Author Topic: Respect - Honor - Fair Play  (Read 9185 times)

Offline SlapShot

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Re: Respect - Honor - Fair Play
« Reply #60 on: January 02, 2009, 01:41:38 PM »
Slapshot I deleted most of your response because I have a question only about the last sentence.  This is open for debate, it is only a question.  When someone starts a sortie in game, should it be a primary concern that they eventually land?  Isn't that attempting to bring some reality into the game?  I will state I am not a WWII Historian, or have any great knowledge about WWII, but wouldn't the primary concern of each and every pilot in WWII ( or any war) would be to land safely at the end of their sortie?


Fred ... if my real arse was on the line ... I surely, at all costs, would try my hardest not to die, by hook or by crook ... whatever it took ... but as we all know, we never really die ... so what is the real consequence(s) that we face ?

Because we get to keep on playing this game ('cause we don't really die) ... why not take chances and take your plane to it's edge ? Doing this (win or lose) is a cumulative learning experience ... which only leads to one getting better and able to handle difficult situations as they arise thru your "career" in Aces High ... avoiding conflict/fights teaches you nothing and that "nothing" shows up real quick when you "can't get out of Dodge".

Every time I start a sortie, my goal is to return, but not at the cost of avoiding a fight, but rather to win the fights and the "winning" is what allows me to come "home".

That's the point I am trying to make ... you have nothing to lose ... mind you, I am not trying to jam it down other people's throats ... just trying to get them to look at it under a different light ... it just might make someone's game experience that much better in the long run.
SlapShot - Blue Knights

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Re: Respect - Honor - Fair Play
« Reply #61 on: January 02, 2009, 01:42:29 PM »
Ah, the monthly honor and respect thread *yawn*
Messiah(The O.G.)
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Re: Respect - Honor - Fair Play
« Reply #62 on: January 02, 2009, 01:46:44 PM »
First off slapshot, The AK's will never make fun of or pick on a squad because of the tactics or use of tactics.  If a AK is, they better have good reason why there are. We don't tolerate making fun of other squads.

I don't really know how long you have been an AK, but I can remember the nights when Nimitz and 40Dog would poke each other in the eye ... but in a good and teasing way ... like "Nice try MAW ... is that all you got !" ... or "40, bring your 1st stringers the next time".

It was this type of harmless banter that created the hate/love rivalry that the AKs and the MAW had. We loved to hate the AKs, but on the other hand respected them immensely.
SlapShot - Blue Knights

Guppy: "The only risk we take is the fight, and since no one really dies, the reward is the fight."

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Re: Respect - Honor - Fair Play
« Reply #63 on: January 02, 2009, 02:00:01 PM »
We love that type of stuff but when it gets to 3:1 or higher, then it gets to be a horde against a squad and causes squads like the AK's to move elsewhere were the odds are better.  It not fun to be slaughtered everytime u up.

Conversely, if I find myself in an area where my side has the overwhelming odds when attacking a field ... there is no fun there for me and I will try to find some other area where it's a little more balanced. Fighting over targets and getting your kills stolen by the "I need my name in lights" crowd is no fun either ... YMMV.
SlapShot - Blue Knights

Guppy: "The only risk we take is the fight, and since no one really dies, the reward is the fight."

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Re: Respect - Honor - Fair Play
« Reply #64 on: January 02, 2009, 02:03:12 PM »
Fighting over targets and getting your kills stolen by the "I need my name in lights" crowd is no fun either ... YMMV.
Yea squad members are bad enough. :furious ;)
See Rule #4

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Re: Respect - Honor - Fair Play
« Reply #65 on: January 02, 2009, 02:12:36 PM »
Yea squad members are bad enough. :furious ;)

I USED to have some squaddies do that in the squad i used to be in........ :noid
ingame 1LTCAP
80th FS "Headhunters"
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Offline SlapShot

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Re: Respect - Honor - Fair Play
« Reply #66 on: January 02, 2009, 02:25:00 PM »
I USED to have some squaddies do that in the squad i used to be in........ :noid

If BKs DON'T steal other BK's kills ... that's grounds for expulsion ... :t
SlapShot - Blue Knights

Guppy: "The only risk we take is the fight, and since no one really dies, the reward is the fight."

