Author Topic: Cheney sued in CIA identity case  (Read 2533 times)

Offline Nash

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Cheney sued in CIA identity case
« Reply #105 on: July 15, 2006, 09:38:22 PM »
Is that so?

"wrong so many times?"

I was wrong about Kerry being elected. Yup... dead wrong.

Other than that, name me a single time that I've been wrong.

I've got, oh, about a gazillion opinions floating around out there. It shouldn't be hard to find an example.

Get to work, son.

Offline Gunston

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Cheney sued in CIA identity case
« Reply #106 on: July 15, 2006, 11:25:03 PM »


Why do you keep saying things like a trial is ongoing concerning the so called "outting" you may be a left wing nut but I don't believe you are stupid or uninformed.

You know Libby was charged with obstruction of Justice for supposedly lying to investigators. Fitzgerald concluded his investigation and no one was charged with a crime concerning the outing of a CIA agent.

Mr. Novack said he found out from Mr. Wilson who put his wife's name in "Who's Who" what her name was.

He called people in the adminstration fishing for confirmation that she not Cheney sent her husband to Niger as Wilson had claimed in his article.

Wilson, his wife and others at the CIA are left wing nuts like you and were trying to make the adminstration look bad concerning pre-war itelligence with, I might add no concern for the country.

Also this lawsuit alledges some loss on the part of Ms. Plame and seeks monetary damages, what a laugh this thing made these two people. Who ever heard of Joe Wilson or his wife before this?

Now they are all the talk in the Liberal circles of DC, invited to all the best liberal parties and going to get rich on book deals. Oh the harm how will they ever recover from that kind of hardship.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2006, 12:23:35 AM by Gunston »

Offline Nash

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Cheney sued in CIA identity case
« Reply #107 on: July 15, 2006, 11:33:36 PM »
Nope sorry.....

Can't do it.

Break your text wall down into bite-sized digestible peices or don't post at all.

My eyes aren't getting any younger.

Offline dhaus

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Cheney sued in CIA identity case
« Reply #108 on: July 15, 2006, 11:50:20 PM »
Well, SOMEBODY heard of Wilson - this administration sent him on the trip.  And, even if the right wingers are correct that Wilson lied - and I'm still not statisfied he did (still looking at the Comittee Report) would someone please explain how publishing his wife's occupation did anything to correct that lie?  This was nothing more nor less than political retribution - in a time of war.  Publishing the occupation of a CIA employee.  Sorry folks, this continues to be defended on the basis of she wasn't a covert operative and he lied.  The administration's actions at the time did not counter the lie, and her occupation has nothing to do with it other than political retribution.  This is the adminstration we are left to defend in a time of war.  Sad.

Offline Gunston

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Cheney sued in CIA identity case
« Reply #109 on: July 16, 2006, 12:10:27 AM »

The administration did not even know he went that is the whole point of the story. He insinuated that Cheney sent him. Novack was inquiring of the admistration for comment on why they sent him.

 Novack wrote the article on his own he was not prompted to do so by anyone in the adminstration. Once he found out from Cheney that Wilson's wife who worked at the CIA and not Cheney had sent him, he looked in the Who's Who and got her name, that her husband had put there.

If her identity was so secret why would her husband include it in a publicly available information source?

Offline Nash

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Cheney sued in CIA identity case
« Reply #110 on: July 16, 2006, 12:52:58 AM »
Originally posted by Gunston


Waaaay better. Yeah.

It's actually readable now. Cool.

I still aint gonna respond.

When your very 1st graf calls me a "left wing nut" it just leaves me so.... uninspired. Know what I mean?
« Last Edit: July 16, 2006, 12:55:32 AM by Nash »

Offline Gunston

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Cheney sued in CIA identity case
« Reply #111 on: July 16, 2006, 12:57:37 AM »

I'm sorry what term do you prefer wacko, extremist, enemy of the state, I'm not sure what you radicals like to go by these days?

Offline FUNKED1

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Cheney sued in CIA identity case
« Reply #112 on: July 16, 2006, 01:00:05 AM »
Enemy of the state, you mean like someone who blows the cover of American intelligence agents?

Offline Nash

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Cheney sued in CIA identity case
« Reply #113 on: July 16, 2006, 01:00:18 AM »
The mainstream will work.

