Originally posted by lasersailor184
Yet all the worst massacres occur at gun free zones. That indicates one of two things.
1.) Shooters pick their rampage locations based off of their higher chance of survival.
2.) Shooters pick their rampage locations based off of ease of killing targets.
Nothing else is logical. But then again, what ever is when dealing with a liberal?
Yet mass killings account for the smallest amount of gun deaths yearly out of any of the categories. They just get the most news coverage. In fact accidental shootings account for more gun deaths per year than mass killings do.
Most shootings occur where the person whom was shot could have legally carried a gun, yet they didn't carry a gun. So what makes you think that allowing people to carry guns anywhere would somehow make up for the amount of accidental shootings?
You think everyone having guns makes people commit less crimes? Go visit South Africa and see how well that theory holds up.
Read your history books about the wild west, when everyone had a gun. Was it safer then? Societies whom are heavily armed in public have solid histories of being more violent. History it's self speaks against you and disproves your argument.
Not to mention this post has been active roughly 3 days. The average daily death toll in the US is 85 people per day whom are killed by guns. That doesn't take into account wounded, just dead.
So roughly 255 people have been shot to death by guns since this topic was started. What did all the gun carrying vigilantes do to save those 255 people? I bet you would be hard pressed to find one case out of the 255 in the last 3 days where some legal gun carrying citizen saved the day. (other than a public servant as in police officer)
How many times do you hear that a gun carrying vigilante, saved people from getting shot? Might happen on occasion but it damn sure doesn't happen enough to out weigh the risks of accidental shootings, that would occur if irresponsible kids were carrying guns at colleges.
So amuse me... dig up some stats that show how often legal gun carrying good vigilante saved the day.
Oh and btw since we are on the subject of mass shootings. Most mass shootings such as the school shootings and the occasional guy going postal, are carried out with legally bought guns. Most mass shootings are not carried out by the typical "criminal" types.