Author Topic: Time to unperk the Spit 14  (Read 5252 times)

Offline Morpheus

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Time to unperk the Spit 14
« Reply #90 on: May 04, 2005, 06:44:15 PM »
Originally posted by Kev367th
Lol, I guess you wouldn't.
God forbid the RAF gets a FREE plane that can give Lalas/Ponys/D9 a run for their money.

So... You're telling me that the Tiffy can't give any of the above three planes a "run for their money"?

The Spit14 is one of the most capable planes next to the Temp so far as a prop plane goes. It climbs like a monster, it can turn with most of the best turn fighters in the game... The ones it cant out turn it can out run, out zoom out accelerate by a very large margine.

Those, are the reasons its perked. I agree with the ones who've said it should not be perked as high as it is. Also, as wetrat mentioned, it can dive very well and still maintain a conciderable amount of control in and out of its dive. Its a perk ride. Its fits the perk criteria. Just like, due to its range and ordinance capacity, the La7 does not fit the criteria.

So far as the tiffy not being a more than capable fighter to match the La7/P51/190D9... that is a load of BS.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2005, 06:48:30 PM by Morpheus »
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Offline Guppy35

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Time to unperk the Spit 14
« Reply #91 on: May 04, 2005, 06:48:23 PM »
Thought you gents might be interested in these numbers regarding the Spit LF V with +18 boost, vs the Spit FIX which is what the AH bird is supposed to be. These are real Spit numbers btw not the AH numbers.

Keep in mind the alts you are fighting in AH, which at least for me are under 10K

Spit LFV 4000 feet. Top speed 350 mph
Spit FIX 4000 feet Top Speed 326 mph

Spit LFV 8000 feet Top speed 348 mph
Spit FIX 8000 feet Top Speed 344 mph

Time to climb

Spit LFV 8000 feet 1 minute 45 seconds
Spit F IX 8000 feet 2 minutes 20 seconds.

Now note the LFIX numbers

Spit LFIX 4000 feet Top speed 364 mph
10000 feet (didnt note 8K) Top Speed 370 MPH

Now note the climb to 10K 2 minutes 6 seconds. The LFIX went to 10K faster then the FIX could get to 8K.

As you can see the FIX was not a better bird at the alts we fight in AH.

Bring the LFIX to AH and the Spit V will disappear, but for now the Spit LFV is by far the better bird for the AH Spit driver because we're not fighting at 25K

Peformance for the LFV fell off dramatically above 12K whereas the Spit FIX improved greatly.

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Offline Morpheus

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Time to unperk the Spit 14
« Reply #92 on: May 04, 2005, 07:06:21 PM »
If I remember correctly the Spit 9 usage has dropped considerably since AH2, must be a reason?

I know Im going to get ripped apart for saying this but that never stopped me in the past... So.

I would say... The reasons we see the SpitV being used so much more than the Spit9 and probably many of the other planes is because it is such a simple and forgiving plane to fly. With a little alt, and a little bit of speed and know how you can basicly live fairly well in a SpitV. If you get caught up low, on the deck, with multiple cons, thats a different story. But if you have alt, say 10k... And mantain your speed you can live a very long time within this plane.

I personaly find the 9 a far superior plane to the 5. When its low on gas, around 50% say, you can turn that thing VERY well. When you keep it slow by chopping throtle and getting it into flaps the spit9 can hang in a turn fight with a spit5 for quite a while. And if it gets into any trouble, it has a chance to accelerate away from the Spit5 or out climb it with its better climb. The 9 CAN turn like a monster if you know how to keep it in its sweet spots. Its not a better turn fighter, but it is a great one. And it has the speed and climb to hang with alot of the better accelerating planes out there.

To be totally honest Morph fed up of the endless LA7, D9, Ponys. People are asking for MORE planes, we use what maybe 50% , prob less of whats available now.

I can understand that. But... Do you honestly want to be chasing another plane down? I think not.

Because that's what will happen. You'll see everyone who used to fly La7s for the reasons you've already listed, jump into spit14s.

We dont need another unperked runner.

190 D's

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Offline Guppy35

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Time to unperk the Spit 14
« Reply #93 on: May 04, 2005, 07:22:26 PM »
Which P38s are runners Morph.  I can barely get away from myself in a 38 :)

I still see Kev's point though.  Part of it is as an RAF fan you get limited a bit to 1942 birds.

