Author Topic: Brady, not to whine, dude.....  (Read 3503 times)

Offline Arlo

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Brady, not to whine, dude.....
« Reply #90 on: September 23, 2003, 12:46:08 PM »
Originally posted by Sakai
Yes, I do Najdorf and thank you for enunciating your position again, though I think you and I are at crossed positions and I am not really interested in the Corsair thing much if any at all.  

I don't have a problem with Corsairs, anywhere of any type, I have a problem with the incessant whining from certain groups that don't get their way.  I don't think Land Based Corsairs is too much to ask at all.  But the way you guys go off about it . . .

Apparently results in you going off about it right back .... and with no real concern for the issues being brought up, it seems (by your own admission).

Now .... Sakai ... old buddy ... if you really want to look at things from the pov of a Hog fan in AH then you really need to hop off the Batz-Brady "HiTech hates the Axis/the game's unfair to us/We were branded as Luftwhiners from day one so we're gonna play 'I know you are but what am I?' and pee our diapers everytime anyone mentions fixing our personal sandbox (the CT)" club wagon.

Ahem ... I mean to say ... look at it this way:

There are a lot of players in AH that are fans of both the F4U and historical settings. The CT offers some potential for them to get a regular fix except for the following:

1: A late PAC map comes around once in a blue moon.

2: ANY Pac map run by Brady will either have no F4Us available or if it does, he feels the need to incorporate limits and restrictions that makes it possible for the Axis players to knock the F4U out of the lineup (ala "Spitfactory") or situated somewhere in south bumfugville so the players who want to ride that ride have to put up with all sorts of hassles to get their ride into a fight. This appears to be based on some bizarre theory that any and all models of the F4U outclass any and all IJ aircraft (although lately there seems to be a variation of this theme that suggests that the C-Hog would destroy anything in it's path on the ground as well .... unlike the N1K). This theory spans back to Batz's time at the CT helm and his presense in these discussions often reveals the amount of influence he still has with this particular issue.

3: This isn't the first time. Everytime Brady runs a late PAC setup, he does this. If late PAC setups were available more often (even with Brady running an occasional one), it wouldn't be more than an occasional nuisance ... but we're probably not gonna see another late PAC rotate in for a couple or three months (hopefully run by someone other than Brady).

4: If Brady would just once set aside his supposed "fear that the F4U would imbalance the CT" and stop imposing ridiculous restrictions on the use of that plane, he'd probably see, for once, his stated mission of "providing a fun for all, balanced arena" fulfilled and there would be fewer threads of this sort. Hell, based on his and Batz's argument of what makes the F4U the evil threat to balance, they should have the P-47 only available off of a tugboat in Burmuda. :D

Offline Jebo44

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Brady, not to whine, dude.....
« Reply #91 on: September 23, 2003, 01:19:59 PM »
Well to Brady and all the other CT CM's I mean no disrespect but maybe it is time HT pull CT setups in house. There are some major issues and allegations of favoritism and such. Maybe we should request that someone from HT give final approval before a setup hits the server. Maybe then all will be able to at least say HT had final word on this setup and hopefully all viewpoints and requests were taken seriously.

The sad thing about this is there is a solution that can meet all parties desires. But no one is willing to listen.

Offline Batz

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Brady, not to whine, dude.....
« Reply #92 on: September 23, 2003, 01:38:28 PM »
Come on tardlo I dont think I ever said anything close to

"since you call us lwhiners we will take over the ct and **** with hog lovers so we can get a little payback"

Brady never really flew lw planes. He was a niki / 205 dweed in the main.

The problem with a plane like the chog isnt the "plane" its the guys who fly it. Its the same reason ite perked in the main.

I have no say on anything about the ct. I make a few posts is about it. You arent going back to the "pik as" conspiracy again are you?

Brady and I dont agree on some of the most important issues related to the ct. Field capture and milkrunning. If I were still a cm or had any influence I'd get rid of it.

