I agree with you, Anton, and I would have logged as well. It seems to happen when the fields are too close together such that one side can maintain a conveyor belt effect. You can never get anywhere even if you kill the first 4-5 cons coming in because by the time you've killed the fifth, #1 is right back at you and may have replaced his former ride with a higher performance plane and is in for the grudge match - and wants your arse.
The whole problem has its roots in the payment plan for AH. With a flat rate game working out at only 50 cents a day, it's going to attract all the gamey tardz who have no interest in WW2, but instead want nothing more than to pummel a fire button and watch stuff go BOOM every 5 seconds. Some even measure their "skill" on that basis.
With adequate spacing of fields, the tardz quickly get bored of having to fly for more than 5 minutes to get back to where they were right before their last suicide, and either log off themselves, or go to the BBS to whine about the map, or go to the DA which is where they belong in the first place.