When you are up against 190D9s as an example, it makes sense you'd have the latest Spit variant to go after it.  Instead you are chasing it in something that was no longer a frontline RAF bird by the time the D9 showed.

I know in the overall scheme of things that only applies to a smaller part of the crowd, but it still fits.

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Offline Kev367th

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Time to unperk the Spit 14
« Reply #94 on: May 04, 2005, 07:40:13 PM »
Have to respectfully disagree Morph - Tiffy compared to a P51/D9 or a Lala is like driving a dump truck.

All are faster (apart from P38), daresay they all outturn it, only advantage it has is the 4x20mms for a snapshot.
All lose 'e' a lot less than a Tiffy, G10 outclimbs it.

Putting the Spit 14 into the mix evens thing out a bit.

As Dan/Guppy said - We have a great Spit V, and probably the worst Spit IX ever produced. So all RAF fans are limited to 1942 ish planes whereas all other countries have late war planes free.

Looking at the current/in progress remodels -
Japan- Ki84
US- B24/P51x?/P38x3/P47x?
Brit- 0

Fairly obvious the way things are going.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2005, 07:49:25 PM by Kev367th »
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Offline Morpheus

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Time to unperk the Spit 14
« Reply #95 on: May 04, 2005, 07:55:59 PM »
Which P38s are runners Morph. I can barely get away from myself in a 38

You fly the G yes?

The L can out run a spit. The higher you go in an L the more nasty it gets. Or Lame depending on what side on the 38 your on.

This isnt a thread about naming names so please dont make it one corky, dont turn it in to that. If you can think of a few of the guys who are called "the best 38 sticks" in the game, then you can also think of runners guys who like to dive and run from trouble.

Here we go. Shes hiJacked. Would you like to continue?

I'm done.

I disagree with unperking this plane.

I do agree that it should be cheaper than what it is.

smaller part of the crowd, but it still fits.


You know as well as I do that the people who run now will just have another plane to run in. Only they will have a much better runner than they did before.


Are we going to unperk the Hog4 next? (another high alt pig on the deck) I'd take a 51D over that crate any day of the week and twice on sunday. And after that I'd take a 38. And after the 38 I'd take the Spit9. After which I'd take the spit5.

The spit14 is a perk plane. Plain and simple.
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Offline Kev367th

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Time to unperk the Spit 14
« Reply #96 on: May 04, 2005, 08:12:30 PM »
In that case Morph -
The La7, D9, Pony and maybe the G10 should be perked also. P51 is arguably the best all round plane in here.

I think part of the problem is that there appears to be no logic to what planes are perked.

Thats why I orignally asked - give me one reason the Spit 14 is perked, and then show it doesn't apply to another free aircraft.

Usaully you get - Numbers produced, or performance, yet both these apply to other free planes.

I think Dan meant that he can't run in a 38, dont think he was literally asking for names of people, more likely he meant which model. My take on it anyway.
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Offline Morpheus

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Time to unperk the Spit 14
« Reply #97 on: May 04, 2005, 08:17:56 PM »
The La7, D9, Pony and maybe the G10 should be perked also

Given = pilots

Co alt-Co E

Spit14 Vs La7----Spit14 wins

Spit14 Vs D9---- Spit14 wins

Spit14 Vs 51D----Spit14 wins

Spit14 Vs G10----Spit14 wins

Thats why its perked.
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Offline Kev367th

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Time to unperk the Spit 14
« Reply #98 on: May 04, 2005, 08:24:28 PM »
Come on Morph, you could pick any of the big three put against a variety of planes and come out with same result and then say 'Why aren't they perked'?
Don't think you have a valid point there.
Plus would depend on alt and given that co-alt, co-e, equal pilots is probably a myth.

It's not that I want more planes perked, what I want is decent RAF fighter post 1942 that is free, same as all other countries.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2005, 08:28:17 PM by Kev367th »
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Offline Morpheus

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Time to unperk the Spit 14
« Reply #99 on: May 04, 2005, 08:39:48 PM »
You are saying one thing then arguing about another totally different thing.

Did you even read what you and I wrote? WTF

Spit14 beats all those planes up there.^^

It out climbs the 51, and can out turn it at low speed.

It can rip a dora to shreads

When it grabs hold of a G10.. For get about it. G10 is little more than a snack

Its range is greater than an La7 not to mention the fact that anyone who knows anything about the two planes can beat the La7 with the Spit14 with hardly any trouble at all.