That effects the fun factor more then any f4u. It just happens the f4us are used most in the milkrun role.

Aint there 6 ct cms? why not email harass stalk them for your "perfect" set up?

Why didnt ya volunteer when there were ct cm openings?

If anyone doudted what Sakai meant in his post read Jebos last reply......

 lol butch up lil' farm boy it only runs for a week.

Typical blu boy whine. Then he tries to bully brady into complying with his idea of balance. I am telling my mommy on you ......

Offline Oldman731

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Brady, not to whine, dude.....
« Reply #93 on: September 23, 2003, 03:45:21 PM »
Originally posted by Jebo44
Well to Brady and all the other CT CM's I mean no disrespect but maybe it is time HT pull CT setups in house. There are some major issues and allegations of favoritism and such. Maybe we should request that someone from HT give final approval before a setup hits the server. Maybe then all will be able to at least say HT had final word on this setup and hopefully all viewpoints and requests were taken seriously.  

While I understand that you put this out in a good faith attempt to improve things, Jebo, I think that this idea is a bad one.

A really bad one.

Push the CT into HTC and you will get vanilla MA coming out the other end.  Don't want to offend the customers, right?  Don't want to tell people what they can or can't do, since they all spend the same $15/month, right?  It will be the end of the CT as we know it.  I suggest that we should all be happy to live with one week's setup that we might not particularly enjoy, in order to have the benefit of the other three weeks each month that have great setups because of the raw and largely unhindered talent being put into the effort by the CT honchos.

- oldman

Offline Jebo44

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« Reply #94 on: September 23, 2003, 04:16:13 PM »
Had a big spill here but it is pointless to try and debate this issue. When I get tired of it I'll cancel my account. Simplest way to fix it I guess.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2003, 04:29:30 PM by Jebo44 »

Offline najdorf

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Brady, not to whine, dude.....
« Reply #95 on: September 23, 2003, 04:38:24 PM »
Batz, please stop refering to Arlo as Tardlo.  I don't think it adds anything to the discussion and it's really starting to get on my nerves.  Arlo's opions may be offensive to you, but perhaps you should limit your replies to the issues at hand.

Offline MajorDay

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« Reply #96 on: September 23, 2003, 04:39:18 PM »
Originally posted by Slash27
The F4u-4 only had 9 kills in ww2,   The only kills it had in WW2 were at Okinawa?
Well, I might be right or wrong, I believe F4U-4 went to war for like 30-day before war was ending.  :confused:

Offline Batz

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Brady, not to whine, dude.....
« Reply #97 on: September 23, 2003, 04:52:14 PM »
No you are saying

"brady wont give me what I want so i will make him by crying to Ht"

You idea of what this set up isnt a majority view. There is lotsa guys on both sides that fly it and have fun. Because you joined 4 or 5 vocal guys in this thread doesnt mean theres a problem.

You want a selective "historical" set up based on your own misconceptions. When brady doesnt bend to you he is biased unfair and must be stopped. You cant have a "historical" set up when 1 side doesnt have its "historical" plane set. you cant have a "historical" setup when one side must fly under a "historical" mis match (ie no turkey shoot or pearl harbor). Those just arent fun. In an open arena each side needs to have the ability to fight back. Each side needs to be "balanced" so 1 side isnt "behind the eight ball. So gameplay considerations are more important then "historical" balance. Players arent in the AH military" they dont have to fly stuff that sucks. If you cant have fun in this setup then theres always the next one.

Theres only 16 bases on okinawa, theres only 7 airbases, (including ie shima). With out proper control of certain planes, those that have the ability to impact gameplay disproportionately, it would be a onsided (in terms of numbers) set up.

The hogs arent limited because "they are too good of a fighter", not any umm. The fm2 and f6f are far better fighters. Its because of their ground busting capability. In an open arena you cant allow 1 side an unstoppable advantage in fighter bomber role or gameplay suffers from a direct result of base porkage.

