Author Topic: Iran  (Read 2996 times)

Offline Masherbrum

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« Reply #135 on: January 18, 2005, 12:38:07 AM »
Originally posted by patrone
Remember that Iraq had been in a hughe, long war with its neighbour,  Iran, not to long before 1991. They lost millions of soldiers.

I wouldīnt bang my chest to hard over "the Victory".

And after that attack, you kinda "boggered out" leaving Saddam in power and the ****es to try to liberate themself.

And to become a "Next Vietnam" you really needed to stay a little. Just like you did this time. If you know what I mean.......maybe not "next nam" yet.......but pretty close...

And 60 is a little more then 30, actully double the size....

Your first sentence is useless.  

The reason the US "boogered out" was simple the SOLE REASON for Operation Desert Storm / Shield was to extricate the Iraqi's from Kuwait.  What do you know, they did.   Keep shovelling the watermelon though.  

Again, POPULATION NUMBERS do not matter.  Who cares if they are triple?  I don't.


PS - You spelled Shiite wrong.  It isn't spelled ****e.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2005, 12:40:59 AM by Masherbrum »
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Offline patrone

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« Reply #136 on: January 18, 2005, 12:40:13 AM »
Originally posted by Vudak
Just curious but if we were to go into Iran, what would we do about Iraq?

And does anyone else think perhaps a large part of the reason we went to Iraq was so we'd have a launching pad for an attack against what many consider a graver threat, Iran?

It would be much more difficult to attack Iran without first controlling land next to it, after all.

Said the fellow who couldn't be bothered reading most of the posts (can you blame me though, half of them are just two people having duels anyway)

I doubt you have the manpower at this moment, really. But it all depends.
Could you get UN to take care of security after the elections in Iraq, it might be possible. And maybe with a draft......
G.W.B could not loose a third term anyway.

It would take a while, thats for sure, atleast 1 year.

Offline patrone

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« Reply #137 on: January 18, 2005, 12:48:11 AM »
Originally posted by Masherbrum
Your first sentence is useless.  

The reason the US "boogered out" was simple the SOLE REASON for Operation Desert Storm / Shield was to extricate the Iraqi's from Kuwait.  What do you know, they did.   Keep shovelling the watermelon though.  

Again, POPULATION NUMBERS do not matter.  Who cares if they are triple?  I don't.

PS - You spelled Shiite wrong.  It isn't spelled ****e.

Good that you doesīnt care about numbers.. I guess you be the first crossing iranian border, or would you leave that to your fellowed country men, oh brave one?....(and well spelling)

I assume that the Soviet tied down some Germans on the eastfront, didīnt change the odds of the outcome of Normandy either?

Offline Masherbrum

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« Reply #138 on: January 18, 2005, 12:58:37 AM »
Originally posted by patrone
Good that you doesīnt care about numbers.. I guess you be the first crossing iranian border, or would you leave that to your fellowed country men, oh brave one?....(and well spelling)

I assume that the Soviet tied down some Germans on the eastfront, didīnt change the odds of the outcome of Normandy either?

BTW, If there was EVER a draft in the US.  Even though I'm 31, I'd volunteer so STFU with your pacifist trolling.   You bore me.  

I'm still waiting to see you anser Nuke's "If the US in NOT in the SC, how will the inspections be handled"?


PS - Comparing WWII military tactics with Current ones are a laugh.  You can do better than that, can't you? :confused:
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Offline patrone

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« Reply #139 on: January 18, 2005, 01:13:59 AM »
Originally posted by Masherbrum
Stood up?  Their moronic use of their Tanks cost them from the get go.  Believe it or not, the French tanks were equal to if not, better than the Panzer 1's and 2's the Germans used to attack the French.   One must NEVER forget the "Maginot Line" either.  

You left out "Neville Chamberlain".  Remeber the stories of Hitler and him getting so drunk, that Neville allowed the Germans to grab Sudetenland, Czechoslavkia, Austria without rebuttal?  

Yeah, Churchill hated Communism?  This is the most ignorant statement I've seen yet in this ebtire thread.  If he "hated Communism" so much, why did Roosevelt AND Churchill hang the Poles out to dry from 1939 ON, and allow it to be carved up by those "Hated Communists"?  


