Indeed. If HTC implemented more realistic engine controls, they would compete better with games such as Il-2, potentially drawing away from some of their more realism-oriented player base with AH's more realistic flight model and MMO community.
I think that with a stall-limiter like crutch, more realistic engine controls would probably be a good business decision for HTC.
Wouldn't it be possible that HTC would lose more potential customers than they would gain in this niche market because the fun and action factor would be offset by the drudgery of doing mundane chores?
Engine performance plays a large part in the flight envelope, does it not? It would seem to me that in aerial combat milking everything you can to get the performance out of your engine should be important, just as milking everything out of the rest of your airframe is, instead of having a non-penalizing 'stall limiter' of sorts.
Why doesn't anyone ever ask pilots what they did different every flight to maximise their performance cowl flaps wise? Because nobody cares. As far as I know, which isn't necessarily saying much, cowl flaps were opened on the ground to keep the engine from overheating. Get moving and they were closed, and stayed that way. Changes to fuel mixtures and manifold or throttle settings were to save fuel. Fight's on and no one was adjusting fuel mixture anymore. Throttle, sure, but that's obvious.
Mechanical failures, from what I've read, just happened. It doesn't read, "We were pushing extra hard, wide open and we lost a cylinder on number 3". It is simply, "we lost a cylinder on number 3 engine while egressing from the bomb point."
The only instances I've read of mechanical failure during stressful combat situations are on P-38's with engines and turbochargers. More a teething problem than something that would regularly happen to all aircraft, all the time under a certain set of circumstances. As a matter of fact, one occasion of a 38 losing an engine in the middle of a dogfight was due to it having only half the amount of oil in it that it was supposed to have.
Sure, there are 16 steps necessary to start a planes engine. Do we care? Will it make game play better?