Author Topic: Time to unperk the Spit 14  (Read 5250 times)

Offline slimm50

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Time to unperk the Spit 14
« Reply #120 on: May 05, 2005, 03:27:03 PM »
PERKS:lol :lol :lol :rofl :rofl

If they gave perk pts for GETTING KILLED,  why then, I'd have flown the Spit 14 a lot more than I did.

When I flew, that is.

Offline SirLoin

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Time to unperk the Spit 14
« Reply #121 on: May 05, 2005, 03:28:06 PM »
109G10 vs LA7 in DA..G10 wins everytime(or should)

Offline killnu

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Time to unperk the Spit 14
« Reply #122 on: May 05, 2005, 04:01:24 PM »
I guess it got to easy to fly.

bahh, dont go there.  spit5 or 9 is much easier to fly. think ive seen you in those.  now, understand you fly them, lets say, differently, but...are easier to "fly".  imho

but of course its all relative,  they are all easy to fly on this game.
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Offline Widewing

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Time to unperk the Spit 14
« Reply #123 on: May 05, 2005, 05:41:59 PM »
Originally posted by killnu
bahh, dont go there.  spit5 or 9 is much easier to fly. think ive seen you in those.  now, understand you fly them, lets say, differently, but...are easier to "fly".  imho

but of course its all relative,  they are all easy to fly on this game.

Yep, SpitV and SpitIX are both easy to fly, even after the training wheels are removed. This is why every noob in the TA can be found in a Spitfire. That's not a slam. On the contrary, that fact makes the Spit that much more dangerous.

My regards,

My regards,


YGBSM. Retired Member of Aces High Trainer Corps, Past President of the DFC, retired from flying as Tredlite.

Offline killnu

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Time to unperk the Spit 14
« Reply #124 on: May 05, 2005, 05:52:39 PM »
what does make them hard to "fly", is flying them  5k or lower into overwhelming odds then making it home.  that is more the style of flying than the plane though.  :aok

and yes, spit14 should be perked, just lighter.  way to hvy as it is now.
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Offline DoctorYO

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Time to unperk the Spit 14
« Reply #125 on: May 05, 2005, 05:59:00 PM »
DoctorYo the MA is dynamic, it doesn't comprise of multiple 1v1's. The qualities for a plane to be successful in the MA differs from being a 1v1 fighter. I don't believe anyone on this thread believes the spit 14 to be mediocre, rather it's unjustifiably perked or over perked.

You are accurate..  the MA is not the 1 vs 1's by default... (its dynamics are double edged if you look around..)

you must create those situations..  

how do you do it ?    look for low intensity scraps on the map..  the ones with 1/4 bar each side..(may be boring for the instant gratification types and KOT wannabees but it works..)

enter those frays and you will get you 1 vs 1's 1 vs 2's/3's all day long..  (and your in a spit14 if you have skill youll own those sorties.. even against 3 if you know what your doing and dont get caught with your pants down..)

if you follow the horde like 90% of the players in this game.. then targets and becoming a target are greatly intesified to what you have described above..

My personal favorite is to come in deep in enemy airspace and just start buzzing bases they will come to you thinking your a bomber on a milk run..  or lone porker..(dar bar..)

after one or two of those, more targets will come and be ready for them..  rinse and repeat.  Until things get sloppy then high speed climb away.. (important you dont just loop over them always get the seperation away from the base becuase smart pilots will leave, climbout and come back..and you will be slow from looping)(they are not a problem either becuase if they can run you down you can out angle them.. {what i mean by out angle is not yank the stick to 6g's; use the least g as possible to force the overshoot to change your vector}  so usually its just a vector change they overshoot and you again change vectors again to get the new sucker into a climbing tail chase or whatever mistake he gives you..)

If they will chase then let the high alt vulching part dux begin..

Save your wep and youll have very few problems..

Your a good pilot (thrila) you telling me you cant get creative to get 1 vs 1s..(may bore you to death what i described im shure there are more methods you could use for yourself)  

you just have to create them...  