Base porkage is the very thing lotsa guy are complaining about in regards to the main. Its real and it has an impact. Milkrunning in the ct is real, gangbanging is real.

So you make all sorts of assumptions as if you know what you are talking about. Folks like brady, karnak, hazed, kweassa and I remember those early crappy pac set ups. As well as many orthers.  They were terrible. Not for the allied side because they had everything they wanted but lotsa guys just gave up on the ct because of it. So dont cry to me about how unfair it is.

The ct is the combat arena. It been pushed to far away from the a2a aspect as is. Get rid of base porking, field capture and the other silly strat crap and you can have any plane set you want. With that stuff gone 3 tards during off hours arent going to capture all the airbases. Get rid of that and we dont have to worry about gvs or fuel being porked or all the hangers being killed by suicide jabos.

The niki isnt some super plane. Its cannon certainly arent unbalancing.

Now some guys want the hogs at a few of the land bases. I have np with that. But I dont agree its "unfair" if they arent. It just doesnt matter.

When this setup first was run brady just had jugs at the land bases. He asked me what I thought and he suggested he might put the fm2 there. He did. He talked about the putting hogs at them. It was mentioned if that happened the milkrunners would have out the way bases to operate from and they would noe every undefended base they could get to.

Your idea of "balance" takes no consideration of the other sides concerns.

But feel free to whine up the chain of command.

Offline Batz

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« Reply #98 on: September 23, 2003, 04:55:14 PM »
najdorf tardlo started the name game a while back, its more of a humor thing then directing an insult.

Besides much like your opinion about the necessity of the chog, I dont pretend to care much about your feelings :D

I am sure he can handle himself. Even in this thread "tardlo" didnt come out unitl he started on his "handsomehunkes".

Right Tardlo :p

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #99 on: September 23, 2003, 05:00:14 PM »
Originally posted by Batz

Typical blu boy whine. Then he tries to bully brady into complying with his idea of balance. I am telling my mommy on you ......

Touched that nerve again, did I? :D

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #100 on: September 23, 2003, 05:09:14 PM »
Originally posted by Batz

You idea of what this set up isnt a majority view.

Your idea of "balance" takes no consideration of the other sides concerns.

You wouldn't know what "majority view" or "balanced" actually meant if either of `em kicked you in your canyass or your nadless crotch three times a day and left you an eight-by-ten color glossy photograph of the assault with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining what each one was to be used as evidence against them. :D

Offline Batz

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« Reply #101 on: September 23, 2003, 05:17:28 PM »
Dang just when najdorf thinks you need help you come out swinging.... Never count a tardlo out Naj........


Offline Arlo

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« Reply #102 on: September 23, 2003, 05:25:35 PM »
Neh ... more like thumping a droog wanna-be on it's forehead with my finger repeatedly. I flex ... you reflex. Ain't nuthin' but a thang really. ;)

Offline Sakai

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Brady, not to whine, dude.....
« Reply #103 on: September 23, 2003, 05:30:19 PM »
Originally posted by Arlo
Neh ... more like thumping a droog wanna-be on it's forehead with my finger repeatedly. I flex ... you reflex. Ain't nuthin' but a thang really. ;)

OK boys, time to be productive and start tinkering with the TE to see what we are all capable of so we can start comntributing positive vibes only.

That includes contrary Texans infatuated with Brisket sir Arlo.

TE, Skins, etc.  I cannot do skins, do not have proggies for it.  But I will scan in some from my RA book that are outstanding.

"The P-40B does all the work for you . . ."

Offline Arlo

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Brady, not to whine, dude.....
« Reply #104 on: September 23, 2003, 05:38:23 PM »
Well .... can't do terrains here unless I can finally figure out why my machine and the terrain proggy hate each other's guts. But I might can do skins since I have PSP7 (and a little experience doing that in AW) if some of the experienced AH skinners wouldn't mind steering me in the right direction. :D