Author Topic: F-86 & Mig-15  (Read 7984 times)

Offline 321BAR

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Re: F-86 & Mig-15
« Reply #105 on: April 27, 2010, 02:48:52 PM »

Which would be? The ranges were about the same as WW2 the speeds probably higher. There were no A-A missiles, the rockets were used for ground attack and perhaps for interception of bombers, R4M style like  the Me262.

The 37mm cannon was not in fact the primary weapon as it was used primarily to shoot down bombers, the 23mm cannon did however had better ballistics,and rate of fire to shoot about anything out of the skies.  Think the ballistic differences between the Mk108 and MG151.

(Image removed from quote.)

Don't let facts get in the way of half truths.  :D
what half truths? i was pointin out that the ranges would not be as far as gyrene stated. but none of the other stuff you mentioned i said...stop putting words in me mouth :huh
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Offline Glasses

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Re: F-86 & Mig-15
« Reply #106 on: April 27, 2010, 02:56:02 PM »
what half truths? i was pointin out that the ranges would not be as far as gyrene stated. but none of the other stuff you mentioned i said...stop putting words in me mouth :huh

>facepalm< Not you.

Just in case the other posts I made get skipped.As  I have an inkling they might get conveniently ignored to support the erroneous arguments about that era.

Which by the way the Korean War era was from 1950 to 1953 more or less . That's 5 full years before the first shot in anger of a Sidewinder equipped F-86 Sabre.,168291.msg3655645.html#msg3655645,168291.msg3655641.html#msg3655641,168291.msg3655691.html#msg3655691
« Last Edit: April 27, 2010, 03:26:55 PM by Glasses »

Offline gyrene81

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Re: F-86 & Mig-15
« Reply #107 on: April 27, 2010, 04:10:57 PM »
See Rule #4
« Last Edit: April 29, 2010, 10:14:49 AM by Skuzzy »
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Offline Glasses

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Re: F-86 & Mig-15
« Reply #108 on: April 27, 2010, 04:50:35 PM »
Glasses, I doubt you could get any more wrong. I never once said the AIM9 was used in was just part of the armament listing for the point was, there were no 30mm cannons used in air-to-air combat between the P-80, F-86 and the MiG-15. I see your reading and comprehension skills are selective...seems like your registration date hasn't done a thing for you.

Read this again genius...or do I have to dummy it down?
(Image removed from quote.)

Here is the rewording...WWII era aerial combat is and has been more popular even with the limited introduction of some jet age flight sims...the only appeal for jets is a short lived "cool factor", as in "hey this jet has active radar seeking missiles and can detect an enemy 10 miles away"...and for every flight sim some wannabe fighter ace has come along and said "this <insert jet age wish> would be cool" until they actually experience it and find out, it's starts with the Korean war and by the time the wishes for the Vietnam era get granted, the entire lemming crowd realizes they were wrong and it's not as cool as WWII...that sir is gaming world historical fact.

1.BTW I never said the F-86 (it was in fact Mr Bar that mentioned something about the Sabre having a 30 not me,168291.msg3655636.html#msg3655636 ) or any allied aircraft during that time used the 30mm it was the MiG 15 all along,you're reading and quoting what you want,to make an argument out of something I didn't say. You even stated the MiG 15 didn't carry a 30mm cannon when it clearly states it did by your own quote from Wikipedia,it was in fact a 37mm cannon sue me . It  was used in combat in the Korean War. Watch even clips on youtube from the Revisionist /Sensationalist History channel where Sabre vets clearly stated the fact that it had horrendous effects on UN aircraft. That and the fact that a North Korean pilot defected to the UN side midwar with an intact front line MiG 15.  :rofl

