies an unfair advantage" and the only way to "fix" it has been to disable Allied assets or eliminate Allied options. And if, by chance, a "glitch" is discovered that gives the IJ side an unfair advantage, the "fix" will undoubtedly do so as well.

Now, you're supposed to be too stupid to notice this. This way Brady can continue to claim how unfair and cruel any type of CT pac setup is for the IJ and that no matter what adjustments the CT staff make, the IJ forces are at an extreme disadvantage. The excuses get stupider with time.

And you're supposed to believe that a half dozen quotes from as many or fewer players proves that the CT staff's administration of pacific setups is at an all-time approval rating from the AH community when in fact it's driven away many players who supported the CT and prefered it over any other AH arena.

The most common answer from Brady/Batz? Who needs ya? Go to the MA. We've got things just how we like it.

Now we have another late pac setup and yet another chance to see whether the CT pro-axis bias will surface.

But don't waste your time with Brady. Even if he knows, deep down, that he's fulla chit, he has all the earmarks of someone who isn't honest enough with himself to admit it.

Offline brady

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« Reply #50 on: May 30, 2003, 01:20:56 PM »
Squire: we have differnt stiles of fighting I think, and I think that if your hanging to spead and alt then your still thinkintg as an allied piolet who neads these to stay alive, as may Axis players mentioned most get their kills doing this and a lot of them can maitain a positive K/D advantage but most will not get home since they will get picked off by a Zoom and booming Allied plane that enter's the fray while their slow, Since the Japanese planes are slower and generaly have worse climb rates they cant compeat in the Spead area, shure they can be used this way, but thats not what their best at.

 Kill stats, I can go back a few tours and to a few set up's and look at kill stats and find any kinda rato that will soot my point of view, I used to sight them all the time to make points untill I realised how weak a leg this is to stand on.

Offline joeblogs

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« Reply #51 on: May 30, 2003, 04:22:36 PM »
What is TAIC?

Originally posted by F4UDOA

The Tony we have does not climb all that well.

Also were did you get the quote about a P-51 out manuevering a KI-44?

Also do you have the report or the KI-44, BF109E, Ki-61 test?

I have the TAIC book. I need to check the wing loading but I don't think a P-51 should be able to out maneuver it.

Also 4 .50 cal is not that bad in the MA.

That Japanese 12.7mil is huge. That didn't have good hitting power?

Offline Karnak

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« Reply #52 on: May 30, 2003, 04:58:37 PM »

I didn't see any complaining about the N1K2 is the last setup.

I was refering to the old scenarios where the N1K2 was whined away despite have far, far, far, far less effect than the F4U-1 did against A6M2s.

Reading dar bars and knowing to fight in strength is moot when the enemy has five times as many players, unless you are advocating milk running.  Personally I find milk running boring.

I didn't see any Japanese fighters vulching in the short time I was on and I certainly didn't vulch.

The only three Japanese aircraft I can recall pro-Allied aircraft fliers asking for off hand are the Ki.43, the G4M2 "Betty" and, now, the Ki.44.


I was not pointing at you.  You pointed at "Axis fliers" in general, so I merely pointed out that "Allied fliers" have been known for the same crap.

Personally I will show up on squad night even if the scenario was A6M2s against F4U-4s (FWIW, that scenario is functionally no different than A6M2s against F4U-1s).  I won't show up at other times, but that is noting irregular for me.  This last Pac setup I only flew on squad nights and only had three total sorties, two in the Ki.61 on Tuesday and a really long flight in the N1K2-J on Thursday for a combined total K/D of 8 and 0.

Bring on your F4Us, but don't expect very many fights or very many opponents.

(BTW, there is plenty of examples of Allied whining going on about the current setup due to the fact that the F4U-1C and P-51B & D are not included.  Whining that goes all the way to the hyperbole that the setup is not balanced and is heavily biased because of the lack of those aircraft.  Apparently the F4U-1, F4U-1D, FM-2, F6F-5, P-38L and P-47D-30 are not cappable of handling the N1K2-J despite the fact that the US force includes aircraft that can out turn the N1K2 as well as aircraft that can easily out run it.  Oh well.)
« Last Edit: May 30, 2003, 05:09:15 PM by Karnak »
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      Drift through my woman's hand,
             As she remembers me-

Offline Puke

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« Reply #53 on: May 30, 2003, 07:35:11 PM »
Not sure why the planeset always has to be "fair."  It'll never be fair when you input all variables which go into a fight and which includes pilot experience/skill, altitude, a numbers advantage and more.  Lazze fare and the sides may actually alter to remove any benefit due to airframe superiority by a migration of players to the handicapped side.  It's never going to be fair and certainly never will to late-war Pac fans.