I think that declearing War on another country, because it is invading someone you made insurance to: can be called stood up.

Moronic use of tanks? This was the "Tanktactics" used by most countrys at that time. But, its easy to talk, when you can read a history book 60 years after. And, if you didīnt know it "blixtkieg was an inovation to tactics, made by the Germans.

Chamberlain, was actully the one that i refered to having a meeting with Hitler and uttering the words "Peace in our time"...
Sure you really read this thread?

And , yes Churchill hated Communism and I am not really sure he was in charge at the time for the attack on Poland.

Why did Roosevelt and Churchill let any country at all get carved up? And please tell me how they would been able to aid the Poles? Taking their fleets into the Baltic sea?, March through Germany? Use paratroopers in mass?

I know realize that you can not be very old and your knowledge about matters are within a minimum. One does not get to be very well educated about history by playing "WWII Online".

I can recommend you to read a little more about "Churchill and communism",, by all means,, use google

Offline Masherbrum

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« Reply #140 on: January 18, 2005, 01:18:27 AM »
Originally posted by patrone
I think that declearing War on another country, because it is invading someone you made insurance to: can be called stood up.

Moronic use of tanks? This was the "Tanktactics" used by most countrys at that time. But, its easy to talk, when you can read a history book 60 years after. And, if you didīnt know it "blixtkieg was an inovation to tactics, made by the Germans.

Chamberlain, was actully the one that i refered to having a meeting with Hitler and uttering the words "Peace in our time"...
Sure you really read this thread?

And , yes Churchill hated Communism and I am not really sure he was in charge at the time for the attack on Poland.

Why did Roosevelt and Churchill let any country at all get carved up? And please tell me how they would been able to aid the Poles? Taking their fleets into the Baltic sea?, March through Germany? Use paratroopers in mass?

I know realize that you can not be very old and your knowledge about matters are within a minimum. One does not get to be very well educated about history by playing "WWII Online".

I can recommend you to read a little more about "Churchill and communism",, by all means,, use google

Excuse me, you NEVER REFERRED to Chamberlain, but someone you are NOW the authority on WWII and how to BUTCHER the English Language?   Pretty pathetic on YOUR part to not remeber Chamberlain.  You are a tool.  


You can "try" to insult me all you want pony boy.  It isn't going to work.  You are one sad individual.

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Offline patrone

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« Reply #141 on: January 18, 2005, 01:24:46 AM »
Originally posted by Masherbrum
BTW, If there was EVER a draft in the US.  Even though I'm 31, I'd volunteer so STFU with your pacifist trolling.   You bore me.  

I'm still waiting to see you anser Nuke's "If the US in NOT in the SC, how will the inspections be handled"?


PS - Comparing WWII military tactics with Current ones are a laugh.  You can do better than that, can't you? :confused:

31?,, ok, sorry i thought you where a kid

By the way, I think they need some re-enforcement in iraq, why donīt you get in there, before the draft? Oh brave man....

And I can see that you havent really followed the thread very well, kinda missed me saying that I answer NUKE another day, when his sober? I bet you even missed me putting him on ignore.

And to compare WWII tactics with Current ones?
What do you "doh, ever heard about jetplanes, M16, Abrahams, helicopters"?

Like: we can conquer any country with like 150,000 men?

Sure dude...

Offline patrone

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« Reply #142 on: January 18, 2005, 01:30:18 AM »
Originally posted by Masherbrum
Excuse me, you NEVER REFERRED to Chamberlain, but someone you are NOW the authority on WWII and how to BUTCHER the English Language?   Pretty pathetic on YOUR part to not remeber Chamberlain.  You are a tool.  


You can "try" to insult me all you want pony boy.  It isn't going to work.  You are one sad individual.


Wow....did you say "butcher english language" and "pathetic" "remeber" chamberlain

Atleast I am not claiming to be native, speaking English.