Now your just being silly Kev.

You know dam well the spit14 should be perked. It shouldnt have the perk price it does, but it should be perked.

Any one of the other plane are somewhat equaled out by one another in terms of the advantages/disadvantaged.

The Spit14 has an edge on all of these planes enough to make it a perk ride.

I've made and proven all the points I needed to. Infact, I didnt even need to. I just simply tried to help you see. But you are blinded by the "we dont have our late war unperked ride".

But you know what they say about a blind horse. You can lead it to water...
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Offline SuperDud

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Time to unperk the Spit 14
« Reply #100 on: May 04, 2005, 08:49:19 PM »
Yeah, Spit14 is a perk worthy plane. And like most here, I also agree the cost should be lowered(20-30)
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Offline Guppy35

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Time to unperk the Spit 14
« Reply #101 on: May 04, 2005, 08:57:25 PM »
Originally posted by Morpheus
You fly the G yes?

The L can out run a spit. The higher you go in an L the more nasty it gets. Or Lame depending on what side on the 38 your on.

This isnt a thread about naming names so please dont make it one corky, dont turn it in to that. If you can think of a few of the guys who are called "the best 38 sticks" in the game, then you can also think of runners guys who like to dive and run from trouble.

Here we go. Shes hiJacked. Would you like to continue?

I'm done.

I disagree with unperking this plane.

I do agree that it should be cheaper than what it is.



You know as well as I do that the people who run now will just have another plane to run in. Only they will have a much better runner than they did before.


Are we going to unperk the Hog4 next? (another high alt pig on the deck) I'd take a 51D over that crate any day of the week and twice on sunday. And after that I'd take a 38. And after the 38 I'd take the Spit9. After which I'd take the spit5.

The spit14 is a perk plane. Plain and simple.

Wasn't asking for names Morph :)  Just haven't noticed any 38 runners, and lord knows I sure can't in a G.  I was referring to myself.

Runners will be runners, and they'll find a plane to run in regardless right?  That's the way they play the game.

All I'm seeing Kev asking for is a latewar RAF ride to go with the D9, LA7 and P51D.  Right now the RAF guys have no late war production bird like the other guys too.

8th FS "Headhunters

Offline Kev367th

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Time to unperk the Spit 14
« Reply #102 on: May 04, 2005, 09:36:12 PM »
But you know what they say about a blind horse. You can lead it to water...

But a pencil must be led?
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Offline Kweassa

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Time to unperk the Spit 14
« Reply #103 on: May 04, 2005, 10:48:24 PM »
The Spit14 has an edge on all of these planes enough to make it a perk ride.

 Total bullshi*  I can make any of such comparisons and claim the La-7 has its edge on all of its contemporaries. It takes about 2 seconds to slap up an analysis like this one;


Given = pilots, Co alt-Co E

La7 Vs Fw190A-8 ----La7 wins
La7 vs Fw190D-9 ----La7 wins
La7 vs P-51D ----La7 wins
La7 vs 109G-10 ----La7 wins

 and then go claim;


Thats why the La7 SHOULD be perked. (preferably at the amount the Spit14 is perked at)

 IMO, flimsy analogy at its best.

 The amount of 'edge' a Spit14 has against its temporaries is no larger than the amount of edge a Spit9 has against a 109G6, P-47D-11, and a Fw190A-5. Other planes are faster, or climb better. The Spits have a better balance of maneuverability and speed.

 Besides, EVERY plane has somekind of edge against another. ALL of our 1944 rides have an edge against the 1943 planes, and ALL of the 1943 planes have and edge against the early war planes.

 So does that mean our planes should all be perked at some price, getting progressively heavier the more it gains an 'edge' against a previous group of plane? I didn't see you complaining that you're beloved P-38J/L should be perked since it has an edge against every 1941 or 1942 plane.

 So why's the Spit14 must be perked again? Because it has an 'edge' in performance?
 Just how much? About as much as your 1944 P-38s having an edge against contemporary 190s or 109s?

Offline Morpheus

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Time to unperk the Spit 14
« Reply #104 on: May 04, 2005, 10:53:19 PM »
All of the planes you've listed against the La7 can hold a DT, can carry more internal fuel, have a far greater range, far better guns, carry more ord... Shall I go on?

The La7 is a very capable plane. But its also extremely limited.

Flimsy at best?

I dont think so.
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