I think the problem here or argument is that the same standard is not applied to other planes...  g10, dora, stang, and   la7...

dont use their examples (imo all should be perked at least as much as the chog) as reference to deperk the spit14..  while the newbs dont see it as a big deal i think most vets have seen what a spit14 can do by itself now imagine a squad or two raining down on them and it makes the la7/dora/insert whatever horde dweebs look like a bunch of cupcakes..

My comment on 1 vs 1 aircraft doesn't make the aircraft any worse say if there are 2 spit14's or 3 or 4... vs 4 , 5 , 10

1 perk aircraft cant take on any more than 3 imo (2 if they are both latewar)

but thats apples and oranges..  give me the same amount of aircraft give my team spit14's and the other whatever equal pilots my money is on the spit14 team..

Just my opinion of course..


Offline Kweassa

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Time to unperk the Spit 14
« Reply #126 on: May 05, 2005, 07:49:47 PM »
What is so difficult for you to comprehend about this?

And your completely flase in stating i've roamed off base here. I've done nothing but prove that the spit14 is a perked ride.

 Prove? Prove what?

 You proved nothing but repeat a generic fool's comment that has no basis at all whatsoever.

 The Spit14 was never tested as a free plane but started off as a 60 point perk plane. It didn't ever get a chance to be tested how it'd fare when it was used in larger numbers with average pilots in it.

Even without alt/E over another plane it is going to rip any of the planes that Kev mentioned to shreads.

 Claims without basis. Typical.

 What interests me the most, is people who find such sanctity in pilot skills and individual combat, suddenly become oblivious to the pilot factor when discussing F4U-4s and Spit14s.

 We have people claiming the La-7 is worth jackshi* since so many fools fly it. Widewing has a habit of posting how he can shoot down other people in his TBM or SBD or whateversuckyplane, and most of all, you P-38 pilots take pride in your excellent skills and never for a moment cease to preach the importance of the pilot factor.

 And yet, it's all gone. Even the thought of Spit14s or F4U-4s becomes perk-free planes, and the typical knee-jerk reaction arises.

 Every average guy in the MA suddenly become superpilots in Spit14s or F4U-4s? Those same people fly La-7s, a 380mph deck speeder, and still get caught and massacred by people everyday?

 Or is the great climb on a 5min limited WEP (and miserably short range) of the 4hog or the Spit14 gonna let it climb forever?

Do you want me to tell you how? Show you how?

 And what will you prove? You're better than me? But that's a very very common method amongst you guys I admit. Somehow you think your individual bravado with a certain plane is relevant to this discussion?

Your completely overlooking the bigger picture here by taking a deffeincive role with your "perk agenda". Thinking that could ever improve game play is rediculous. It would worsen it... Period.

 Get real.

 The only reason the Spit14 is perked so high was because people were freaked out by the thought of free Spit14s when they were announced. A plane that would turn like a Spit5, speed like a La7, and climb like a G-10.

 Well it turns out, the Spit14 can climb like a G-10 for about 5 mins on WEP, it is at least 30mph slower than the La-7 at deck, and definately does not turn like a Spit5.

 Add in a turn maneuverability boost to a Bf109G-10 and that's basically a Spit14, since those two planes are so closely matched together in overall performance.

 It's not a super plane. The only thing super about it is its perk price.

And I'm the one going off topic? Again, I've kept the Spit14 into perspective UP until the point where you bring an La7 and said it should be perked. Not before then.

We are disputing why the Spit14 is perked. And you come in and start advocating your ideas on why the La7 should be perked.

 What are you, dense?

 The La-7 thing is dragged into this discussion to prove that your own 'agenda' against the Spit14s or F4U-4s have no basis at all.

 It's also dragged into the picture to show that perking the Spit14 or F4U-4 at such prices is an outrage, and injustice to the RAF and USN fans.

I'm the one going off topic?

Talking to you is about as stimulating as talking to a rock... And you absorb just about as much...

 And talking to you is a typical 'talk-to-vets' reaction.

 Lot of claims, no data, 'submit to my authority'. And the moment people start to criticize that, and the insults and ignorance fly.

You'll never see this plane unperked. Maybe less perked. But thats it.

