Author Topic: Triple Buffs Should GO  (Read 9460 times)

Offline EagleDNY

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Triple Buffs Should GO
« Reply #315 on: March 24, 2007, 01:01:47 PM »
Originally posted by hubsonfire
I know if my speed is stable, my calibration will be fine, regardless of what my speed is. I don't even use the display in the bombsight. It's not skill or practice. There's only 2 things you have do when calibrating- keep your speed steady, and have the crosshairs on the same spot when you press the button, and when you let off.

Let's ask ourselves, what would the game be like without formations? What would change? CVs would have to be sunk by jabos, PTs, or torp planes? Bomber missions would fly at realistic alts, or with escorts, or maybe just in large groups like we used to? It wouldn't be worth the trouble for many people to hunt them, since they'd only get 1 kill, and the threat of one bomber destroying a field or CV is far less than 3 of them.

What would the game breaker be? What is it that I'm missing that would keep you from flying bombers ever again?

If you are at 5K, or 10K, its easy to calibrate on a small spot when you zoom in the crosshairs.  It's a little more difficult at 20-25K to keep the site on a small spot - couple that with not showing the calibration speed, and you get enough error to make most of the bomber boys lose the laser sight and have to drop more bombs to take out each hanger.  The cumulative effect - it takes more bombers to close a base.

Also - you make my point here as well - if your speed is STABLE you can calibrate and have good accuracy.  What we can do now with the speed display in the bombsight, is calibrate with our speed still climbing after we have leveled out.  If we do a quick and dirty 2 sec calibration, we know exactly how much more we need to accelerate (or throttle back) to keep the laser accuracy and can adjust easily.  With the bombsight speed indicator, we've removed the need to be level at a stable speed to get bombing accuracy.

The formations are there for defensive firepower - without AI gunnery at each position, the bombers are at a huge disadvantage vs the fighters and the buff box helps make up for it.  I've been on both ends - I've ripped up fighters that engage stupidly, and I've been ripped up by fighters that did it right and took out my drones at angles where I couldn't get a clean shot.  I think it is a reasonable compromise system given that we don't have 10 players in each bomber manning each gun position.

Can it be improved - sure.  I hate the dive-bombing 4-engine buffs, and I think that could be easily fixed.  
1.  Make the bombs drop only if the autopilot is on straight and level.
2.  Make it so the bomb bay doors do not open unless the bombsight is calibrated.
3.  Make it so that the calibration resets to zero (bomb bay doors close automatically / bombs do not drop) if the autopilot kicks off.

That ends dive bombing buffs right there.  It isn't possible to dive in, open the doors and spew bombs everywhere anymore.  The buff drivers still have a reasonable shot if they go level and calibrate, but if they dive in, level, calibrate at a changing speed, and then drop, accuracy will be poor.  They might still get lucky and get the CV, but hey - war is often decided by luck.

They other suggestion (multiply the perks value of buff kills by the number of engines they have) I think would also have the useful effect of making bombers a primary target during a battle.  If 3-4 fighters all take out after a buff box because of the bonus perks, I think we'll see the bomber boys forced to wing up and/or take escorts to get to target.  


Offline hubsonfire

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Triple Buffs Should GO
« Reply #316 on: March 24, 2007, 01:31:35 PM »
That's interesting about calibrating early, and adjusting your speed just before the drop. I've always let my speed settle before calibrating. I see your point now.

Perking drones, or changing buff eny/obj values, might work to some extent, but  perks on the whole don't seem to be an effective way to motivate most people to change their behaviors.
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Offline moot

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Triple Buffs Should GO
« Reply #317 on: March 24, 2007, 02:56:14 PM »
LOL Hub, am I speaking chinese or what?
if I'm understanding you, you're asking for 5 plane formations with no other changes.

Bombers need these: [color=dark red]more dispersion, a slightly more difficult calibration that doesnt give new players too hard a time (btw fighter flying is tougher to learn than bombers), but rewards perfect handling, less perfectly smooth gunner aim and ride in the air, [/color]and to offset all these, two more drones, if the netcode etc can take it.

You: A calibration routine simple enough that new players can do it without difficulty?

Me: a slightly more difficult calibration that doesnt give new players too hard a time (btw fighter flying is tougher to learn than bombers), but rewards perfect handling,

If you can't blindly hit something with 90,000 pounds of ordnance, it can't be hit at all. Do you really think 5 planes will result in any less divebombing, sinking of CVs, or trashing of fields? With that much ord, there's no way 90% of those guys are even going to bother calibrating.

I didn't mention it in this thread, but divebombing should be fixed.. Hitech has said he was looking for a good method.  Bombs detonating when jerked too hard.. or not releasing, etc.
Sinking less CVs is not the problem.  Hubs are you just biased towards fighters at the expense of bombers?
I said 2 extra drones IF we had the aformentionned modifications (dark red text) properly weighed to balance it all towards less bomber laser accuracy.
And what does being killed by a player with years of experience have to do with being able to wipe out a field in one pass on autopilot without having to do anything?

