Author Topic: This has always puzzled me...  (Read 3810 times)

Offline wetrat

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This has always puzzled me...
« Reply #45 on: April 30, 2006, 09:50:13 PM »
urch, you'll find that there's a certain art to getting these idiots to actually fight you in AH nowadays... like stang said, you basically have to give them your 6. and never in a spit... if you want to fly something twisty-turny, take an 84, since these twits don't seem to realize that an 84 can hang with a spit/niki. But you're (were?) a 109 stick, so just fly K4's around low and blow the idiots up as they fly by.

AH pretty much sucks now...
« Last Edit: April 30, 2006, 09:53:11 PM by wetrat »
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Offline Stang

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This has always puzzled me...
« Reply #46 on: April 30, 2006, 09:52:32 PM »
Originally posted by wetrat
so just fly K4's around low and blow the idiots up as they fly by.

Offline Speed55

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This has always puzzled me...
« Reply #47 on: April 30, 2006, 09:59:42 PM »
I have never seen anywhere, online or in the real world, so many people who love to taunt, ridicule, belittle, and foster anger in others than I find here.

I tuned out channel 200 today at about 4pm, so if i don't answer you, friend or foe now you know why. i guess the .s  command will have to do.

I'm recovering from hand surgery. If anyone is familiar with the saitek x52, its what i use. My left hand is completely bandaged up, and in a half-cast up to mid-forearm, and only my thumb is sticking out. I use the little slider for throttle and that little blue button next to it for squad vox.
I'm on heavy painkillers and aniti-biotics, and they make me a bit edgy.

This game is alot of fun, but it is also very competitive. So if 5 yahoo's want to try and BnZ me to death than so be it, but i'll TRY to take out 1 or 2 with me before i go. I just can't deal with the "nice ho.. or nice ram" comments anymore. I just want to fly and have fun.

You know what would have happened as soon as one of those guys committed to a turn fight urchin? One of his buddies would have come down to pick you. It's just the way it is when your outnumbered, on all 3 countries.

And to the guy that accused me of stealing his two precious kills, which i didn't.

I just checked out your score. seems like you were trying to steal them from me.
"The lord loves a hangin', that's why he gave us necks." - Ren & Stimpy

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Offline Morpheus

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This has always puzzled me...
« Reply #48 on: April 30, 2006, 10:30:33 PM »
Originally posted by Sloehand
This last line is why you, Chi and all others like you are actually the horse's rear.  This is your fragile ego, crying "look at me, I'm great!", and wanting to rub someone's nose in it, thus making you a sad pathetic excuse for a human being and a damn poor waste of protoplasm.

I have never seen anywhere, online or in the real world, so many people who love to taunt, ridicule, belittle, and foster anger in others than I find here.  I keep hoping that I find out most these types are foreigners playing the game, cause fairplay, respect and honor just can't be missing that badly from Americans.

"Children behave!"

You have no clue who urchin is. I know this because he left before your newb bellybutton came on.  I'm not deffending him, I just hate to see you newbs get out of hand.. He can do that on his own... But everything you've said pertaining to him is a load of assuming bull*****.
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Offline Kweassa

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This has always puzzled me...
« Reply #49 on: April 30, 2006, 10:55:36 PM »
In regards to Kweassas post, newbs, vets, and being good at anything.

Getting good at anything means that basicly you are going to have to make some mistakes. In this game, mistakes usually end with death. The way I always looked at it was, you're NOT REALLY DYING. So if you do "DIE" in your plane, think about what it was that got you dead, and try to fix it. There is always something to take away from every fight, or things. Lessons in AH are only learned through making mistakes and getting blown out of the sky.

To put it at bluntly as humanly possible, if you are going to fly like a panzy, never die, and always be afraid to commit to a fight that you might die in, then you WILL NEVER GET BETTER.

 .. which, as I've already solidly laid out, is none of anyone's business.

 We just do what's necessary for us in the immediate presence of superior enemy pilots. We sure as hell aren't gonna voluntarily help rack up someone else's score so they can teach us "a lesson in becoming better" by swatting us down like flies.