2.Where is the qualitative verifiable proof of this, you are the one pulling things  out of thin air.(For PC: Jane's Fighters Anthology, Jane's F-15, Jane's F-18, MiG Alley, USAF, IAF,Eurofighter, F-22 ADF/TAW,the Novalogic's  F-22 games, Longbow I/II. Flanker 2.5, LOMAC ,etc. Though I'm not  asking for any of these).  You have to consider the size (minimal in the last couple of years) of the PC flight sim market to make such assumptions.The trend away from PC games which are not online due to piracy mainly and the ease of use of the consoles have been detrimental to the expansion of these games, though for the consoles the Ace Combat series have been a success,yes even if it's an arcade game. (Truth be told the vastness of WWII and the knowledge in modern pop culture with recent  movies about the subject  is  why  there have been more sims,games about ww2 than any other game particularly over the last 15/ 20 years,the sides the motives are clear cut and of course there is no morality or controversy about who were the bad guys.) Again, Korean Era 50-53 is about the same in Spirit as WW2 type engagements particularly in 1950-1952.

3. As to the  Sabre  using  missiles in the Korean war, you simply pasted the armament in BOLD that  it carried missiles,  to make an explicit  point about A-A missiles  and why it shouldn't be added but didn't clarify when they were used .That by itself could be interpreted although in a deceitful manner as an argument to not have these types  in the game . Withholding the fact they were not used  during  the Korean war,and not clarifying it could be considered plainly as a half truth,which would then yield you plausible deniability when called out on it . To support the fact that I'm or someone else will ask is asking for missile warfare during that era,    that it will escalate , people will want radars ,afterburner,s etc (uh we don't have on board radars in MA? :x ).   You're jumping the shark yet again.

Right and people here fly  because they don't want to be a "wanna  be" cartoon plane  ace,imitate their  favorite pilot and fly within the cartoon planes modeled here. Again, a non argument.
Say it in plain English next time, don't get emotionally incoherent and   start hurling insults which you seem to be running to , just  proves the fact that you're running out of arguments. Sorry, I won't bite at a mediocre attempt at just that.  :rofl

The fact of the matter is that from WW2 to say Vietnam Era there IS A huuuuuuuuuuuge leap in tactics and technology however, from WW2 to Korea even though the speeds increased and perhaps  the service ceiling on aircraft the engagements remained the same. Up close knife fighting and running away, though the performance differences between both the First gen MiG and Sabre were negligible .
« Last Edit: April 27, 2010, 06:17:08 PM by Glasses »

Offline wgmount

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Re: F-86 & Mig-15
« Reply #109 on: April 27, 2010, 05:04:47 PM »
First use of the Sidewinder missile was in 1958 Republic of China F 86's shot down Peoples Republic of China Mig 17's
in the First Taiwan Straight Crisis.
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Offline Glasses

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Re: F-86 & Mig-15
« Reply #110 on: April 27, 2010, 05:09:42 PM »
« Last Edit: April 27, 2010, 05:45:37 PM by Glasses »

Offline gyrene81

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Re: F-86 & Mig-15
« Reply #111 on: April 27, 2010, 09:58:24 PM »
1.BTW I never said the F-86 (it was in fact Mr Bar that mentioned something about the Sabre having a 30 not me,168291.msg3655636.html#msg3655636 ) or any allied aircraft during that time used the 30mm it was the MiG 15 all along,you're reading and quoting what you want,to make an argument out of something I didn't say.
Then I concede that I misread and attributed a statement to you in error.

You even stated the MiG 15 didn't carry a 30mm cannon when it clearly states it did by your own quote from Wikipedia,it was in fact a 37mm cannon sue me . It  was used in combat in the Korean War. Watch even clips on youtube from the Revisionist /Sensationalist History channel where Sabre vets clearly stated the fact that it had horrendous effects on UN aircraft. That and the fact that a North Korean pilot defected to the UN side midwar with an intact front line MiG 15.  :rofl
The MiG15 never had a 30mm had 2x 23mm NK23 cannons and 1x 37mm N-37 (37X155) cannon...and yes it did do a very good job against bombers and the P-80 but not the F-86.