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Re: Respect - Honor - Fair Play
« Reply #67 on: January 02, 2009, 02:46:10 PM »
If BKs DON'T steal other BK's kills ... that's grounds for expulsion ... :t

 :rofl :rofl

well, it's easy to steal gunnery sucks.  :rofl :rofl
ingame 1LTCAP
80th FS "Headhunters"
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Offline Dadsguns

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Re: Respect - Honor - Fair Play
« Reply #68 on: January 02, 2009, 02:54:02 PM »
LOL, the whole point of an NOE raid is to NOT have to fight you. Should you get lucky, find and intercept one in time, don't hang around after looking for more bandits. They've gone looking for another undefended base.

Sir, 15 minutes of climb in the slowest climbing fighters will put you at 30K. Objecting to 15 minutes of climbing might be valid, objecting to 3-4 minutes borders on ADD.

A huge portion of the inanity, hording, and the same set of planes having all of the edges all of the time in the MA is the fact that it really is almost all "in the weeds". There is nothing wrong with dogfighting at low altitude of course but variety, fun, and historical interest would be better served if *something* was done to promote more high-altitude dogfights, not the opposite.

Whats funny is that you claim its to avoid a fight, you couldn't be more wrong.  

If taking a base means to climb in at alt against a formidable foe at alt, well we do that too and more often than NOE's.

What most of us dont like is to fight a horde that are already at HI alt and perched above the field.  Yes can you believe that, a horde.  Most of you players that have posted on here are just the same as what you call the NOE horde, you just do it at alt and as a horde far outnumbering who your attacking and with plenty of alt and E.  So, running NOE's is somehow not accepted?  Sure it is.  

You have a choice to continue to do what your doing, defend, attack, etc.  Your 15 bucks.  But dont try to criminalize a tactic when you could very well be doing what also is not accepted by someone else.

Out of the few of you that truly look for a 1vs1 fight witout getting involved in a pick fest, your truly a rare player.  I mean a few of you.  The rest of the imposter's hide amongst the horde of pickers, vulchers, etc. to get the easy kills and worry about their score.  

Well, I have done my share of feeding that horde, gets you rightly tired.  I spend alot of time looking for a decent fight, rarely do I find one.  Somedays are diamonds, somedays are coal.  

As for the respect, I think some of you think you deserve it for how long you have playing this game, or how you so called help the community, forgive me but some of you are part of this problem in many ways.  You spend your time ranting on the boards about play but do nothing in game to educate new players, some of you teach them what you say you despise.  Its a round robin.  

I read a different complaint every week about everyone elses way of playing is wrong but yours.  Cant horde, but its ok when you do it, cant NOE but its ok when you do it, cant ho, but its ok when you do it. Cant disrespect anyone, but its ok you do it daily,  it goes on and on.  

Thats why we just play the way we do, have fun the way we want to, there is such a double standard with alot of you its incredible.  Many see it, some deny it.  Until this changes nothing will.

« Last Edit: January 02, 2009, 02:57:36 PM by Dadsguns »

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Offline Shuffler

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Re: Respect - Honor - Fair Play
« Reply #69 on: January 02, 2009, 02:56:35 PM »
The 80th steals kills from eachother all the time...... On certain nights we have Quell Dale night......  then there is Porky Corky night.... and so on.

Opps almost forgot Muffler Shuffler night....  :aok
80th FS "Headhunters"

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Offline Getback

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Re: Respect - Honor - Fair Play
« Reply #70 on: January 02, 2009, 02:58:45 PM »
If BKs DON'T steal other BK's kills ... that's grounds for expulsion ... :t

Sorry for the mild hijacking. However the other day Knights were attacking p70. When I arrived there was a friendly and 2 planes missing from a b26 formation. The friendly was a bit in back from the last buff and out of gun range. Since the last buff didn't appear to have any damage I dove in on it and set it ablaze. Now the friendly made up some distance and sat on the 6 of the burning buff firing away. I started to say something but instead I said to myself, let this play out. Besides maybe the b26 gunner needs practice. Sure enough they are wailing at each other and the friendly drops from the sky and I get the kill anyway. I sure don't like to see my countrymen bite the bullet but I have to say I had a bit of a wry smile.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2009, 03:02:30 PM by Getback »

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Re: Respect - Honor - Fair Play
« Reply #71 on: January 02, 2009, 03:01:36 PM »
Like Fugitive ... my beginnings in AH was with the M.A.W ... another premiere Knight base-taking squad.

