"The earlier ones also had 2 7.7s and 2 12.27s, they also had 4 x 12.7s. They also had some with MG151 20mm in the wings. They were no faster, and the late model already out turns the F4U-1 with ease, so thats kind of a mute point. Im not opposed to adding it, it would be ez to do, but I think its a stretch to think its somehow going to be really much better than a later model, because it has a better climb rate. "
Of all the Ki 61-1's built about half had 20mm Cannon's some 1700 Ki-61-1's were built. They were faster thought not by by much, they climbed faster and by all acounts excelerated faster, and were faster turner's, so they would be better at doing what is their only advantage realy and that is turn fighting. It is almost a minute and a half faster to alt, thats a prety big diferance.
"The Ki-61 score in the CT goes directly to the heart of the matter, since the CT is what we are talking about. The Ki-61 does fine, the proof is in the #s"
, and there are any number of CT pilots who think its a fine ride, as do I. It had the best K/D of any fighter in the last setup, allied or axis, thats not an accident, or a fluke. "
LIke I said above kill stas are realy not a good indacator of what is realy going on, yes it is a nice plane one of my favorates realy right next to the 205, and if an allied player is stupid and playes to your advantage he is easy to kill in it, but it is way out preformed by most all alied planes, ebevn the hellcat can extend at will from it. The kill sts from the last set up indicate to me that the Japanese did a lot of vulching and faught some low skilled allied players, I was doumbfounded by the clueless antics i saw on numiours ocashions in the CT during that last set up.
"I also echo the observation of the Kuriles setup where LA-7s and Yak-9Us fought the IJ a/c. Hardly worse than a Ki-61 vs a F4U-1. "
That set has some different variables and can not be directly compared to this one or other US based set up's namely it was over a year ago that I created it and that I have been throught a learning curve since that time, that set up also had some of lowest atandance of any of my set up's, and runner's were a problem in it.
"Oh ya, and because Ki-61 pilots blow their alt and TB with the nearest group of F6Fs doesnt mean the Ki-61 is a bad fighter. "
The Ki 61 is best when fighting aganst the hellcat in turnfighting, geting them low and slow is what they want to do, their not blowing anyting in doing this. If the hellcat is dumbenought to get sucked into this kinda fight them he is going to get killed, but then again he can easly extend with his spead and exceleration.
"Because the A6M2 pilots dive into the nearest furball with F4Fs and blow any advantage they might have doesnt mean the A6M2 is a bad fighter either."
See above.