Corsairs hold E better, F6F about the same.
its roll rate is inferior to any 190 at any speed.
"destructive power" its still middle of the pack to above average.. anything with a single 30mm has an edge over it, considering they can deliver the "1 hitter quitter" where the jug cannot.. which is important in a BNZ ride.
Ord? yes.. it carries alot.. and handles and climbs like a B26 while doing so.
Have you tested this? I have.
The P-47N holds E better than both the F4U-1A (the best E retaining Hog) and the F6F (by far).
Time to decelerate from 400mph to 150mph in a power off glide, prop feathered, in seconds:
P-47N: 101.16
F4U-1A: 99.6
F6F-5: 91.76
Time to complete a 360 degree roll at 400mph ias, in seconds:
P-47N: 3.45
190A-5: 3.74
And the P-47N's roll superiority over the 190 improves the faster you go past 400mph.
You are wrong to say the P-47s are middle of the pack; you are conflating firepower/time with the absolute value of how much stuff you can blow up.
Here are the Zscores for gun destruction potential (score-average)/standard deviation:
Basically, this tells you how the aircraft of AH stack up against each other. Anything above 2 or below -2 is a statistical "throw-away" score because it is such an outlier relative to the rest.