66% of the population works too.

Take your pick.

Offline Nash

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Cheney sued in CIA identity case
« Reply #114 on: July 16, 2006, 01:12:20 AM »

You unwittingly raise a great question....

Seeing that you are part of only the 30% of like-minded Americans, what shall we call you??



enemy of the state?


Whatever you decide...... I'm easy.

Offline BluKitty

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Cheney sued in CIA identity case
« Reply #115 on: July 16, 2006, 01:13:38 AM »
Originally posted by GtoRA2
Is this even going to get to court?

Well funny thing about civil court is.....

Even O.J. was found guilty there.

Offline Gunston

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Cheney sued in CIA identity case
« Reply #116 on: July 16, 2006, 01:50:27 AM »
Sorry about that last one couldn't help myself. I will say you do have a great talent for writing. You're comments are witty and sharp. I went back and read many of your posts.

I on the other hand am quite new to this manner of communication (using the computer to talk back and forth) and my typing is two finger peck style.

 I can’t understand why you would use your talent for evil instead of good. And as I grow older I do sincerly believe that is what the battle between Liberalism and Conservativism represents.

No I’m not a religious type never been to church. But I completely support people’s right to pray and I cannot imagine anyone being offended by the mention of the word God on money, public buildings, etc.

As to you ever being wrong, someone had mentioned in an earlier post about Global warming and a connection to religious extremist you dismissed them without trying to understand what they were talking about. Environmentalism is a religion. I believe the same person mentioned Michael Crichton I recommend you go to his website and read his lecture titled “Environmentalism as Religion” very informative.

I believe that George Bush cares about the country and every action he has taken has been to serve that purpose. Has he always been right? Probably not but he is trying to protect us from an enemy that would kill every small child you know in the most gruesome way possible and take great joy in doing it. I would rather he err on the side of caution than some other course of action.

I keep hearing the left talk about things like taping phone calls from known terrorist to terrorist in this country, or tracking bank records of terrorist as some huge transgression of our rights. Yet the same people if given the chance would take the right of law abiding people to own firearms, a right George Washington said is second only to the Constitution in importance. Where is the outrage when those kinds of laws are passed?

Anyway again I think you far outclass me in flare and writing style but I disagree with most everything you have to say.

Offline Gunston

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Cheney sued in CIA identity case
« Reply #117 on: July 16, 2006, 02:09:51 AM »
Also strange how my 30% elected Bush...twice.

Offline Nash

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Cheney sued in CIA identity case
« Reply #118 on: July 16, 2006, 02:10:01 AM »
You seem like an okay guy. Actually, hell.... everyone here is.

But you got it all wrong.

And by wrong I pretty much mean three hundred and sixty degrees of wrong. Wrong in every direction you look. If you spun around in circles your world would become a dizzying blur of wrong.

There's nothing I could tell ya here in a post on the AH BBS to fix that. I wouldn't even know where to start.

I suspect that it's a cultural thing. Maybe it goes back to something yer folks told ya that you can't let go of. And even that is just stabbin' in the dark... I have no idea.

But allow me to be honest with you.....

There is something frightening about a stranger calling you a wacko, an enemy of the state. It's psycho, okay?

And just WTF do you know?

If you wanna have a discussion, I'll be happy to participate.

But don't ever label me and expect me to show you any respect.

You're in the minority now.... got that? I'm not radical.... you are. If you need any advice on how to cope with that, I can help ya out.

I know a thing or two about it.

Seriously... yer prolly an alright guy. But you're getting off to a rocky start with me.

Offline Gunston

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Cheney sued in CIA identity case
« Reply #119 on: July 16, 2006, 02:20:21 AM »
You may disagree with my point of view but the things you say about me are just as disrespectful as my little joke.
I'm not wrong most people think the way I do or Bush would not be President and the Republicans would not control Congress.

You are using poll numbers about the war and Bush's approval ratings as your basis for me being wrong. Nobody likes the war me included and people have different opinions on how or even if we should protect ouselves from threats.

But mainstream America agrees with alot more of the kinds of things I believe than what you believe so how can I be wrong 360 degrees?
« Last Edit: July 16, 2006, 02:28:11 AM by Gunston »