Author Topic: Terrain editor questions....  (Read 2767 times)

Offline Saxman

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Terrain editor questions....
« Reply #45 on: January 12, 2006, 10:25:49 AM »
I think I figured out the tower thing (haven't tested it in-game yet to know for sure).

First I tried copying the pair of vertecies that appear to be linked to the viewing position, but no joy. When looking at the heirarchy, however, I noticed that one of the groups was called "twr" or something like that. So I renamed the appropriate group on MY model "twr," and voila! Terrain Editor recognized the tower!

I haven't tried it yet, but I'm fairly sure the same would work for map rooms and the OC.
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Offline Saxman

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Terrain editor questions....
« Reply #46 on: January 18, 2006, 03:26:45 AM »
Ok, some new issues.

Foremost, once AGAIN I'm plague by a model that only partially appears. The part I borrowed from an AH shp appears fine, but my new parts are invisible!

The difference is, THIS time I can't get it to show up. I've tried flipping normals, reversing vertecies, setting it to double-sided, recentering. I have NOT tried looking at killing the StencilAlpha yet (the see-through parts are the objects using that, so I'm suspicious) so that's what I'm looking at next. I also haven't tried building it from scratch, but I REALLY don't want to do that, as that'd be a real pain in the butt.

Second, do the large/medium/small airfields (the pre-assembled default fields) have their aircraft entry points already in place? If not, how do you tell which way your aircraft entry points are facing when you add them?

Third, when you select the "Make Map" feature, is it possible to get it to show something OTHER than a plain, empty blue?
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Offline Saxman

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Terrain editor questions....
« Reply #47 on: January 19, 2006, 10:34:24 PM »
Another question:

Is it possible to use the TE to create a Task Group WITHOUT a CV, or will it come back with an error or force the TG to continuously respawn?
Ron White says you can't fix stupid. I beg to differ. Stupid will usually sort itself out, it's just a matter of making sure you're not close enough to become collateral damage.

Offline Saxman

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Terrain editor questions....
« Reply #48 on: January 20, 2006, 02:27:51 AM »
Another problem: I've added a port to my map (using the pre-created port0 shape, rather than manually creating it). HOWEVER, the problem I have now is that the editor keeps calling it an airfield, rather than a port! The funny thing is, I've got it to show the anchor map icon, but it STILL calls it an airfield, so I can't assign the CV to it. The help file is NO help, as it says to set the tower object data property to 2 for port. I can't individually select the tower individually. I WAS able to use the "change all" feature to get the tower set as a port tower (which is how I got the anchor in the TE) but it's still designated as "A#."
« Last Edit: January 20, 2006, 02:35:37 AM by Saxman »
Ron White says you can't fix stupid. I beg to differ. Stupid will usually sort itself out, it's just a matter of making sure you're not close enough to become collateral damage.

Offline BlauK

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Terrain editor questions....
« Reply #49 on: January 20, 2006, 02:27:58 AM »
Object hierarchy and object coordinate origins may be teh key to disappearing shapes or objects.

If you are editing the objects in ac3d, remember to check the coordinates for all objects and all groups. They should be kept as 0 0 0. If you move or deform any object or group, its origin will change. Therefore you may end up with with a model which looks ok in ac3d, but has the parts in different places in OE/TE/AH.

To avoid messing the origins, it is bets to select and edit only teh surfaces or vertexes. If you edit objects or groups, you have to check all the origins from that leve upwards and change them back to 0.

I hope that helps. If not, I can always check your ac3d file if you want to.

  BlauKreuz - Lentolaivue 34      

Offline Saxman

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Terrain editor questions....
« Reply #50 on: January 20, 2006, 02:49:31 AM »
I'll have to send you the file, my AC3D trial just expired. :p I'll get that to you in the morning.

Incidentally, the problem I'm having with the ports (displaying the right map icon, but identified as an airfield) is ALSO occuring when I tried to add a vehicle field.
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Offline NHawk

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Terrain editor questions....
« Reply #51 on: January 20, 2006, 05:58:41 AM »
If you mean in the TE itself, all fields have the "A" designation until you shut down and re-start the TE.

That, or you aren't setting the Object Type to Group Master and the Object Data to 1 for a Vehicle Base and 2 for a Port.
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Offline Saxman

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« Reply #52 on: January 20, 2006, 10:43:19 AM »
Ah, ok, I didn't think of setting it to Group Master. As I said, there's many areas where the "Help" file is of no help at all. :(

So what about Task Groups with no CVs? Are they possible?
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Offline NHawk

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Terrain editor questions....
« Reply #53 on: January 20, 2006, 12:56:17 PM »
I've never tried it, but I don't think so. There's no hangar on any of the other ships, so there'd be no way to man the guns.

