Author Topic: A hypothetical question for the crowd regarding kills landed messages...  (Read 8826 times)

Offline Bucky73

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Cool question, interesting thread. I thought i would ask the inverse of your question. When you are flying around and a " Bucky73 lands 8 kills in a la7 " message runs across the text screen what do you think about it? Do you imagine how he did that? does the thought "camping bastage" come to mind. For me I like the notification because it gives me some idea of what kind of fighting is going on and where the fun may be at. Personally I kind of like to see my rare kills in lights, i work hard for them. I have no idea what my score is and don't care. Actually i will admit that upping at a camped spawn 20 times in a row so i can kill the campers hording their 20 kills is fun, so please leave the kills notice on.

I can't tell you how many times I just bailed from a perfectly good A/C with kills just because I didn't want to go through the boredom of "flying" back to my base. I guess I just don't seek the approval of other internet gamers like some do in here. To each his own I guess.....

Offline GooseAW

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I'd leave it on and fly like I always have. Try to get in trouble and get out with some scalps and hopefully make it home. That's part of the immersion value for me. Trying to make it home after some good fighting..when fights can be found...let's not be so self righteous as to turn scores and landing kills into some sort of taboo. Every system gets abused by some but there is value in scores. It's a measure for one to guage one's self. I know how I fly, looking at my stats tells me how effectively I'm doing it. Only I can apply stats/score to how hard i fought, timid or aggressive.

Once again, whats right for you may not be right for others. If you don't want to land, don't. If I want to land, I will. Landing is part of the "simulation" value to me and I imagine some others. (most) The real issue here is fighting or being a hialtruntardpickinHOerrammerg anger.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2009, 12:38:05 PM by GooseAW »

Offline CDR1

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bucky73, i did not pick on you, as i was typing my message and needed an ID, yours was the last one i saw in the thread.. i was just talking about what the messaging does for my game play, and was curious what others thought.

Offline The Fugitive

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That could be gamed as easily as the current system, though. Bombers would just auger rather than bail or ditch so they'd get the 7/10 points. Fighters, I don't see how that would change much, they'd still run away from a 1-1 fight rather than risking the 3 vulches they already have, or the 1st kill for the guys who figure they stand no chance other than a HO. GVs would just learn to spawn camp from 2000 yards, that's not all that tough a shot.

It's almost impossible to come up with rules that can't be gamed in an obnoxious manner. Some changes might make a small difference, but it's mostly a social problem, not a technical one.

Auger equals bail or ditch, so it would still be 1/10, but dieing means they were fighting so they get the 7/10. Sure your not going to stop the vulch kills, but think of the fun chasing them down in temps  :devil and for the GVs I said a mile, so thats over 5000 feet which give you room to find a way out.

LTOWN, AoM don't care about score, but they do care about winning the fight THAT is why they work at ACM and BCMs

The only reason I mentioned the score plan was because someone suggested getting rid of scores all together. I just suggest using scores to reward good game play. Most of the newer players are "gamers" and score is important, just look at how much crap goes on to get to the top of the page each month  :rolleyes:

Offline SkyRock

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Something I find interresting about all this is most say (vets especially), that they don't care about scores. Yet they are the ones that put in endless hours, months and even years working on ACM and BFMs. I can tell on the 1st merge if I have a skilled pilot on my hands or not. A dead give away is that they will not ho in most cases. That tells me they want to avoid a 50% chance of death right away.

The noobs to the game IMO are the only ones that don't care about score for they'll go to any means to get a kill. We all know that. You can tell the real milkers out there for they have the 9000% hit percentages in bombers and GVs. They're the ones that care about score the most.

I don't buy into the Muppets (just an example don't freak out on me :)),don't care about their fighter skill, which translate to score in some fashion. I mean think about....why do squads actively recruit good sticks? Because it helps out their base line stats and that guy can save their butt some day.

All the sticks in AoM are uber. Everyone of them. Does anyone here think they'll recruit 75688402 anytime soon? I don't think my squad would. It's just human nature to want to be good at whatever you do and doing well is reflected in some aspect in the scoring stats. Good squads are built by design, they don't just "happen".

I for one care somewhat about my stats, not really my score, but I do want to be better then the next guy.That's just the way I am. I want to win.....we all do I think.  :salute
When we are recruiting...personality comes first....part of the "personality test" whether or not they value a good fight....if they are worried about score, before a good fight....their name probably wouldn't pop up in our discussions.  I'll give you two recent additions as examples.....

Thing..... we had been having good fights with this fella for some time.  We all knew he was looking for good fights...because we kept bumping into him and he never ran even when his adv was taken away....he didnt care about dying...or in other words...he didnt want to die so bad....he was willing to stay in the fight until either he died or died trying....that's Muppet material.

Flotsom.... Flotsom was with Ink...we knew that Ink wanted in and I had fought ink years ago and knew he liked to fight... so we took Flotsom in with ink...neither of them are score dogs, and Flotsom would be the first to admit he's no "uber"

and one more for youto think about....Grizz.....I caught Grizz scoreHoring and called him out on it...for abotu 2 weeks I could tell it was bothering him...So, one night he calls me out on 200 about dueling...take him in there...see he has great potential..but is E fighting, and depending on it too much.... next thing I know, he's living in the DA....the fire was there....we took him on, and he caught on very quick and is now a really great fighter.  It's not that we look for uber sticks to recruit...although we do look for likeminded individuals.  :aok

Triton28 - "...his stats suggest he has a healthy combination of suck and sissy!"