I fondly remember bangin' heads with the Mafia and the Arabian Knights
and many other good squads. These were epic battles that would last for hours.
To not go back and try again and again would be an embarrassment and the AKs would surely rub it in.

The competition between squads back then was, who could prevail over the other face to face on a given night ... not how many bases we can sneak in a night while trying to avoid the competition.

Yes we wanted to "winz the w@Rz" ... but we wanted to do it only after defeating the enemy and all in our path.

This is what is missing in Aces High these days ... premiere/larger squads do not seem to want to bang heads with opposing premiere/larger squads.

There is nothing wrong with "base taking" or trying to "win the war" ... no different then "back in the day" ... it's the path and mindset of the current squad community that has taken this game and it's game play to it's low point.

I believe, with all seriousness, you can not become a good dog fighter without suffering many deaths

There are way too many people who play this game that worry about death and avoid it at all cost, and when they can't get away from the opponent and are forced to really dogfight ... they are nothing more than a 2-week noob on his first sortie.

Well said Slappy!  Let me present my finger to you  :aok

I Started with the RANGERS in AW and met the MAW about two years later. They came in from a Jet sim and I remember them being slightly disappointed  about how slow the planes were but 40 held them together.  He had just taken over the squad by cyber assassination of the old CO and I think there were only 7 of them left at that point.  I had been without a squad for a long time and desperately looking for someone to hang out with that liked to take bases.  Because of my previous experience and willingness to help, I quickly became their very first AW recruit 10 days later.

I'm proud to say that from behind the curtain I helped mold and shape that squad and in turn MAW molded and shaped many of the players that came their way. The idea of changing our names to include MAW while continuing to recruit newer members from the community paid off. MAW quickly grew to about 80 as training and the creation of specialized wings for a specific jobs continued. An influx of members subsided as we grew with each success.

I miss my Old squad The MAW and it's semi likeness the Aces but I've got a new one to hang with being of the same character and ideals. You can expect good word of them as well.

Teamwork, Honor and Respect is what makes a good squad great
IMHO, Having good squads and members willing to help each other out contributes more to the game than any new plane or piece of eye candy ever will.


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Re: Respect - Honor - Fair Play
« Reply #72 on: January 02, 2009, 03:11:36 PM »
 :rolleyes: This is supposed to be WAR fella's.
Take the good with the bad and have fun.


Offline Shuffler

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Re: Respect - Honor - Fair Play
« Reply #73 on: January 02, 2009, 03:15:55 PM »
umm it's a game!
80th FS "Headhunters"

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Re: Respect - Honor - Fair Play
« Reply #74 on: January 02, 2009, 03:42:04 PM »
I've only been online here for a couple of months,and learned the following things,

 #1,It's only a game.No need it getting mad a getting vulched 3 times in a row.It's happened to me more times than I care to remember.You can take off again from another field.Can't tell you how many times I've been shot in my parachute.

 #2 The Stratigists vs dogfigter augument is pretty silly.If you want to go man on man,why no stay in the proper arena? If you don't want the bombers destroying your hangars,go shoot them down.Seems like going to the DA would be a perfect fit for those why want nothing but air to air.Those that enjoy teamwork,tactics,and a well planned mission exectued perfectly can use the Main arenas.

#3 It's only a game.

#4, see #3.

Just my 2cents worth.

It has nothing to do with dogfighters vs landgrabbers !!! It has everything to do with FIGHTING !!  Fighting for a base, fighting in a GV, fighting air to air, it about the fight, not avoiding one! We Mafia HATED the MAW.... they were allways in your face, they never gave up, and they kept coming back !!! but that was what is was all about. The rivalry's were intense...... and a blast !

Those that HO and run, avoid fights by spawn camping, or running NOE's untill caught and then run away are missing half the fun of the game. You guys are the ones sitting in the pits in race cars making vrooommmm sounds while the rest of us are screaming around the track trying to get you guys to come out and play!

Try fighting, once you get the hang of it, its a blast !