 I'm really sorry, but none of us will go;

"Hey, there's a guy who seems like a pretty good pilot. He's flying low in a relatively inferior plane, so he must be pretty confident. Fighting him will be dangerous... but oh what the heck. I will go down there and fight him in a way which he enjoys, get reversed and shot down like in a turkey shoot, and still be all happy and smiles about it because I've learned a valuable lesson in maneuvering, and helped satisfy the vet's lust for easy kills. I feel that I've become much better in flying by pitting myself in a fight which I knew I couldn't win in the first place!"

 Rather, since we're probably never gonna become a Leviathan or a Fester or a Drex anyway, we'd rather become "better" in the art of "pissing off hot-shot pilots by never giving them a chance to kill you, and scoring only small amount of kills safely and easily, instead of giving the superior pilot a chance in what he loves to do."

 Ofcourse, being grossly average, even that kind of flying yields only a very modest score. But still, it's satisfying to us, since we fly the way how we see fit, not how someone else dictates so we can become 'lesson material' by being shot down.

 How we fly is our call. The vets can comment all they want on how it's 'boring' and 'lame' and 'not helpful in getting any better', but none of that is gonna change how we fly. Call us pansies and scaredy-cats, but in the end, we're not the one's complaining or getting pissed off.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2006, 11:00:55 PM by Kweassa »

Offline Urchin

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« Reply #50 on: April 30, 2006, 11:20:16 PM »
Oh, I have no problem with being BnZ'd.  That is fine, at least they are trying.  

I mean, if I at least have to make someone miss, I'm convinced that they are really trying to kill me.  

On the other hand, the folks that kinda halfway commit, but break off and zoom when you pull the "setup turn" (the gentle 2-3g turn you start when they are still 1.5k out, at least I do) to make em attack from an angle.. I always picture those folks as anxiously yelling for help... it kind of amuses and disgusts me, at the same time.  

Its like, what can they be saying?  "Ohmigod, come help me please!  This guy 5k below me has really got me cornered!"

And the ones who won't commit to a BnZ pass but will gladly joust really confound me, although I expect that DoKs explanation is the right one.  I honestly thought that the "average" would be around a 1/1 K/D... you have to figure for everybody that dies there is someone that killed em.

Booz, how did you arrive at the conclusion that less than half the MA population could get a K/D of over .5?  

A .5 K/d means 1 kill for every two deaths, unless I'm sorely mistaken.

Offline bozon

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« Reply #51 on: April 30, 2006, 11:44:48 PM »
I honestly thought that the "average" would be around a 1/1 K/D... you have to figure for everybody that dies there is someone that killed em.

As in real life, the distribution is un-even.

Look at the average salary in your country  - most people make less than the average because the average is dominated by the few people with very high salaries. Same thing with the kill statistics in WWII or MA.

Mosquito VI - twice the spitfire, four times the ENY.

Click!>> "So, you want to fly the wooden wonder" - <<click!
the almost incomplete and not entirely inaccurate guide to the AH Mosquito.

Offline Morpheus

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« Reply #52 on: April 30, 2006, 11:51:12 PM »
Originally posted by Kweassa
.. which, as I've already solidly laid out, is none of anyone's business.

 We just do what's necessary for us in the immediate presence of superior enemy pilots. We sure as hell aren't gonna voluntarily help rack up someone else's score so they can teach us "a lesson in becoming better" by swatting us down like flies.

 I'm really sorry, but none of us will go;

 Rather, since we're probably never gonna become a Leviathan or a Fester or a Drex anyway, we'd rather become "better" in the art of "pissing off hot-shot pilots by never giving them a chance to kill you, and scoring only small amount of kills safely and easily, instead of giving the superior pilot a chance in what he loves to do."

 Ofcourse, being grossly average, even that kind of flying yields only a very modest score. But still, it's satisfying to us, since we fly the way how we see fit, not how someone else dictates so we can become 'lesson material' by being shot down.

 How we fly is our call. The vets can comment all they want on how it's 'boring' and 'lame' and 'not helpful in getting any better', but none of that is gonna change how we fly. Call us pansies and scaredy-cats, but in the end, we're not the one's complaining or getting pissed off.