 We'll see about that.

Offline Morpheus

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Time to unperk the Spit 14
« Reply #127 on: May 05, 2005, 08:44:19 PM »
Jesus Christ.

It took all that Bullchit from you to say that the lesser pilots in the game need a greater plane to counter my superior skill?

Question. And I think you might be drinking again so I'll make this short and simple for you to understand and absorbe.

Why in the hell are you talking about F4u4s?

And what will you prove? You're better than me? But that's a very very common method amongst you guys I admit. Somehow you think your individual bravado with a certain plane is relevant to this discussion?

Why in the hell would I want to prove that I'm better than you?

Everyone already knows I am. Showing you would prove  nothing to noone.
Inface I was going to help you see the advantages the plane has over the ones that Kev mentioned. But noooo that's not good enough for your googling mind.

Seems to me that you are just a big cry baby who says he knows it all and it doesnt matter how much he sucks in the game, he's right because he googles the living watermelon out of any subject that comes his way.

I'm telling you you're wrong through experience flying the plane. I know what they can do. I dont claim to know it all about them. But I will tell you for a fact that the spit14 holds and edge over the planes THAT Kev mentioned. The same planes that are among the best and move survivable planes in the MA.

Would you like me to bow down to your book collection? Or your googling abilities? Which is? Both?

All you've done is get more upset and wonder further and further away from the discusion at hand. All the while saying you're the one who is trying to keep everyone on track. Case in point, the f4u4.

Do you have a picture of yourself on the bathroom mirror that you gaze into in the morning?
« Last Edit: May 05, 2005, 08:47:30 PM by Morpheus »
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Offline Kweassa

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Time to unperk the Spit 14
« Reply #128 on: May 05, 2005, 08:59:49 PM »
Why in the hell are you talking about F4u4s?

 Because at some point, the questioning about the perked planes was extended. Didn't you even read the thread?

I'm telling you you're wrong through experience flying the plane. I know what they can do. I dont claim to know it all about them. But I will tell you for a fact that the spit14 holds and edge over the planes THAT Kev mentioned. The same planes that are among the best and move survivable planes in the MA.

 So what? There are numerous things to consider about how perk prices should be applied.

* How much of an edge and how it is ever brought into the game?

* Would it be such drastic an advantage that it needs such a high perk point?

* There are other planes with plenty of 'edges' and 'advantages' that are free. So why's this 'Spit14' or 'F4U4' which has certain types of 'edges' must be perked so high?

 You answered NONE of those questions, proved NOTHING in relevance to those questions, and IGNORE every argument based on those questionable circumstances.

 You assume that the Spit14 has 'edges' against some planes, and yet you fail to prove any of them.

 So tell me again, why should the Spit14 have any kind of 'edge' over the other planes?

 Is it the fastest?

 Is it the best turning?

 Is it the best climbing?

 Best rolling?

 Best diving?
 Is it a balance of above traits that make it so dangerous?

 There are plenty of planes that outperform the Spit14(and the F4U4) in at least one of the categories mentioned above that are free.

 There are plenty of all-round balanced planes that are lethal and dangerous, that are also free.

 So considering all this, why's the Spit14 have such an advantage?

 Oh that's right.

 You never consider those things. You just know it's a good plane and it needs 50~60 perks to keep it out of the MA for infinity, unless some bored person with many perks want to indulge.

 Well I call that bullshi*

Would you like me to bow down to your book collection? Or your googling abilities? Which is? Both?


 Just give a reasonable argument why it should be better. Or can you not explain why?

All you've done is get more upset and wonder further and further away from the discusion at hand. All the while saying you're the one who is trying to keep everyone on track. Case in point, the f4u4.

Do you have a picture of yourself on the bathroom mirror that you gaze into in the morning?

 The discussions go downhill when people start throwing out empty claims without any kind of reasoning except 'I just know it, so I must be right'.

 Maybe you should get a job as a priest or something.

Offline Morpheus

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Time to unperk the Spit 14
« Reply #129 on: May 05, 2005, 09:23:10 PM »
Because at some point, the questioning about the perked planes was extended. Didn't you even read the thread?