WOW NUKE, you must be pretty drunk by now.
Guess what? I will put your "Alter ego" on ignore as well.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2005, 01:33:16 AM by patrone »

Offline straffo

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« Reply #143 on: January 18, 2005, 01:57:32 AM »
Originally posted by NUKE
No they didn't. They had years of warnings and ignored them all.

France stood up to Germany in what way? They were steamrolled by Germany. What choice did France have? France ignorned the threat of Germany until they were steamrolled by Germany.

Your mentality is exactly the same.

Patrone, come back when you are sober...okay?

First and for the last time : Vichy governement was in NO way legitimate.

One day instead of buying crayon book you will buy an history one and you will look more informed.

Offline straffo

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« Reply #144 on: January 18, 2005, 02:00:00 AM »
Originally posted by Masherbrum
Stood up?  Their moronic use of their Tanks cost them from the get go.  Believe it or not, the French tanks were equal to if not, better than the Panzer 1's and 2's the Germans used to attack the French.   One must NEVER forget the "Maginot Line" either.  

There is a least one exception to this affirmation.

hint : 4eme DCR,Montcornet.

Offline Airhead

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« Reply #145 on: January 18, 2005, 02:21:29 AM »
Originally posted by Masherbrum
BTW, If there was EVER a draft in the US.  Even though I'm 31, I'd volunteer...

ROFLMAO What kind of convoluted logic is THAT??? If there is a DRAFT, see, then you are already being "volunteered"... that's why they call it (doh) a "draft."

Not to mention, of course, that if you are so convinced this war is just, WTF are you waiting to get "drafted" for? By all means you should beat the rush and enlist NOW and you MIGHT get one of the easy jobs, like cutting the draftee's hair off, for instance...

But, then again, face it- you have the Porsche, the Bimmer. all the toys- there's no way in the world you'd put YOUR life on hold, much less in jeopardy, as long as you can assign people to be your proxy. ;)

Your life is too soft and too good for military service, Karaya- I suggest you quit volunteering before I give your e-mail address to a Marine Corps recruiter.

"I'd volunteer for a draft"... LOL, too funny.:rofl :rofl :rofl

Offline lada

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« Reply #146 on: January 18, 2005, 06:21:29 AM »
Originally posted by NUKE
good, Now how do you feel the UN will deal with Iran?

UN will send Iranian love letter.  Iran will join WTO and  all people around the world will be happy that they can make bussines with Iran instead of having war with Iran.
Once world will be open for iranian, they will have better tool for creating preasure on goverment.

And domestical politic  inside Iran ?... It will have same progress like  it had in past 30 years., so there is no reason to worry or fear them.

do u agree ?
« Last Edit: January 18, 2005, 06:25:36 AM by lada »

Offline Jackal1

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« Reply #147 on: January 18, 2005, 06:27:08 AM »
Originally posted by Gixer
Do you actually read the post? I was saying that guy Bodek or what ever his name is sounded like Hitler.

Maybe you need to read your own posts. If you are addressing someone else , then quit quoting me. :D
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Offline Staga

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« Reply #148 on: January 18, 2005, 06:55:14 AM »
Originally posted by NUKE
Sweden was "neutral" in WWII.

In other words, they hid their collective heads in the sand and prayed they would survive.

Maybe you forgot that was exactly what US was trying to do before Japanese forces attacked Pearl Harbour.
Difference between US and Sweden at 1939 was that Swedes actually sent pilots and fighters to help Finland to fight against attacking Russian troops while US was sitting on its butt with thumb deep in bellybutton when the war had raged years around the world.

Offline Scaevola

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« Reply #149 on: January 18, 2005, 09:20:43 AM »
Originally posted by Masherbrum
You fell on your own sword idiot.  :aok


Perhaps I should have added the sarcastic roll eyes to the end of

"Please insert insult here"[/U]  

statement for it to be taken in the context that it was meant.

The fact that some people who post here appear unable or unwilling to formulate an argument and resort to name calling then the  "Please insert insult here"[/U] section would be ideal for them.

p.s I don't have a sword, can I fall on the butter knife instead?

btw the thread is actually about IRAN (the middle east country).

If they get out of line and start to threaten world peace then get in there and sort them out.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2005, 09:33:47 AM by Scaevola »