Some are happy being mediocre, even if it is just a game. And that is ok. But you cannot say I'm wrong in that making mistakes and dying, and LEARNING from those mistakes, is the easiest and best way to learn. You can't tell me I'm wrong. It worked for me, and its worked for those of whome I've helped. Its worked for the players who I have watched grow and become better. Plain and simple... It works.  

If you are so concerned about dying, score, and who's ego you're going to be fluffing by getting killed, then you aren't concerned with learning.

For me, and the rest of the guys who I fly with, and those who I help, or whome have helped me, it has always only ever been about working to get better. The ego's are left at the door.

I'm sorry, but you and I have a completely different take on this game when it comes to just about everything... Learning included. You refuse to learn by your mistakes... So you dont push anything. Fly around, do whatever you do, I dont know what... And that's it. If you dont push it... You, the plane, and the guy your fighting, you're never going to grow.

How do you think Drex, Levi and the rest got good? By simply logging in one day and... Presto... they were good? Yeah.

LIke I said, if you're going to worry about numbers, score, and ego(yours and everyone elses), forget it. You may as well just not play in my opinion.
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Offline Widewing

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This has always puzzled me...
« Reply #53 on: April 30, 2006, 11:58:52 PM »
Originally posted by Kweassa
Rather, since we're probably never gonna become a Leviathan or a Fester or a Drex anyway, we'd rather become "better" in the art of "pissing off hot-shot pilots by never giving them a chance to kill you, and scoring only small amount of kills safely and easily, instead of giving the superior pilot a chance in what he loves to do."

How would you know if the other guy was a hot-shot pilot if you don't engage?

Do you treat every enemy as a hot-shot pilot? Seriously, they don't have special icons that say "hot-shot". So, how would you determine this, because he actually attempts to engage you? ESP?

Besides, aren't you the guy that insists that the aircraft is the deciding factor as seen in your sigfile: "It's the machine, not the man".

So, if you're in the superior aircraft and are still afraid to engage, then you must be afraid of the "man" after all. That's what your post implies.

Why settle for being a piss-poor pilot? Come to the TA, work with a Trainer or one of the skilled volunteers (like Infensus, one of the best pilots in the game), build some skills and self-confidence. The only limiting factor is a lack of willingness to improve.

My regards,

My regards,


YGBSM. Retired Member of Aces High Trainer Corps, Past President of the DFC, retired from flying as Tredlite.


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This has always puzzled me...
« Reply #54 on: May 01, 2006, 12:02:38 AM »
What this always seems to boil down to is "I dont like dying a certain way "

Well here is my take...


i dont like dying in a house
i dont like dying in a mouse
i dont like dying in a shoe
When i die I say a word like "poo"

yes i know it is a game
yes i know you think im lame
but when i kill you i feel good
probably cuz i get some wood

On 200 you will then type
How im just a big buttwipe
But i will giggle to myself
and kill a guy named akelf

the lesson then is pretty clear
i think you all are awful queer
for telling me how i should play
has really gone and made my day

@ falconwing 2006 1:05 am (i need sleep)

:lol :cry :lol :cry
« Last Edit: May 01, 2006, 12:05:35 AM by FALCONWING »

Offline Vudak

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This has always puzzled me...
« Reply #55 on: May 01, 2006, 12:06:19 AM »
Originally posted by Kweassa

 We just do what's necessary for us in the immediate presence of superior enemy pilots. We sure as hell aren't gonna voluntarily help rack up someone else's score so they can teach us "a lesson in becoming better" by swatting us down like flies.

Well, ya can only lead a horse to water...  In your case you'd rather have a beer I guess.  Just don't make the mistake that they're in this for score.


Rather, since we're probably never gonna become a Leviathan or a Fester or a Drex anyway

I just don't see why anyone would go through life/virtual life with this attitude, but that's just me.  I don't mean to offend.


 How we fly is our call. The vets can comment all they want on how it's 'boring' and 'lame' and 'not helpful in getting any better', but none of that is gonna change how we fly. Call us pansies and scaredy-cats, but in the end, we're not the one's complaining or getting pissed off.