Yes I did.

And the only mention of any other perk plane before you came along was to show the Spit14 is OVER PERKED.

Since then You've brought just about every plane into this converstaion to try and prove me wrong. When time and time again I've proven that you're the one who hasnt the clue.

You assume that the Spit14 has 'edges' against some planes, and yet you fail to prove any of them.

For someone as smart as you make yourself out to be, which I think you over rate your intelligence.... You have no clue do you.

Go back and read. Im sure you'll quote every Golly-gee thing I've said and still not take away a single thing from it. I've told you how and why the spit14 has an edge. But you're too foolish, blind or thick headed to understand that. So I'm not going to sit here and repeat myself so you can come back and whine some more.

Let me ask you a question.

Do you think it should be unperked?

With all that you've said... Taking all your wise words into concideration... Do you think it should be the least bit perked?

Lay down the weak insults for a few moments. They aren't your style and you look very silly trying to make it such. And just answer my question. :)
« Last Edit: May 05, 2005, 09:25:31 PM by Morpheus »
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Offline Angus

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Time to unperk the Spit 14
« Reply #130 on: May 06, 2005, 04:32:29 AM »
50 points is still too  expensive
It was very interesting to carry out the flight trials at Rechlin with the Spitfire and the Hurricane. Both types are very simple to fly compared to our aircraft, and childishly easy to take-off and land. (Werner Mölders)

Offline Edbert1

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Time to unperk the Spit 14
« Reply #131 on: May 06, 2005, 05:51:57 AM »
I see a lot more tempests in the air than I do 14s, last night I saw 4 temps within icon range of me at once. The last time I saw a 14 was with Morph flying it earlier this week, probably a few weeks before that was the last one other than him.

I think it is clear that the 14 is OVER perked, if not from the opinions stated in thsi thread then definitely from those who vote in tha hangar with their choice.


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Time to unperk the Spit 14
« Reply #132 on: May 06, 2005, 09:12:21 AM »
Leave the thing perked, and while we're at it I think we should perk the rest of them too. Spits are damn near all you see anymore.

While perhaps not the very best in every aspect, Spits seem to be able to do everything very very well.

They are as I've said on other threads " a crutch ,the tricycle with training wheels". Or as others call them "EZ mode planes"

You dont have to have to be very good, or have very much skill, or talent to do well in a spit.
If my 8 year old daughter (7 at the time) whos only experiance in this game is in watching me, can get 2 kills in a spit, anyone can

Thats not to say there are skilless talantless people that fly spits.
It saddens me to say I see very skilled people in them all the time.
It saddens me because these folks I see I know dont need that kind fo crutch to do well.

Im never impressed with someone who gets kills in spits
Im far more impressed with someone who gets kills in say a P47, Or even a Hurricane or Niki.

Spits are good if all you want to do is get easy kills.
If you want to be challanged, fly just about anything else
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Offline thrila

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Time to unperk the Spit 14
« Reply #133 on: May 06, 2005, 09:32:43 AM »
Errrmm.. what is the major difference between a n1k and a spit?
"Willy's gone and made another,
Something like it's elder brother-
Wing tips rounded, spinner's bigger.
Unbraced tailplane ends it's figure.
One-O-nine F is it's name-
F is for futile, not for fame."

Offline TexMurphy

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Time to unperk the Spit 14
« Reply #134 on: May 06, 2005, 09:41:29 AM »
@topic of LaLas

Since we are talking LaLa.

If the C-hog is perked then the 3 cannon LaLa should be as well.

Personally I would like to see the 2 cannon and 3 cannon LaLas split into two planes.

2 cannon lala unperked and 3 cannon lala perked at the same level as the C-hog.

@toipc of late war RAF planes

Totally agree that we should have more and later spit versions then we have now.

BUT this is something we should discuss when the spits are in line for remake.

They wount be for at least 3-4 months (jugs, ponies and 109s are next) and most likely not for at least 6-8 months (US bombers and 110s will most likely come after the next 3 planes).

Once the ToD set is done Im pretty sure we will see RAF plane work. So seriously lets save it till that day.
