Originally posted by cpxxx
With all due respect to Boroda and all Russians. They should get the hell out of Estonia. They are not wanted. They were not wanted in 1940 in Lithuania or Lativia or Estonia. They are not wanted now. .
"You, Irish, Jewish, Italians, etc are not wanted in the US now." Does it sound OK for you?
In 1940 it was a conscious decision of their democratically elected governments.
Finns disagreed. It was a foolish decision, because they lost 100000 men and gave up more then USSR originally wanted, but they didn't agree - and didn't agree to join the USSR.
Russians taught Estonians to piss standing. Russians issued the first Estonian vocabulary in 1860s. Russians gave them independance in 1918 and 1991. Russians saved them from German genocide centuries ago. USSR have built all their industry, gave jobs to their population, educated them (in 1940 most of them were illiterate), gave them carreer opportunities with national quotes I mentioned above, spent millions of hard-earned rubles on their literature and theater and other stuff. I still have some books written by Estonian authors on my shelf, about Antarctic expeditions, where they participated together with other Soviet people.
And now they tamper OUR graves that are protected by international Conventions. Nazis. They praise their SS Legion "veterans", and build monuments to SS hangmen.