Truth be told the vastness of WWII and the knowledge in modern pop culture with recent  movies about the subject  is  why  there have been more sims,games about ww2 than any other game particularly over the last 15/ 20 years,the sides the motives are clear cut and of course there is no morality or controversy about who were the bad guys.) Again, Korean Era 50-53 is about the same in Spirit as WW2 type engagements particularly in 1950-1952.
You should proof read before you post it..."recent" WWII movies and the popularity of WWII sims and games over the past 15/20 years.  :rofl
Try as early as 1984...even though it was single player...if you want to delve into MMO, 1993 - Air Warrior...Saving Private Ryan which inspired a whole series of FPS games based on WWII aired in 1998...the first game it inspired was released in 1999.

The rest of your rant is just babbling.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2010, 10:43:59 PM by gyrene81 »
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Offline gyrene81

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Re: F-86 & Mig-15
« Reply #112 on: April 27, 2010, 09:58:56 PM »
Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day...
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Offline Ack-Ack

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Re: F-86 & Mig-15
« Reply #113 on: April 28, 2010, 02:57:45 PM »
if you want to delve into MMO, 1993 - Air Warrior...

Actually 1986 for AW.

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Offline Glasses

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Re: F-86 & Mig-15
« Reply #114 on: April 28, 2010, 04:42:11 PM »
Except the big boom in the flight sim market occurred from the early 90s to the early 2000s.

Where sites like Flightsim, combatsim, among many others got frequent updates with new games, hardware and technology directly related to combat simulations. As the years went on they started to wither,shrivel up , and decay to a point where now there is a lack of constant updates or simply closed down, c-sim even tried charging for access. Most of the people that work or may have worked in these types were reassigned,their companies disbanded to  more profitable genres.

Offline 321BAR

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Re: F-86 & Mig-15
« Reply #115 on: April 28, 2010, 09:10:41 PM »
Actually 1986 for AW.

wish i was alive back dad used to fly AW since the start...
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Offline gyrene81

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Re: F-86 & Mig-15
« Reply #116 on: April 28, 2010, 11:03:57 PM »
Except the big boom in the flight sim market occurred from the early 90s to the early 2000s.

Where sites like Flightsim, combatsim, among many others got frequent updates with new games, hardware and technology directly related to combat simulations. As the years went on they started to wither,shrivel up , and decay to a point where now there is a lack of constant updates or simply closed down, c-sim even tried charging for access. Most of the people that work or may have worked in these types were reassigned,their companies disbanded to  more profitable genres.
The "more profitabe genre" was, until the last 2 years, World War II first person shooters...and WoW for the "family types" (4 years ago)...oh look...even the the RTS, RPG and FPS markets tried at least one game featuring the Korean war era and the games failed...unless a hit movie or mini series hits the screens, the Korean war era is not going to be a marketable interest to developers.
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Offline Glasses

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Re: F-86 & Mig-15
« Reply #117 on: April 30, 2010, 11:19:34 AM »
The "more profitabe genre" was, until the last 2 years, World War II first person shooters...and WoW for the "family types" (4 years ago)...oh look...even the the RTS, RPG and FPS markets tried at least one game featuring the Korean war era and the games failed...unless a hit movie or mini series hits the screens, the Korean war era is not going to be a marketable interest to developers.

Read this article   :aok

Offline Larry

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Re: F-86 & Mig-15
« Reply #118 on: May 08, 2010, 01:33:41 AM »
i never knew that the Americans and Soviets flew these in WWII  :headscratch:

am i missing something?

The Americans didn't fly the F86 in WWII but the germans did.  :old:,264206.0.html
« Last Edit: May 08, 2010, 01:35:30 AM by Larry »
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Offline gyrene81

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Re: F-86 & Mig-15
« Reply #119 on: May 08, 2010, 12:04:26 PM »
ROFLMAO Larry...  :rofl
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