But I don't play the CT anymore, so I'm not all that concerned.

Offline F4UDOA

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« Reply #54 on: June 01, 2003, 02:08:30 PM »
Well said Puke,

What does fair have to do with war?

And why do we need an "elite" group of super users to tell us what fair is?

Why not just set terms based on historic accuracy and let the chips fall where they may?

We should just call it the "The politically correct arena".

Offline brady

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« Reply #55 on: June 01, 2003, 02:45:51 PM »
Well this isnt War, this is a game, and we try and adhear to the following premis:

Never sacrifice Gameplay for historical accuracery.

 And in the Curent set up, the only plane left out is the C hog( and the 4), and the Rest of the Hog's are only moderatly limited, which is in keeping with my above comment's regarding it in PAC set up's, limited or absent.

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« Reply #56 on: June 01, 2003, 03:12:39 PM »

Of course that's depends on who's gameplay is being sacrificed. ;)

No matter. The current setup is working out fine. IJ fighters racking up kills and gritching anyway. Allies plodding along and managing to actually get a kill here and there, take a base here and there and so far no planes have been axed, no fleets arbitrarily reset, no staff members using the magic buttons to change the board around to suit themselves.

It's made it past the 48 hour mark. Maybe it'll go all the way! :D


Kanatori ... good job, man. :)

(Ok ... now I've gone and done it. The last time I mentioned how fine everything was ....) :eek:

Offline Puke

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« Reply #57 on: June 01, 2003, 06:48:36 PM »
Never sacrifice Gameplay for historical accuracery.

Then make it so the sides are even in numbers and skill and that everyone starts the fight at the same altitude and speed and...blah blah.  I know, let's all just fly the same danged aircraft, that's fair, you know.

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« Reply #58 on: June 01, 2003, 07:39:38 PM »
Never sacrifice Gameplay for historical accuracery

If HT or Pyro said that I would cancel my membership immediately.

The historic accuracy is the draw of Aces High.

Fighter Ace, CFS and WB are cheaper. If I wanted to play an in an arcade type arena I would go there.

Hell, why not give the Japanese the ME-262, that should even things up a bit.

Offline Batz

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« Reply #59 on: June 01, 2003, 07:59:44 PM »
Dude you are in a dream world. Theres nothing "historical" about ah gameplay. Theres nothing historical about any sorties flown in ah in any event or arena.

The CT is the Combat Theater, not some Historical arena. The cms introduce the "historical" part when they brought in specific maps. But they never held to anything specifically "historic". The first ct setup was on the norway map with just the lw vrs raf all planes. the we moved to the eto map, allies vrs axis all planes. Then pyro turned it over to the cms. Each cm comes up with his own set up. We have seen set ups with all planes available. To just a few. Not in any one was "historical" the main focus. It was balanced gameplay to give boths sides the ability to have fun.

Its no fun chasing a plane around thats 70 mph faster.

If the set up is not sufficiently fun to keep people interested then it sux and wont be fun. People arent going to fly in arena thats not fun. So you can be in the ct with your one sided setup by yourself wondering why no one flies there.

Just earlier today brady and I were talking and he decided to enable the FM2 at all land based fields because of the non-historical way in which the carriers were being operated. they kept getting sunk. This limited the allies to jugs. The bases are so close together that a jug vrs any jap plane gets plum tore up.

One non historical re action to correct a non historical action.

Thats how it works. I have been on the command staff for just about every ah event. If something "historical" is not fun its not included. This is the same in Squad ops, cap ,snapshots, you name it happens.

Where are you flying "historically"? In the main? CT? Events? DA? where?

No where, thats where.

No one here "enlisted" into AH and no one has to fly something they thinks sux.

Tardlo feels that when brady removed the f4u-1 from a set up where it faced the a6m2 was "unfair". Its not that he fights anyway.

Balanced gameplay is a part of every aspect of ah, from events to the main and everything in between.