Originally posted by lazs2
you are comparing not giving guns to mental defectives to the 40,000 gun laws on the books that you support?
First off what makes you think I support the 40k gun laws that are on the books? Just because I support strict rules on who can own a gun, doesn't mean I'm some anti gun guy that thinks no one should have them.
You act as just because I oppose your little idea of how the world should run, that it somehow means I hate the 2nd amendment and hate guns.
that asside... if you knew anything about the subject you would see that these are not my personal restrictions... I didn't make em up
They are in the federalist papers and literature of the times and the state laws..
To boil it down for you (I know you like soundbites)... the militia shall consist of every able bodied man between the ages of 14 and 60.
This is a defenition that is repeated over and over in works of the times.
now... able bodied means sane in any mans book. "14" would mean that you don't give children the right to bear arms.
Soo.. these restrictions I support and no others. Unless of course you are going to give the old nuke in the backyard silliness... for which the constitution and writings of the times amply explain... "bear arms" means hand held weapons.. grenades and cannon and such were to be stored at central places in the towns.
No you didn't make it up, but you seem to be fine with allowing people whom have committed violent crimes to own guns as soon as they get out of prison. I find that rather silly.
I simply pointed out that you are are being hypocritical. You first say there should be no restrictions, but then you turn around and say well these restrictions are ok, but this one isn't because
YOU don't agree with it.
Sorry, but with gun ownership comes responability. If you are a viloent criminal then you have shown you are not responable and should lose the right to bare arms.
it is simple and reasonable stuff... the only reason you don't understand it is that you have not bothered to try. you lurk in the far left corners of the internet and... you probly have no personal idea or thoughts on the second at all... you are simply against it because... well... it is the lefty hip thing to be against.
it is tempting to simply dismiss your ilk as airheaded socialists but... I am an optimist. Maybe as you get older you will learn to think for yourself and look at both sides. Liberalism defends on shutting up debate tho... PC.. hate crimes... shut down the media... take away honors for scientists that disagree with MMGW
and.. in this case...simply make up a bunch of stuff about firearms while saying that the second is the only amendment that takes rights away from people.
It's simple reasonable stuff.. Yea and part of that simple reasonable stuff IMO is to not allow violent criminals the right to bare arms. I also feel it's reasonable to have certian places such as schools to be gun free.
As for your air head and name calling comments, I guess it just shows you have a lot of growing up to do.