On a fight tonight,I was in my Fw190 versus a F4U that was extending. He turned back and I went over him. I did the choice of the aggresive attack, because I knew that the guy on the F4U (antman) was a good driver, and,if given the chance he would win advantage on me.
I hi yoyoed and then spilt S on him. Got a deflecion shot from 150-200 yds. Saw hits on tail and fuselage. He went on and I pulled hard to follow, sure that the fight was mine. He crossed again my sights this time 100-150 yds. Again snapshot on him, saw pings over his plane...but he was ok!...now I was on a bad situation cuz I had lost all my advantage and he was on my low 5...I should have extended but I planned to do a hi yoyo and hard pull of rudder to win other snapshot...but I heard ONE ping, and engine collapsed.
Was a nice fight, Antman. Nice moves on that plane...but I still feel pissed off. I flew FW190 with 4 20mms cannons, and all I got was his rudder!!!
My connection was good. I have always ping plotter on on the desktop to check it. Smooth as silk.
I have film on this, so if Pyro wants it, I can send it to him...
This is not intended to be a whine, but a question. This thing happens to me a lot,(so is not a luck matter) and I know Im not the only one that is pissed off by this. Mausers Mg151 were less powerful than Hispanos...but hey I was CLOSE!...and I hit him TWICE!...One ping on me and byebye engine...
So the question is...When will HTC withdraw F4U1C? (joke)

nah, seriously. Why Mausers are so bad compared with Hispanos? They were reliable and powerful weapons...and 4 hitting at a time...well you get my point.
Thanks in advance.
<Edit> I ask this because I am absolutely sure that if I had Hispanos, he'd have torn apart on first snapshot. And I am sure we'll all agree on that point.<Edit>
[This message has been edited by RAM (edited 05-08-2000).]