Someone else might know of a way to do it.
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Offline Saxman

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Terrain editor questions....
« Reply #54 on: January 21, 2006, 01:07:07 AM »
Well, I've been experimenting with AC3D and the Object Editor on stuff like the Tower and Maproom (thanks again for the assistance, BlauK). Haven't actually tried any of my modifications in game, but I've made a completely new Tower and Maproom that ARE recognized by the terrain editor (note: COMPLETELY new, well, except for elements I borrowed from the default models, but at least not replacing the existing shapes so they're as good as new).

I wonder if it's possible to do the same with a ship. Say, take the CV, rip out its hangar, find the important bits in object properties, and build a new shape around it (something like a CIC) and put it into the cruiser model and rename it something like, CA2 or something to differentiate it from the default cruiser. Then just set its type to be a ship when you load it in the TE. The only thing that's technically changed on it is the addition of the hangar (maybe the tower, too, mocked up like the ship's bridge).

Now, one problem I forsee is that it'd probably still be called a "C" group, so there'd be some confusion unless you knew already that "C# is a cruiser."

Could probably have like, one special cruiser as the "command ship," with a second normal cruiser and a couple destroyers. It'd add a TON of flexibility for guys who like blowing watermelon up with big guns, plus, it'd allow the CV groups to stay a safe distance away from the target, and still have the firepower to pummel the enemy into submission by sending in the cruiser and tin cans to bombard bases (#2 reason I've noticed for bringing the CV groups right up to a base is for the firewpower).
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Offline NHawk

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Terrain editor questions....
« Reply #55 on: January 21, 2006, 05:56:36 AM »
If you want power, why not just add a cruiser or two to the existing CV group? Then re-arrange the group so the CV is far behind the cruisers instead of right behind them.

I know there are CV groups with 2 cruisers on some existing maps.
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Offline Easyscor

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« Reply #56 on: January 21, 2006, 08:57:33 AM »
Originally posted by NHawk
Then re-arrange the group so the CV is far behind the cruisers instead of right behind them.
He might get carried away... don't want the bulk of fleet sailing across land.  Besides, too many game Admirails park the Fleets as close to the end of the runway as possible. :mad:

Saxman were you working on a ships' bridge?  I always thought the dead shape could be empty, or a transparent box ( or a rubber boat ;)  ) to solve the dead CV problem but a bridge would be kool.
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Offline Saxman

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Terrain editor questions....
« Reply #57 on: January 21, 2006, 10:13:20 AM »
Right now I'm just thinking up ideas, looking at what suggestions I've seen on the forums I can find a way to integrate into what I'm working on (actually, I've got a couple already).

The MAIN reason I want to find a way to get a Task Group with just gunships is that I'm trying to encourage kamikazee captains from doing just that with the CVs: Parking them half a mile off the base. Loss rates for CVs are absolutely ludicrous in the MA because of that tactic, and imo a carrier shouldn't be any closer than maybe a sector to a sector and a half away. By introducing dedicated gunship groups, one reason this is done (bringing in extra firepower to blow watermelon up) would be addressed. I'm hoping the nature of my map takes care of the second...

Anyway, as of right now I'm not modelling anything like that. FINALLY did my first completely from-scratch object that didn't have any problems (well, technically. I need to shrink it down because I misjudged the size of my reference). Also, if I try to model a ship's bridge, I'd probably be expected to texture it myself, which my mad skillz are more embarrassing than my flying (hence why I'm still looking for help in that regard).
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Offline Saxman

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Terrain editor questions....
« Reply #58 on: January 21, 2006, 12:25:44 PM »
Update one two problems

First. I have two runways, both on the grass terrain tile with all four "quadrants" set to the default terrain texture (0). One is surrounded by forest at ~1500ft ASL, the other by grass terrain tiles at sea-level. Both use the same custom "airfield ground" object underneath (using the same groups and object names in the model as the default objects).

The problem is, the runway at 0 ASL is being crossed by clutter (hills, trees, hedges, etc) regardless of which of the four terrain textures I use. Obviously this is a VERY serious problem. I've tried setting the surrounding tiles to forest (which isn't appropriate for the location of the runway as it is) but that didn't correct the issue. Is there a way to override clutter in a tile when a runway is present? Is there something I'm missing, here? Is there a certain object type that needs to be set when manually placing an airfield ground object (Group Master, etc)? Why is it only affect the one runway?

Second, I was able to get the cruiser AC3d from the OE, although I think it's just the one used as a target at the Port. I'm not getting a listing for the CV at all. Anyone know if it's even POSSIBLE to get an AC3D model of the CV and cruiser from the TE?
« Last Edit: January 21, 2006, 12:34:18 PM by Saxman »
Ron White says you can't fix stupid. I beg to differ. Stupid will usually sort itself out, it's just a matter of making sure you're not close enough to become collateral damage.

Offline BlauK

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Terrain editor questions....
« Reply #59 on: January 21, 2006, 02:30:16 PM »
The air field ground should automatically cut the clutter under it. Did you see this cultter in TE or in game? Things you see in TE are not alwas teh same in game, so build your terrain once in a while and check how it looks in game.

  BlauKreuz - Lentolaivue 34