Originally posted by crockett
Why have that kind of attitude of " if you don't like it don't log on". How about the veteran players make it a point of trying to teach newer players the respect for the fight? Rather than have just another mini MA with bad habits and crappy pilots?
We can't really change things in the MA's because there are just far too many players. However the AvA has a much smaller player base, so it would be reasonably much easier to push more of a respect for the fight mentality in the AvA.
strafing. i remember you from the MA as a HOing, vulching, hoarding "pilot". The amount of BS you are spitting out is very laughable. You have the bad habits and are the crappy pilot you just described above. How about you start by changing your own behaviour?
Back to the discussion at hand, at the time of base capture, anything goes. Do you really think we will circle around, while the goons come in, and let you take off, grab some alt and speed, and then engage you? Or, let you come out of the VH hangar in your M8 (or whatever), get settled, and then engage you? It makes no sense. You want to be effective, then up from another base, come in with alt and speed, and kill the camper, and spot the goons.
I hear a lot of allies whining... how very convenient you guys always find your side outnumbered. Most of us axis experience the complete opposite, with your endless hoards of spits. But the side imbalance is not a new thing; the problem is that the new players coming in are bringing the gamey aspects with them. Flying in with four goons, dropping troops, and bailing. Flying in their B26s, dive bombing, and bailing. The incessant HOs and ganging and the capping of bases for the sole purpose of vulching (this was a lot more prevalent with the old map).
As an axis, when defending our little island yesterday, I was HOed, rammed, and vulched within my first three minutes in the game. We try to discipline our own side into having good form. You should too.