I agree the mentality in AH has gotten to the point,that I can only stomach it for short periods of time..cancelled account,and on R and R here.
The three country thing is a poor idea,and I concur with the others that a two sided war would work better.That isn't going to happen because the dropping of a Bish Nit Rook country is unthinkable.
Raising the price is a great idea.Get rid of the unskilled lemmings,and run a few guys back to War Birds, as they sure could use the help.Sixty players when I checked the other night.
Yes, I been thinking of going back to War Birds,but I hate joining a sinking ship.
I don't believe anything will happen to change the situation,and come to think of it,all flight sims I flew since ICI's first effort,have been in the same predicament.
Hats off to the gents that can handle the map fiasco,channel one half wits,milk runners,LaLaNikSpitPonyP40 dweebs,steal killers,smack talking,lemmings etc.
If we are holding out for AH updates to fix everything,I think we are only fooling ourselves!