Who said anything about razing a field like that?  I didn't; are you starting to speak for me now?  I never asked for such easy bombing, in fact, I said three times already the more difficult things I would add bombers, so that they can't do just what you say in the above quote, nor gun you down as if they were shooting and flying on a perfectly smooth platform.
HT says that their goal is the make sure the most people have the most fun possible, but bombers allow the least people to have the best chance to affect the most people, with the least effort. Explain to me how that's good. I'm not seeing how it can be. [...]
The guys like lev worked at it, they practiced and setup controls and worked on tactics and gunnery.

Which is what I suggest bombers get, a longer learning curve with not too stiff an initial slope.  
Unless I should understand you're just intent on a strawman refutal?

HT says that their goal is the make sure the most people have the most fun possible, but bombers allow the least people to have the best chance to affect the most people, with the least effort. Explain to me how that's good. I'm not seeing how it can be.

It's not good, but then it's not exactly true either.  All you have to do is take 2 people per formations to kill the buggers.  It would not be true at all, if the things I suggested (dark red text if you forgot again) and others like those EagleDNY suggested would be implemented.
"fail to adapt beyond simple furballing". Oh, please. Stick to speaking of things that you actually know something about. This topic doesn't seem to be one of those things.

Don't start with the woe-is-me bleeding heart cryin please :)  I respect you, I hope it's mutual, so keep in mind we're discussing things here, not looking for some stupid bickering like others have already tried in this and 98,246 threads before it.

And Hubs, I know about Furballing at least as much as you do, so I am qualified to say it doesn't take much effort from a gang of furballers to kill as many as 4-5 formations.

And all three of EagleDNY's suggestions are good, but #3 is really worth telling Hitech about..  Although it still wouldn't fix near-90degree divers.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2007, 02:58:32 PM by moot »
Hello ant
running very fast
I squish you

Offline Speed55

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Triple Buffs Should GO
« Reply #318 on: March 24, 2007, 03:11:31 PM »
Perk the formations.

Re-vamp the actual bombing procedure.  (I wish i was around for the old way.)

Disable the ability to drop bombs in outside view.

"The lord loves a hangin', that's why he gave us necks." - Ren & Stimpy

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Offline mars01

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Triple Buffs Should GO
« Reply #319 on: March 24, 2007, 06:00:37 PM »
not looking for some stupid bickering like others have already tried in this and 98,246 threads before it.

LOLHROTFFPAOMS hahahahahaha Priceless!:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :lol :lol :lol :lol :aok

Offline hubsonfire

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« Reply #320 on: March 24, 2007, 08:21:29 PM »
Moot, you've outquoted me. While I agree with you on some points, it is my opinion that you're not being completely realistic on others.

This doesn't change the facts, your opinions, or mine, and if I come across as being irritated, it is not at you. Good day.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2007, 09:04:03 PM by hubsonfire »
++Blue Knights++

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Offline moot

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Triple Buffs Should GO
« Reply #321 on: March 24, 2007, 10:25:28 PM »
Alright Hub.. :)
Hello ant
running very fast
I squish you


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Triple Buffs Should GO
« Reply #322 on: March 29, 2007, 08:27:10 PM »
One pilot One plane ..... " NO ?  .....

  OK, then  how about one pilot 3 fighters !
« Last Edit: March 29, 2007, 08:30:04 PM by CHECKERS »
Originally posted by Panman
God the BK's are some some ugly mo-fo's. Please no more pictures, I'm going blind Bet your mothers don't even love ya cause u'all sooooooooo F******* ulgy.

Offline tedrbr

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Triple Buffs Should GO
« Reply #323 on: March 29, 2007, 08:33:47 PM »
Originally posted by CHECKERS
One pilot One plane ..... " NO ?  .....

  OK, then  how about one pilot 3 fighters !

Sure thing.  You turn hard.  Your drones go poof!  I get two easy proxy kills.


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Triple Buffs Should GO
« Reply #324 on: March 30, 2007, 05:46:19 AM »
Originally posted by tedrbr
Sure thing.  You turn hard.  Your drones go poof!  I get two easy proxy kills.

  One of my points exactly ..... You turn with your 3 bommer formations ...
 they "go into warping " ...:rolleyes:
Originally posted by Panman
God the BK's are some some ugly mo-fo's. Please no more pictures, I'm going blind Bet your mothers don't even love ya cause u'all sooooooooo F******* ulgy.

Offline SunKing

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Triple Buffs Should GO
« Reply #325 on: March 30, 2007, 08:03:39 AM »
If they remove buff boxes they should then allow free "trial" accounts to fly buffs only. Bomber numbers need to be increased and significant. They are lacking as it is.