Offline Yossarian

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If you could shut off kills landed messages for yourself, would you?

I'm not talking about shutting it down for everyone, but just you, so that anytime you happened to land kills, no one would know it.  There me be 300 other people who leave it on and land 74 kills in their Spit 16 of vulching doom, but your 6 in your 51D are known only to you.

I'm just curious how important it really is to people?

Do you think you'd fly differently if you didn't get your name in lights and the 'attaboys' that follow?

Seeing as I'm a far from 'uber' pilot, I'd probably leave it on.  I don't overly mind about the "wtg"s that you may/may not get, but still it can be nice/rewarding in a way that I'm not sure how to explain.

As for flying different, probably not - I just enjoy landing the planes anyway.
Afk for a year or so.  The name of a gun turret in game.  Falanx, huh? :banana:
Apparently I'm in the 20th FG 'Loco Busters', or so the legend goes.
O o

Offline shreck

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I think the actual question should be,  If you are the type that, cares less" about "name in lights or score" at all why land? If the fight is all that matters, then wouldn't it be more efficient to take off, find the furball, fight till ammo and or fuel is gone, ditch, then up a new ride? The time lost from the fighting just to RTB is completely a waste of time, IF "name in lights" and score is so meaningless to an individual!
I think the truth is somewhere in between, as people want to be recognized, just not recognized as tards  :aok

It must be very difficult for some folks who continue the chanting of "score and name in lights" doesn't matter, yet landing their kills on a regular basis.  :rofl :rofl  Oh the internal torment this must cause  :rolleyes:  :aok

Offline flatiron1

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anyone know of any real life pilots that did not mark their # of kills on their plane?

Offline Bucky73

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bucky73, i did not pick on you, as i was typing my message and needed an ID, yours was the last one i saw in the thread.. i was just talking about what the messaging does for my game play, and was curious what others thought.

I knew you weren't. :aok :salute

Offline Bucky73

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The only time I can see that "landing" your "kills" is worth it would be when you have had a good go with a bad guy or guys and you want them to see that you made it back to your base busted up or made it through a bad situation. Not for the GLORY and praise of your fellow countrymen. :rofl :rofl

Offline mtnman

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I could take or leave the "kills landed" message.  It matters not a bit to me.  Removing it wouldn't alter my flight style one bit.  

I simply fly to kill the other guy, and returning to base is one of the criteria I use to judge my success.  I don't count getting shot down as being equally successful as landing under my own control, regardless of how many kills I have.

I view getting shot down as at least some measure of failing the task I've undertaken.  Just as I look at failing to shoot my opponent down as another measure of failing my desired goal.

So, kill's landed message or not, I'm still going to be trying to shoot the red guys and return to base.

Just as returning to base with kills doesn't mean those kills are "hard earned", "valid", "honorable", or whatever, failing to return doesn't imply a valient, valid, or honorable effort either.  

Does anybody play this game to lose?  The natural result of not losing fights in AH is returning to base, or at least landing/ditching out of gas/ammo somewhere...


"Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not". Thomas Jefferson

Offline uptown

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LTOWN, AoM don't care about score, but they do care about winning the fight THAT is why they work at ACM and BCMs
That hurts man  :confused: :cry
Lighten up Francis

Offline grizz441

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I think the actual question should be,  If you are the type that, cares less" about "name in lights or score" at all why land? If the fight is all that matters, then wouldn't it be more efficient to take off, find the furball, fight till ammo and or fuel is gone, ditch, then up a new ride? The time lost from the fighting just to RTB is completely a waste of time, IF "name in lights" and score is so meaningless to an individual!
I think the truth is somewhere in between, as people want to be recognized, just not recognized as tards  :aok

It must be very difficult for some folks who continue the chanting of "score and name in lights" doesn't matter, yet landing their kills on a regular basis.  :rofl :rofl  Oh the internal torment this must cause  :rolleyes:  :aok

This does have some truth to it.  I guess for me, it's just finding the appropriate balance between flying aggressively and trying to stay alive.  It's very satisfying fighting hard and then being able to bring proper closure to the sortie by landing, but I do see your point shreck.  You already understand this though since you land kills yourself, so you are just playing devil's advocate.

Offline StokesAk

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I would only raise the amount of kills that would have to be landed to 5 kills (ace sortie). This would prevent people from getting 2 kills and bailing on you.

Offline mtnman

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What I mean by it taking away from the game is, I think there or a lot of good player's out there that won't put there score in jeopardy to help take a base for there country.

Removing kill messages wouldn't change this aspect for me one iota either.  I'm one of those who won't purposely help take a base.  

I don't care what it does for or against my score.  I'm simply not willing to waste ammo on landscape features, or on planes that haven't left the ground yet.  Kill ack?  No way- it just ruins the fight and turns it into a vulch-fest.  I'd rather have the enemy fighters have the protection of their ack.

The only time I care who owns a field is when I'm ready to land.

"Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not". Thomas Jefferson