Author Topic: New idea what do you ladies and gentlemen think.  (Read 21060 times)

Offline FBRaptor

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New idea what do you ladies and gentlemen think.
« Reply #180 on: August 10, 2004, 10:03:20 PM »
I must say that I am torn on like or dislike. I have noticed that most of the disliked, were rooks lol.

HT, no matter what you do, there will always be a group of people that will complain, and if you do nothing, there will always be a group who complain. No matter how you adjust anything, there will also always be a group who will take advantage and misuse the system to their benefit. Basicaly, you can't win no matter what you do :p

I will say that I appreciate the fact that you are reading the boards and trying to figure some things out to keep people happy and keep the game fun for all.

Good Luck in whatever decision you make. If it doesn't work, just undo it :D

Offline Simaril

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« Reply #181 on: August 10, 2004, 10:16:34 PM »
Agreed that nothing will please everybody -- but FBRaptor, try to disregard who's talking and just consider the points made. If they're good points, who cares if they're rooks or not? If not good points, who cares if they're bish?

Also, just because nothing will please everyone -- should we stop trying? Doesn't it make more sense to make the best steps possible to maximize effecitveness?

So what do you think of the logic behind the positions, raptor?

And, HT, I agree with the chorus -- your involvement here is a great example of what makes AH great.
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Offline FBRaptor

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« Reply #182 on: August 10, 2004, 10:26:05 PM »
Originally posted by Simaril
Agreed that nothing will please everybody -- but FBRaptor, try to disregard who's talking and just consider the points made. If they're good points, who cares if they're rooks or not? If not good points, who cares if they're bish?

Also, just because nothing will please everyone -- should we stop trying? Doesn't it make more sense to make the best steps possible to maximize effecitveness?

So what do you think of the logic behind the positions, raptor?

And, HT, I agree with the chorus -- your involvement here is a great example of what makes AH great.

LOL, I am not sure why you are reading negativity into my comment to Hitech, that was not my intentions. My statement was a matter of fact, not critisizm. Maybe you are just looking for an argument? I actualy agree with both sides. That is why I did not give an opinion of my own.

Offline Killjoy2

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« Reply #183 on: August 10, 2004, 10:36:42 PM »
A different suggestion.

Instead of limiting takeoff-time or planes try this:

If your country is too big, you can't take off at the same airfield for a few extra minutes if you die.  If you don't die, you're fine.  

1)  It rewards living instead of suicide runs.

2)  If you need to fly right now, it pushes the fight to a different place.

3)  If you prefer to wait, it gives the underdog a chance to re-group.

4)  No one is denighed a plane or country.  Just routed to a different fight.

There are always limited opportunities to kick the underdog fields, but many more to fight the other country.

Offline RTR

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« Reply #184 on: August 10, 2004, 10:44:25 PM »
Well, do I like the idea?

I don't think I do, however not having tried it I can't say for sure.

I don't think that basically, a "time out," is the answer to the imbalance problem. But, given the fact that there seems to be  quite a lot of dissention in the ranks over numbers, I think testing the waters is a good idea.

If I had anything constructive to suggest  (other than what has already been posted and suggested) I would. that.....

Give'er a whirl Hitech! Can't hurt to try it.

btw, very impressed with this thread:aok

Cheers all,
The Damned

Offline TweetyBird

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« Reply #185 on: August 10, 2004, 10:50:36 PM »
If you're talking about something along the lines of a 5 minute wait, I don't see a problem. If its toward a 10 or 15 minute wait, I don't like it.

5 minutes is a coke, beer or bathroom break. 10 -15 is a pita.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2004, 10:54:10 PM by TweetyBird »

Offline Overlag

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« Reply #186 on: August 10, 2004, 10:52:30 PM »
ok reading through the thread i come up with the best ideas in my mind to this problem. I cant quote every person so ill just post them as if it was my idea ;)

Timer at bases, 3minutes or so before spawn this way players up in a "mission like" fashon every time or they can move to a different base to find shortest spawn time...

Pro: People all up at the same time
Pro: wont get the constant line of cons ib to a base
Pro: might spread the front more....?

Con: People all up at the same time (yes i know......)
Con: how do they defend if the base is getting attacked?