Your coin, your call.  But you have to realize that by not taking those lumps and not putting in that effort, you are only denying yourself more ways to have fun.  It's kinda like some game where you get experience/upgrades/better stuff/whatever...  You can still use the old tricks, or play the old way, you just have new tricks/ways to.  The more you learn in this game (like life), the more possibilities you open up.  Variety is the spice of life, no? :D

Kweassa, I don't mean any disrespect to you in anyway by this, but your whole post reads, to me, like the words of someone who has tried, failed, given up, and is trying to justify to themself why they shouldn't give it another shot.

If I were you, I'd give it another one.  But, until I hit the lotto and feel like paying your subscription, just play however makes you happy :)
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Offline Guppy35

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« Reply #56 on: May 01, 2006, 12:18:12 AM »
Here's the key to all of this.


So a little.  So what if you get clobbered a 100 times engaging in a fight.  Could be that 101st will be the fight you'll remember.

Planes are free, no one dies.  Screw the scoreboard.  Have some fun and die a little.  You might just get better :)
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« Reply #57 on: May 01, 2006, 12:41:59 AM »
Aaaaaah Guppy you poor confused chap!!!

Read the last 2pages...they all care how they "don't" die!!! LMAO!!

Well mebbe they dont care how they "dont" die BUT they REALLY seem to care about how we "dont" kill them!!!! :rofl

No offense to sure he is a fine stick...but there are tons of fine sticks in this game...very few post...

AND here is a wake up fricking call to the morons who put levi..fester..etc up on a pedestal and say we should be like them....

THEY (levi...fester etc) DONT PLAY ANYMORE!!!!!!!  :rofl :rofl

mebbe the game becomes less exciting when you feel you can beat anyone 1v1 and still die because it is a game....mebbe what the 500+ mediocre to bad sticks who play each night are doing is (gasp) HAVING FUN!! and loving every moment of a great game!!! and THEY are still playing!!

all goofiness aside...lighten the hell up fellahs or cancel that account...come back when you can enjoy just looking around the game and be amazed at how awesome it the graphics are superb and the number who can fit in an arena are breathtaking....

We all get ho'd ..ganged...vulched...but you wil never see me on ch200 whining about it...nor most decent sticks...i bet levi and those guys didnt either....
« Last Edit: May 01, 2006, 12:45:41 AM by FALCONWING »

Offline Zazen13

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This has always puzzled me...
« Reply #58 on: May 01, 2006, 01:01:53 AM »
Originally posted by Urchin
.  I honestly thought that the "average" would be around a 1/1 K/D... you have to figure for everybody that dies there is someone that killed em.

Booz, how did you arrive at the conclusion that less than half the MA population could get a K/D of over .5?  

A .5 K/d means 1 kill for every two deaths, unless I'm sorely mistaken.

Having done alot of statistical analysis, one thing you must consider is roughly 75% of the kills are scored by 25% of the people. That means the other 75% of the AH population that are only getting 25% of the kills are doing 75% of the dying on average (actually more dying than that as the top 25% pilots also die alot less per capita). So, the average pilot is nowhere near 1:1 K/D. It's more like you have 1 guy with a 5:1 K/D and 10 guys with a 0.50:1 K/D in reality, for example...

Zazen PhD of Cherrypickology
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Offline Zazen13

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« Reply #59 on: May 01, 2006, 01:06:39 AM »
Originally posted by FALCONWING

Well here is my take...



That's exactly how I feel as well. Killing is satisfying, very much so, but what is most satisfying is killing and getting away with it. After you have mastered the basic fundamentals of air to air combat, killing in and of itself becomes quite easy. Killing and getting away with it then becomes the more exhilerating pursuit. Anyone can not die, anyone can get kills, getting kills and not dieing in a timely manner  is usually quite alot trickier, especially if you refuse to  vulch...

« Last Edit: May 01, 2006, 01:08:59 AM by Zazen13 »
Zazen PhD of Cherrypickology
Author of, "The Zen Art of Cherrypicking" and other related works.
Quote, "Cherrypicking is a state of mind & being, not only Art and Scienc