Overall: Not sure it will really help the numbers thing, but it could make the game alittle more interesting.

Limited/perked top fighters. For the side with the number advantage, slap a 2-10 perk cost on all top fighters (id say from 25ENY.)

Pro: Trys to push them to fighting with weaker planes, making there numbers not seem so bad
Pro: every time a lower numberd side shoots down a "new" perkie plane he gets more points, and the other guy loses them. I for one wouldnt like flying "perk" planes all the time.
Pro: will make it different to just fighting lalas/runstang51s/helicopters...err niks :aok

Con: As hitech already said, some underused planes ARE very good with numbers. for instance the p47s
Con: Perks dont seem to bother most people since the "vets" have 1000s of the things already

Overall: well it might get a select few to change, and will stop newbies flying perk planes, since they wont have perks.........

Side with most numbers can have its fuel porked to 25% (maybe a tad overboard?)

Pro: Forces the side to defend its bases better, and since they have numbers thats fine right?
Pro: allows the small sides to at least have a chance out countering the numbers.
Pro: Might move the large side to attack the other side and not me

Con: Fuel porking sucks...but then thats the idea...make the large side suffer......
Con: Fights would get fairly boring.......

Overall: Not sure this will fix anything, 25% is NOTHING these days.

"SERVER: Plane selection limited to aircraft with an ENY value of 50 or higher due to side disparity"

Pro: Makes there numbers useless if they are shooting 303s ;)

Con: tad OTT...maybe 30ENY.

Overall: Same as point #2 although alittle more extreme

A number counter at bases... small bases = 20 planes max, med bases = 25 planes max, large bases = 30 planes max or maybe in relation to how many hangers up? Lets say 10 per hanger? Less or more? This could link to idea #1 where theres a time limit on the base. Once all 20 planes up, theres x minutes before the counter resets.

Pro: Stops massive hordes apearing out of small little airfields
Pro: makes the front spread out into more small furballs/battles for bases.
Pro requires forward thinking, what if a small bases is attacking a large base, its going to have odd numbers so it might need to up from other bases.

Con: small base attacking big base? Hard work!...hang on thats a pro........

Overall: again, not an idea to do with numbers, just an idea to spread those numbers out more evenly. Overall id like some attrition in this game, like WWIIOL.......although not as extreme
Adam Webb - 71st (Eagle) Squadron RAF Wing B
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« Reply #187 on: August 10, 2004, 11:36:04 PM »
Originally posted by ghostdancer
I have screen shots of this pass sunday.

At 9:36 EDT Rooks were at 203
At 10:43 EDT Rooks were at 208

Rooks numbers did not swell up into the 240s after 11 pm. So if they did have 240 then they peaked and fell within about 1 hour .. or you are mis-remembering.

Oh no Im not misremembering at all.
I dont remember exactly what time it was but  When rooks were at 238
Knights at that time had 130 I forget exactlywhat the bish had.
I mentioned it on Channel 200. Probably have it on film as I had my cam runing most of that night.
A little while later I checked again and it was 240
not that it matters, once numbers reach 200 they are already past the point of being rediculous.
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Offline Athena3

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« Reply #188 on: August 10, 2004, 11:51:06 PM »
Well, I usually don't comment on game stuff, but I read through this and thought I might mention something that hasn't been touched on too much.  HT, it doesn't sound like you're talking about much of a time wait here if I read your spreadsheet correctly.  Honestly, knowing the pilots that I do, a few seconds wait isn't much.  Consider the following:

Pilot gets shot down/crashes/bails, gets kicked to tower:
10-15 seconds of complaining to teammates/country about why/how it happened
20-30 seconds of dealing with wife-ack/husband-ack/child-ack, etc
30-60 seconds of bathroom break/beer break/food break
10-20 seconds of asking teammates where they're at, what they need for support, checking on where the enemies are the thickest
10-15 seconds in hanger rearming plane/switching plane, etc

We're talking minute/minute and a half of down time anyway.  Maybe I'm just slow, but the only time I instantly re-up is when I know someone's coming in to take out the gv hanger or I'm trying to de-camp a spawn point.  On the one hand, I don't think most people would notice, or complain about a wait under 30 seconds, but at the same time, ***I don't think people would notice or complain about a wait under 30 seconds***.  Yes, I meant to repeat myself.  :)  I honestly am not sure that it would make a difference unless it was a huge wait of, say, 5-15 minutes and then I think you might have a real problem with people leaving the game.  

For what it's worth, I like the idea of having DAR or buildings coming back up faster when your side's numbers are low.  But that's just my opinion. :)

Offline rod367th

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« Reply #189 on: August 10, 2004, 11:58:08 PM »
Didn't take time to read every reply, So forgive me If I repeat things already mentioned. Wouldn't changeing back to Being able to kill fuel, And making The HQ of the team that is out numbered  Undestructable, Even the odds  more. Then If team is down by 30% Make all perk planes free, untill numbers within playable range. I could see what ever team that has large number decrease fast if other side is getting free perk rides, Also New player in arena Having to wait to fly (these will be the ones usally waiting) Could cost all of us in the longrun not just HTC.

     More players equal  more fun for us and more money for improvements and for employees. PS  Skuzzy deserves more money He has to put up with me, No one is paid enough for that.

Of soap box   GL on trying to make 51% happy.

Offline daddog

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« Reply #190 on: August 10, 2004, 11:58:51 PM »
Humm not sure I like that idea hitech.

I like Eaglers idea of limiting the perk rides. Or just elimate any ride that is a perk to the side that has what you consider too large of a piece of the population.

Also Shane had a good idea of just increasing the fuel modifier on that side with overwhelming numbers.  Depending on how much of a fuel burn rate you gave them it might limit them to just a few types of AC. B-17’s. ;) It would certainly be a handy cap.

Personally I would rather see one of the above (remove perk rides or change the fuel mod) than to increase the time between flights. If I have several squadies on I want to fly with them, not have to wait in the tower. I would cause me to log which is not necessarily what you want. I think your better off looking at giving a side with overwhelming numbers a handy cap than forcing them to wait to fly. Most IMHO would rather fly the P-40 with a squadie then have to wait 10 minutes to fly their P-51 with a squadie. My two cents.  :)

Idea 1 - How about the side with overwhelming numbers have their ack lethality decreased?
Idea 2 - It only takes 3 troops to capture a field instead of 10?

Just tossing out ideas. :)
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« Reply #191 on: August 11, 2004, 12:04:23 AM »
Originally posted by Overlag

Side with most numbers can have its fuel porked to 25% (maybe a tad overboard?)

I am assuming you are referring to my refrence o f reducing fuel to 25%

If not forgve me.

I said up to and including 25%
Im not saying do it at all feilds or all the time
what I mean is something like this and these numbers are only being thrown out as an example dor arguements sake and not what I would expect

5 planes 100% fuel plus droptank
10 planes-100% fuel
15 planes- 75% fuel
20 planes- 50% fuel
25+ planes 25% fuel

And the percentage of fuel available would go up or down based on how many planes from that feild or zone were in the air.

Say if there were 25 planes up and 5 got killed or landed the percentage of fuel available would then rise back up to 50% because there are now only 20 in the air as opposed to the 25.

Now if you wanna up with more fuel you can either wait for people to get shot down or land, or simply take off from another feild or zone that isnt being effected
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Offline tshred

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« Reply #192 on: August 11, 2004, 12:47:30 AM »
Terrible idea Hitech.

Even with the imbalance sometimes maps hang around way to long before being reset. 'Balancing' the numbers will only increase this problem that definately affects my mood when logging on and the time I'll actually stay online.

I've been on both sides of the numbers issue and I don't think it's that big of a deal.

I don't think you should even be wasting your valuable time trying to 'solve' it. 'Fixing' this issue will only create others for the whinner's to whine about.


Offline Waffle

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« Reply #193 on: August 11, 2004, 01:18:45 AM »
Hmm - maybe when Tour of Duty comes out, this discussion could be a moot point.......Till then we just tough it out :)

Offline loony1

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« Reply #194 on: August 11, 2004, 01:23:59 AM »
don't like it...and dont like the idea of being forced to fly on a team i don't want to go to......only thing i can think of is perking some of the planes that aren't usualy perked. when say numbers are say 20 or so % higher on one team
Loony2 Of "The Iron Saints"